chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Let's continue......

Recap: Swara's bond with Biji...,Kavita jeolus of Swara,Sanskar worried about Swara and  upset with her , Swara's conversation with Sleeping Sanskar.... :* , Sanskar still restless...,


Sanskar is sleeping on the bed....,his face dugged in the pillow....,

He took his head up...,and slightly opened his eyes....,then opened his eyes slowly...he remembers last night Swara's talk....while sleeping on the bed...,her talks are echoing in his mind...,he got up...and sat on the bed...,his hairs are messy...,and his faded..., his... eyes...are swollen too...,

He looks towards Swara's....side and then looked around...,his face faded...again..., and he tilted his eyes...,,

Sanskar:(to himself)Swara....,I'm not getting anything.....,

He shut  his eyes in frustration and stood up from the bed...,

Her words are disturbing his mind....,, her words have made home in his mind..., what he heard with his letting think further....,his mind is these words....,he thinks...and thinks....,again and again...

Sanskar:(to himself) have made confused...., what you said last night is not letting me to think anything....,,

He tilted his head and thinks again...,he took his head up...instantly ,her words strikes his mind again....,he remembered ...,


He only remembers her words...,then  whispered....,

Sanskar:(to himself)BABY!!!!.... , (frowned)Our (Stammer)OUR BABY!

He thinks again...,he remembered her words what she had said him...but he didn't pay any attention to her words at that time....,


Sanskar:(Whispers)OUR CHILD???

He thinks...,

Sanskar:Swara....wants a baby.... ^_^

He thinks and then smiled...,

Sanskar laughs...,

Sankskar:(smiles)Hww...,So...she wants a baby...Damit....,

He remembers her tears....,and her sadness...,he remembers her talks...when she used to talk about a baby....,


Swara is sitting on the bed resting her head on the headboard and he is resting his head on her shoulder...,his nose touching her nape...,

Swara:Sanskar...don't you like babies...,

Sanskar:What!! babies what you mean...Swara..

Swara:(hesitate)I mean...,don't you want our own baby....,

She stammers..,

Sanskar understood,he took his head up..,and cupped her face...,

Sanskar:(smiles)Swara....,why are about our baby...,don't worry when there would be the right time God will bestow us with a baby...,

He turns off the light and slept beside her...,hugging her..., sleep Swara...,and let me sleep too..,

Swara keeps looking at him..,


Sanskar:Ohh...God...,how fool I'm....,what rubbish was...going my mind...and She... (laughs),,She just...want a baby....

He a glittering way...,tilting his head..., the thing...that she is so quiet now a days...,OH GOD...damn...., Why I couldn't understand before that she needs a baby...., ^_^

He placed his hand on the window...,

He thinks something and smiles then  went inside the washroom and slammed the door in hurry...,,
IN HALL: sitting with Gaitiri...,they are sitting on the floor....,making the flower garlands....,there some flowers baskets are placed near them and Swara and Gaitiri are making the flower garlands.. ,

Swara is dressed in a light pink colour sari,with full sleeves and deep back her hairs open as always but today she is looking like a her light pink...sari and is...glowing on the other hand..., <3

She is holding the garland in her one hand and the flower in her other hand...,she was about to slid the flower in the thread through a needle...,but she stops doing when Gaitiri said...,

Gaitiri:Swara....beta..,where is Sanskar.. He didn't wake yet...,its too late now....,

Swara heard that and started remembering that what...happned last night...,she knows that Sanskar is angry at her...and his anger is...not meaningless she knows that...,he is right on his place He have the full right to ask her...,

She is thinking and then  became worried....,

Gaitiri:Swara...beta what happened..., where are you lost...,

Swara came out of her thoughts and answers...,

Swara:Massi....,actually Sanskar was having little pain in his is sleeping still...,you don't worry..., main.. abhi jati hun..uske pas...,

Gaitiri:Arey...nahin..beta..,let if he is not well...,you sit here with me...,I wanna discuss something with you.. ,

Swara looks at her...and smiles...,but she is worried for Sanskar too...,

Gaitiri:Swara...beta see...,I'm your mother age...right so I wanna ask you something can I ask??

She looks at Swara...smilingly...,

Swara:(smile)Yes  Massi offcource you don't need to ask my permission you can say whatever you want...,

She says this and again started making the garland...,

Gaitiri smiles..,

Gaitiri:Swara...beta...,I know... you married with Sanskar....,I mean...,you both married forcefully...,without your consent...,but it doesn't seem that... you both were married forcefully...., I'm little confused beta....,Plzz don't take me wrong...,

Swara:(smiles) can ask...that  you wanna ask...,I can understand..., :)

Gaitiri:Swara...beta...,I mean to say... both are happy with eachother na(cares Swara's face),,I know the answer but still I wanna hear this from your mouth....,

Swara smiles and tilted her eyes...,

Swara:Yes...Massi...,we are more than happy....,I know we married forcefully...,it wasn't easy for both of us to accept this relation.....,but we both don't know that...when we fell for eachother....,, Sanskar...loves me...alot...,he loves me...more than...anything....,,

Gaitiri:(smiles) about you...,you too loves him...naw??

