Chapter 12: Killed her own sisters?

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They say that Disney world is the happiest place on earth but obviously they have never been in your arms.

As the morning light falls inside the mansion, Swara tries hiding her face, she cutely shifts herself even closer and deeper into his chest. It feels so warm here a cute smile spreads on her face, but the light it peeps in through the little space left, she pouts cutely in her sleep weakly opening her eyes to see him snoring, not too loud but yea he's snoring cutely, it's Laksh. 

Swara looks at his face his eyes cutely closed, lips have a small smile just like the one she had. She giggles looking at him closely, it feels so good, he shifts a bit pulling her more closer to him. She snuggles into his chest trying to hear his heartbeat and for a moment she feels as if their hearts are beating together, with the same rythm and pace.....

Ragini is awake early so is Sanskar who's looking at her from a distance, Rags has a smile on her face looking at Piya who's sleeping on her lap cutely, her hair falling over her face, annoying her. Ragini slowly tucks her hair strands behind her earlobe taking care that she doesn't wakeup, Sanskar goes and sits next to her on the chair.

"I wish i could just read your mind sometimes so badly, it just makes me restless being unable to do so" Sanskar exclaims his eyes gazing into hers.

Ragini smiles looking at him "how about you try reading my eyes Sanskar, I'm sure you won't have any complaint's then."

"Well thats complicated how can one read eyes?" he wondered and she smiled replying "well, I don't know how, but when hearts meet it's the eyes that express it first... "

The duo share an eyelock just to be interrupted by someone, "god save me before this lovaria strucks me!" Piya exclaimed covering her eyes with her hands.

Sanskar turns his face the other side and smirks as Ragini looks at Piya flustered.  

Piya gets up and cutely kisses on Ragini's cheek exclaiming "I don't know if I offended you or something, but that's my way of thanking beautiful and caring people like you". She stands up wearing her slippers and turns around hitting the glass table and making a noise good enough to startle up Lucky.

Swara who's leaning on lucky gets her head hit by his chest pretty hardly "Ouch!" she pouts cutely rubbing her head.

Lucky looks at her in pain rubbing his chest and Piya whose now next to him keeps a hand on his shoulder saying "its him who should say ouch! skull bones are stronger than chest bones! Anyways, this is what you get as a result of your lovaria" she gave the duo a tight lipped smile.

Swara glares at her with pain and irritation "lovaria?"

"Mosquito bite malaria ; love bIte lovaria" Piya replies going away from them towards the door. The duo blush as Piya shakes her head continuing "it's okay, except me you all seem to be patients of the disease."

Piya turns twists the door handle and tries pulling it. To her amusement it opens making her extremely delighted.

Lakshya and Sanskar strangely get tensed as the events from last night have a flash in front of their eyes "STOP!" they yell in unison.

Piya looks back at them surprised "hun?"

"After what happened last night, it doesn't seem right leaving you to go all alone out there" Sanskar states and Lakshya nods saying "yea, I'll accompany you till your house."

Piya wipes her invisible tears and eyes the boys emotionally "you guy's! You are soo good thank you so much, i mean i was so afraid to go" she feigns a smile.

"I mean seriously? You guys, it's morning and more of all you are the guests here, I don't want people to say that i didn't take care of you people properly. And that too, who would take your cute girlfriends melodrama" she says looking at Swara and then at Lucky "she's cute enough to even kill me with guilt that her lucky boyfriend came to drop me and himself got lost in this new city!"

Ragini interrupted them "we aren't new here." Piya gave them all a super tired look exclaiming "Chuck it off, I'm strong enough to beat those morons with a broomstick, and yea get ready in next 45 minutes, I'm taking you guy's on a tour of Dehradun, so if i take more than 45mins... "

Everyone gives her a suspicious look but then she grins "I'm a girl, it takes time for girls to decide what to wear!" she rolled her eyes and just walked away.

Swaragini giggle at her antiques and the boys couldn't help but smile.

Few hours later, Piya comes in all happy and chirpy "ready people?"

The boys smirk at her, just then Ragini comes down they are all changed and look pretty comfortable and happy, the atmosphere was quite lighter then they expected and most of all they were all kind off trying not to remember the tensions or stress that was impending.

Piya looks at them wondering "someone's missing err! the puppy faced one where's she?" she exclaims annoyed.

Sanskar chuckled correcting her sort of "Swara!"

Piya just nodded twice "yea yea! one and the same thing.

Her reply amused Lucky "she's getting ready, would be down any moment now."

Ragini walks upto Piya a bit worried and gazes at her "you all good? And, where are we going for now?"

Piya sensed the worry in her voice and expression, "I'm awesome" she replied with a smile "and as for the going thing, i haven't planned anything yet, we'll go were roxy takes us."

Piya points at a black jeep standing outside and states "I know it's a bit old fashioned, but it's good enough to fit five of us and yea the eating stuff too."

Lucky's about to say something when Piya interrupts him "No! Sanskar will drive, I don't wanna end up dead, atleast not so young!" she retorted.

The trio look at her shocked and confused, her statement made Sanskar ask "how can you say that?"

Piya bit her lower lip saying " I don't know, but looking at his stature" she gazed at Lucky's bruises from the new moon that were still so fresh "I just felt that way, I mean what else could have him had bruised so badly, of course rash driving, doesn't seem like a boxer or police officer to me."

