Chapter 13: Maybe tears of happiness...

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Your smile is literally the cutest thing I've ever seen...

Okay before we begin guys, I'm on laptop and literally even emoji's could not do justice to the happiness and everything I feel looking at my cover. My eyes were literally transformed into hearts the moment I saw it and the credit goes to of course none other then Silent-writerr  Sautu yaar mai teri kala ki fan ho gyi hoon!!!! 

Haina ekdum magical *heart eyes emoji's into infinity rn*

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there.

The past:

Swarali's POV:

The Zenithar, it literally was at the jungle unlike we sisters thought. The lights flashed, as the angel struck out of it, she was gorgeous, maybe that's the reason they call her angel. I guess all the participants were there, it was a guy who found it.

"My child congratulations on getting the first amulet, so what is your wish thy Zenithar?" the angel bowed low in front of him.

The one who found the amulets was renowned with the amulets title till he/ she kept it. 

"Would you like to continue with the competition, or would you love to make a wish thy Zenithar and use this opportunity for your benefit first?"

The guy seemed interested "benefit?"

The angel nodded "the benefit of being lauded with the price, in exchange of your life's most precious thing or value or power ?"

The guy looked at her intrigued as she continued "Would you like to do the honors and tell me what's the most valuable thing in your life, it can be your powers, feelings, anything."

The guy instantly replied "my powers are the most valuable possession in my life, no powers means I'm nothing special, just a normal human being here, so it's my magical powers that are valuable for me."

The Angel smiles wickedly "so, what price would you decide for them?"

The guy doesn't realize what he has bid for "they are priceless ..." are all he could say and the angel vanishes, leaving him fall to the ground as the realization hit's him. The beautiful looking angel seemed to be a well...  

Witch with a b at the start, she tricked him and sucked all of his powers out, he's the one to find the Zenithar, the one who lost his everything at the first stage of the conquest and now he has just the amulet left.

The others leave to find the next amulet, the boy throws away the zenithar in frustration, which lands in front of Piyali who picks it up and sadly looks at the guy who still doesn't realize that he can continue the conquest.

He had the assets he required for the journey ahead, his powers could have been retrieved by the amulet of Akatosh but indeed not everyone used their brains as much as they were supposed to.

As the journey continues, we sisters find ourselves more close to the end, the result with a girl named Anushree finding the Amulet of Talos.

God how idiotic of her, the time lessening amulet landed us in more trouble when she desired it to lessen all the participant's time limit by 20% and now we are here with zero amulets and energy level too. Piya's still not confirmed that the Amulet of Stendarr is not in the jungles, I mean the book that we've got, clearly say's the shielding amulet is to be lost it's presence from the sight of jungle.

Poor little sister of mine, I feel really pity for her now, the conquest's really making her go crazy by each passing second.

As she squeals we three that's me, Rageshwari and Uday jump up from our seating positions highly alert and afraid a bit might add.

OMG ! OMG THE_WITCH_WITH_THE_B! just helped my sister didn't she? Damn freaking hell, as the angel smiles my little sister inserts the Amulet of Zenithar in a oval shaped mark on the tree trunk, just opposite to us a light emerges within it as the tree's cracked open there's a Amulet hanging in thin air.

Piyali grabs it with a big smile as she closes her eyes a fairy god father, okay he's hot! Uhmm... appears from no where as he speaks his stuff of 'my child' and 'thy Stendarr' I just stare at him, that's when Rageshwari wakes me up, damn her pinch definitely got a blood clot on my arm.

Piyali smiled subtly replying "I would like to choose my journey thy Stendarr."

The angel frowned "are you offending me? You know that I could ruin you for this offence, right?"

Thy Stendarr, my soul aim is to fulfill my mum's dream of being the winner of this conquest, I know I would definitely need you in this journey but you're too precious to use you right now. I'd rather wait for the right moment, I know you won't like if I just waste this wonderful opportunity and end up losing the conquest because I did not have you when i needed you the most."

