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Sharon, the princess of Europe, an arrogant and immensely rude specie of her kind. She probable is one and only one of her kind. And this will be proved henceforth.

The European Power, The Great King Martin - rules the whole of Europe and certain extended parts in Russia. Martin plans to have his kingdom extended to Russia as well as Asian territories.

Rochelle, the darling wife of Martin, and Queen of the huge empire, wants her daughter, the Princess Sharon, to get married to a prince who would indeed make their already huge empire spread further. It's not that she is mean or a bad mother; it's just that she wants her daughter to be empowered with all the facilities that deserves, in fact more that what she has been receiving in her own palace. She wants to have a groom, who would love Sharon like no one else could and take care of her as delicately as she is.

Swayam, a man who has come from one of the Asian kingdoms, has an enclosed character. But all of a sudden meets Sharon and his life turns upside down whereas, Sharon is all terrified meeting him. And eventually the two fall for each-other. There love has to tackle many obstacles.

Will they be able to sustain their love or their will be defeated in front of the various obstacles?

Will their love strengthen or they will fall weak?

Will they be able to stand hand-in-hand or will they fall apart?

This all would be known here, right here, in the royalist imaginations of the immensely intense couple, The Fairy-Tale Affair. Of SwaRon.

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