Just then Swara approaches them making a cute sad face to which Piya mocks her "What now? Planning to go for miss universe?"

"Nopsy" Swara replied sadly and Ragini approached her, keeping an arm on her shoulder lovingly she queried "baby, any problem?"

Swara nods cutely her hand now reaching her tummy "I feel like I'll puke any moment if i don't ask any questions, tummy is too full!"

Piya looks at her with disgust "Eww! Well then for the sake of humanity, why don't you ask some rather than getting everything and all of us messed up here."

Swara's lips curved up instantly as she exclaimed all excited "where are we going?"

Piya hits her ow forehead with her and the boys start laughing out loudly. Ragini tried to hold her laughter as Swara looks at all of them one by one and gets even more confused.

Piya just shook her head suggesting "How about we visit the school first?"

Swara gets all hyper and excited but then both the boys exclaim in unison "school? seriously?" they try to tease her but then Piya glares at them "I'm not joking always! It's an awesome place, the school of the supernaturals, but you guy's seem to have interest in having some more looks of the mansion's decor so enjoy!"

Piya drags Swara and Ragini with her heed less of their opinions and the boy's just shut their mouths and follow her.

Your the key to my soul....

They are here, finally where all their questions would get answered, their life which was brought abruptly to an end would get a reason to start again. From the place where it all ended. 

As the five of them enter the school, they get a few flashbacks

The tree where Piya used to write names of the three sisters, as it was said 'the one who wrote their names here together would always live together'. 

Piya slightly puts a hand over it's trunk revealing the name 'SWARAGYA.....'

"Such fools, I mean, who writes their names on a tree thinking they would live together forever?" Piya exclaimed shaking her head to which Ragini frowned "it's not fair, you can't just say that!" she fought pointing at the other names "see, it has so many names on it. What if it were true?"

This time Swara joined in saying "if it were, then we wouldn't have been separated like that, ever!"

Swara was now puzzled at her own words, she looked down at ground wondering "why did i say that?"

"Din't I say, no more questions please baby?" Ragini exclaimed and Swara shrugged her shoulders. As they all walk to the other side, the enormous jungle is revealed, the jungle that connects the most dangerous yet beautiful routes of the world. 

It connects the five beings on this earth, the mortals that is the humans, the walking dead: the vampires, the beasts that is the werewolves, the special humans: the immortal ones that is the witches and lastly the unknown: the hybrids...

As Piya shows them the exterior beauty of the school, she tells them the rumors and the stories she's heard. Suddenly she feels something, her eye's close for a moment and when she opens them, she feels weird. 

Piya just dismisses her thoughts and continues showing them everything around. It's resting time but even a little bit of immobility and Miss. Swara gets bored. She starts walking here and there and that's when she here's a noise, suddenly a door cracks open a bit which is noticed by Piya who jumps up exclaiming "the potions chamber!"

Ragini just stares at her confused "how do you know it?"

Piya sighs "I heard people talk about it, the last one to get it opened was some Swarali Singhania, the eldest daughter of the blessed Swarupa Singhania she was said to be blessed that her three daughters would be born with some special powers, water, fire and nature. Swarali was blessed with fire but she had a lot interest in portions, the chamber of portions was last opened by her. It's only her who can open this."

Piya now examined the entrance and pointed at something on the door that looked weird "they say Piyali, the youngest sister locked it with a recognizing charm on Swarali's command, as she wanted it to never be opened again by anyone. She was guilty for being the one to kill her own sister... "

Swara froze at those words "killed her own sister ?" she turns to find the other three stand and just stare at her whilst Piyali was unaware that her words had brought a huge turmoil there. Swara turns towards the chamber and just goes inside, she feels as if it were waiting for her since ages, the fragrance of the herbs, her herbs... 

Yess they are her herbs, the door to the portions chamber seems to have opened her mind's that area, which had her past locked in it. As she closes her eye's, every scene of her childhood, her past childhood, comes to her sight, her sisters, her love, her portions, and lastly... 

The first day of the triwizards conquest...

Everything goes blank after that, no memories of what happened, nothing. Swara get's so frustrated that she bangs her hands on the wall leading to a portrait come visible. 

It's the three sister's together ...

"Impossible! tell me I'm dreaming" Piya's jaw now hung open, Ragini keeps a hand on her shoulder replying "No Piyu, your not."

Piya touches the portrait and her hand slides in, the portrait slowly becomes invisible revealing that it's a door to another chamber. Piya pulls her arm back shaking her head profusely "no no no.. this is not real!! Tell me it's a drama shooting going on, this is just so... "

"Fictional... " Swara completes her.

Sanskar looks at Ragini who's by now worried for her sisters, he signs her trying to tell her what he just heard. He read it all that Swara's mind has just got, the images of her past. 

That's when he knew, it was her, it was Piyali who had blocked all their minds, for some reason he still wasn't aware of. It all hinted towards the one statement that Piya made "Swarali killed her own sister" the reason for it all...

As they go inside, all they see is books and books but just one that brings their attention the one at the center and that has it's cover written with blood "I hate myself more than i love you..." as Swara touches the book it suddenly opens up and the pages turn faster and stop at the page which reads the title in bold "The Amulet of Zenithar... "

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