The God, well guy, he's not my father come on! smirks "you really are one of her blessings Piyali, go and conquer the Akatosh, I'll be there when you need me the utmost."

Holy godmother! he turns to me then "thank you, for the compliments Swarali, even i won't like a girl so beautiful like you to call me a father..."

He vanishes into thin air as I blink at his reply, was he Sanskar's brother, I mean he just read my mind!!

But then the boriyath continues again, as these fellows drag me to the next level...

Finally comes the Mara which we both, that's Piyali and me solely desired that it be found by Rageshwari. I guess the god has been really thankful to us, she found it in the Mario's church. It was hidden in a burning candle light, Rageshwari and fire really seem to be a good combination "hey wait is he.. is he the Stendarr one?? No, No, dad said that they are nine, I guess he might be his twin maybe?"

Rageshwari chooses to desire finally once in her lifetime, she does, but oh wait! My sister seems to twist her statement, "I would love to desire the wish of marrying the person I love, but thy Mara, not until we sisters complete this conquest. I want them to attend my wedding, a wedding without my siblings is not what I would ever wish for."

The Mara smiles at her "Sure my child, your wish will be fulfilled as soon as the Akatosh gets conquered, and your siblings will surely attend your wedding with the one you desire."

And just he's gone too..

Finally when I think, I'm useless completely, as both my younger siblings have found an amulet each, I find it the one that I really desired the most, the Amulet of Kyraneth... 

The one that boost's a person's stamina and unlike my sisters, I use my amulet to the fullest by desiring an instant increase in stamina.

Swarali's POV -

The light's flash and something happened within me, as the 'Thy Kynareth angel ' smiles at me with a wicked grin and poof! 

She's gone, vanished in thin air, as I grin at myself feeling proud that I found something finally! Well it's not something, it's an amulet, The amulet of Kynareth!

As the journey continue's, I don't know why, but still I feel proud at myself, I mean it's just an Amulet Swarali, stop being so sissy.

But hey! the Kynareth is not something, it's different, totally alluring, amazing, it gives you stamina to fight the competitor's.

Rageshwari's POV -

We are still moving as Udayveer succeeds in finding another clue for the next amulet, I'm thankful to him really, at this moment I don't know how many day's and night's have passed, we are stuck in this jungle, sometime's we find ourselves in the city, sometime's it's like a dream an evil dream. 

Piyali just tries harder and harder to stay away from Udayveer, to stay away from her feeling's for him. I feel like giving my little sister a piece of advice, that darling it's love why don't you face it rather than run away from it.

Swarali now seems to have finally been fed up, "how much more uday? Seems like you have found a wrong piece of information!"

Udayveer chuckle's "Princess Swarali seems distressed, it's a conquest sweety, not just any competition."

Swarali stops midway and stares at him "so do you mean that I'm here to do timepass?" her eyes have a weird glint strangely "I mean seriously?"

"Woah!" Uday takes a step away from her "Swarali, chill! What's with that sudden change in attitude?"

Swarali just shook her head retorting "it's not attitude, it's your plain jealousy. Couldn't even find a single amulet hun?"

"Swarali" my glare usually worked like a charm on her but not today, not that instant.

Swarali just stared back at me with an even stronger intensity "Rageshwari, what am i saying wrong? I mean what kind of a wizard he is, just good for nothing!"

That's it I can't take it more "Swarali enough of it now,! You're nowhere near him, I hope you know that he was the one who helped us all reach here." I try to stay as calm as possible.

Swarali smirks "really? He might have helped you to get that stupid Mara of your's! But for me, my Kynareth is something I found on my own, without anyone's help, after all I'm not a loser like you."

And finally I loose my control and just blurt out "Oh really? Is-" Piyali holds my hand in nick of time calming me as I look at Swarali I realize what's happening with her.

