1. The Stubborn Princess

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"Princess Sharon," the king looked at her waiting eagerly for her attention to share the thought that was bugging him.

"Yes, da-" she was about to address him as dad when his deadly glare made her seal her lips and composing herself she again spoke, "Yes, your majesty?" she said while stuffing a bit of her spicy delicacy into her mouth implying all the royal ethics.

Royals, she cursed.

"I was thinking about getting you married with," he couldn't even complete his statement when he heard her interrupt, "I will but there's one condition," she didn't bother about the stern look her father possessed or to be precise the King of the royal kingdom possessed all she knew was it was something that would affect her life henceforth.

"I don't adhere to conditions rather I make others to follow mine," he said being firm enough.

"I am not any common man of your kingdom on whom you will be able to impose your decisions. I am a princess and let me remind you, I am your daughter, if you have forgotten." The king had his eyes filled with rage, no one in his rule had the power to talk to him at this high pitch and here his own daughter, the one from the royal family who had been taught to keep their pitch low has raised her voice, a protest against his decision.

This was not acceptable to him but his eyes fell on the servants who stood glued at their places looking at the princess behaving so. He gestured the servants to leave immediately and without wasting a moment they all ran away not wanting to face the volcanic eruption due to the King's temper that was certainly about to happen.

The King turned towards his stubborn daughter, who sat delightedly having her food, enjoying each and every bite as if nothing had happened. He took a few quick steps and was rooted when he heard her murmuring a tune probably a song. He thought it was of no use to talk to her at this moment, she won't listen to anyone.

The moment her mother told that the King was upset she rushed to his royal room. "Dad?" she knocked at the giant door that was beautifully carved with delicate designs. She didn't get any respond and tip-toed into his room and spotted him gazing at the endless sky. She stood beside him analyzing him or precisely his mood, the very moment she entered his room he noticed her, he questioned, "What is it?" his voice filled with frustration yet affection, fatherly affection.

He sat on the couch with velvet cushions, she hurriedly sat on her knees at the floor placing her palm on his "Please!" her eyes pleaded, "I don't want to marry someone just because he is so and so or belongs to so or so royal family or whatever. I want to marry someone whom I feel is capable enough of handling your daughter," she made him look at her, "you know how stubborn she is," she continued and rolled her eyes to which her father giggled, how easy it was for her to make things beautiful yet so simple, to make life enjoyable. She finally succeeded in convincing him but he was still doubtful about her decision to marry someone who is just a common man, yet his fatherly mind let him go according to her wish.

She smirked at the thought that their plan was almost complete. she slid out the royal pendant which became more precious after their first meet, the first time when she met him, her Swayam! and soon she dozed off to sleep dreaming about him.

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