I look back at Piyali who blinks at me and I compose myself turning my attention back to my big sister "Swarali, right now let's just drop this topic and move further, we have still four more amulets to find, come."

I hold her hand but then she jerks it off "No! I'm not coming with you anymore, or else when I win this you would even credit my win to this stupid."

Udayveer just stares at her without replying, I know he's hurt by her comments, as he starts to leave Piyali holds him back "Jiji, I guess it's enough now" as she looks at Swarali calmly still holding Uday's hand I don't know whether I should feel happy that my little sister has started taking stand for Uday or should I be sad and worried for my elder sister who's under the charming spell of the kynareth now.

"You are right now, in no state to know how your words are hurting someone just be calm and don't speak for my sake please" Piyali requests and seems like it does work on my sister who just shrugs her shoulders "fine if you say so then, keep him away from my sight and now we are resting, it's night, I need some good sleep."

Piyali nods and get's a tent out of her pouch, as I join to help her Uday leaves from there to get some wood I guess. Swarali being not her right now, just wanders here and there thinking, well that's what people do right when doing nothing!

It's midnight and Piyali's sleeping peacefully besides me, as I turn to my other side I find it empty. I get up in a hurry but careful enough not to wake my little sister. As I come out I see Uday sleeping, I go to wake him up but then .......

Piyali's POV -

I open my eyes to complete silence and vacant sheets beside's me, I get up worried and rub my eye's as to confirm if I'm not dreaming. But no, it's not a dream, there's no one besides me, where the hell are my sister's?

As I run outside thinking they might be there, I find Uday sleeping under the tree, I go and shake him vigorously and he mumble's through his half open eyes "Good morning princess, but doesn't this morning seems to be dark abit?"

I shake my head and look around worried, suddenly he holds my hand and turns me around to face him "what's the matter princess?"

"Swarali and Rageshwari jiji are not there in the tent" I retort and he gives me the stupidest reply ever "which means thy are together princess, then why are you getting worried they will come back."

I glare at him "they never go without informing me Uday, this one's seriously a problem now!" Uday looks at me confused as I continue "The Kynareth, remember what uncle brij said during our training?"

Flashback to one of their childhood training session's - 

Brij is shown speaking to the kids "so kid's, at the conquest there will come a moment when one of the amulets will try to control you, charm you, especially the mara and the kynareth. These are said to have been the strongest charmer amulet's, these tend to bring unnecessary attitude, ego and anger in you."

"You won't realize what your doing, it's hazardous enough that you can even kill anyone without any reason's and at the next moment it would make you so guilty, that you would kill yourself with the guilt! So kids, the most imp lesson to be learnt, never let any of the amulet get over your feelings and emotions, be calm and in control of your senses."

Flashback ends and Uday stands there scratching his head "she was so excited when she found the Kynareth, we should have warned her then and there, how stupid of me!"

I look at him worried now as slowly the realization hits me "right now we need to find them, Rageshwari jiji's life might be in danger Uday!"

As we turn to leave, we hear some noise, Uday get's alert and is about to hit the person behind him but then he pauses mid air "woah!" Swarali jiji exclaims "easy man, i just give you some bad talks and you punch me in return?"

Uday sighs in relief turning the blames on me "well, it's all your sister's fault."

Swarali jiji looks at me smiling "Good news wanna listen?"

I look at her a bit confused and nod slightly still not sure as she chirps "Rageshwari wanted to use her desire to wish, so she went to Sanskar!"

She hugs me tightly as i feel something really weird and suspicious "really?" is all I could manage to say and Swarali jiji stares at me making a cute face "Don't you believe me? Fine, come we'll all go there to Sanskar's house."

She grabs my hand and pulls me but I stop her smiling, still not believing at her words "No Jiji, sorry I trust you, okay?"

She nods and a tear trips down her cheek, I ask her the reason but then she replies saying even she doesn't know, may be tears of happiness for her sister perhaps... 

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