Swara:Yes....I too love him..., his love has made me fall for him....,he has become my everything....,

She talks with Gaitiri and gets lost,

Gaitiri smiles and moved towards her...,

She kissed her forhead and blesses her...,

Gaitiri:I knew it...beta...,,,even everyone know that....,we are the witness for your love towards eachother.....,we have seen it..,,

Swara smiles....,

Gaitiri:And...Sanskar....,(thinks)I can't believe that...,he is my...own Sanskar....,he has played in my arms.....,I always wanted a wife like you for him......,(laughs)and yes....,he got you....,and I can see...the love which twinkles in his eyes for you beta....,I have seen him...,his behaviour....(thinks)

Gaitiri now became serious and her eyes moisted...,,

Gaitiri:Beta....,,I don't know why but I always get worried about Sanskar's happiness....,I don't know why...I'm seeing the fear in his eyes.....,I don't know...what kind of fear it is... (thinks),,,,,but he is so possessive for you....,I have never seen that ever....towards anyone,he loves you alot....,promise me beta... ,you won't go anywhere leaving him...,

Swara thinks...,she got teary eyes...,

Gaitiri noticed the tears in her eyes...,

Gaitiri:Beta...what happened....,why are you crying....,,,I didn't mean that....,

Swara looks at her and her tears fell down....,but she wipes her tears and smiles....,

Sanskar came walking down the stairs...,smilingly and happily....,but he stopped at the middle when he saw the tears in Swara's eyes....,his face became worried..,and he keeps looking at her..,

Sanskar is seeing her....,he is confused to see her tears....,he heard their conversation his heart beats increased..., he breaths....and gasps....,
He doesn't know why but he always gets worried when he sees the tears in her eyes....,
He tilted his eyes...,

Swara:Massi....,who...want to...leave!! (sniffs)

Sanskar looks at her and frowned at the same time...,

Gaitiri is confused...,

Swara:Massi...,what...can I do...,its fate na...,if Destiny would  have written something then who can change that......,

Her eyes are moisted but she is trying to control her tears...,

Gaitiri:Beta...,what happned...,is there some problem...,you can tell me...,,,,why are you behaving like this...,,

She cups her face and looks at her....,

Swara understood that what she said...,

Swara:No...Massi...,there isn't anything like that....,wo to bs....,,

She wipes her tears and smiles brightly..,

Swara:You..don't worry....,I won't go anywhere...leaving Sanskar and why would I go.... ,now...he is my world....,only he...,ussa dur hone ka...toh main sapne main bhi nh soch sakti..., (thinks)

Gaitiri:(smiles)You scared me...beta...,

Swara smiles...,but the next moment the smile disappeared..., she thinks and again wipes her tears and quietly started making the garland....,

Sanskar noticed her,,,He is standing at the middle of the stairs...,his eyes moisted hearing her words...,he..closed his eyes...not wanting to see her tears...


Her last night said words are echoing in his ears...,,He turned his face...and keep thinking....,

Sanskar:Why...She...always talk like that...,is there anything....,

He didn't complete his words and...thinks again...,

Gaitiri:Swara..., been 7 months to your and Sanskar's  marriage right ??

She looks at Swara and asks...,

Swara smiled and nodded her head in yes and kept making the garland...,

Sanskar's concentrations are towards them...,

Gaitiri:So when are you gonna our junior Sanskar...., (giggles)

Swara became red with shyness after hearing this....,she stopped making the garland and looks at Gaitiri....,

Gaitiri noticed the glow of her face...,she understood that she is feeling shy....,

She smiles and placed her hand on Swara's belly and blessed her...

Gaitiri:May God blesses you with a baby....soon...., (laughs)

Swara tilted her eyes and smiles...,she thinks...again,,

Sanskar looks at Swara's face...,a sweet smile also appeared across his lips..., seeing her smiling he keeps looking at her happy face..., he noticed that how happy she was after hearing about their child...,,, :*

Gaitiri's eyes fell on Sanskar who was standing there looking towards Swara...,she smiles...,and called him..,

Gaitiri:Sanskar....beta...,you woke up...,Come here...,

Swara heard Sanskar's name and looks in that direction...,

Sanskar looked at Swara...,both shared an eyelock..., <3

Swara's smiley face turned into a worried one...,she tilted her head...,she thinks that Sanskar would be angry at her and she knows that she can't justify herself infront of him..,

Sanskar went towards them and took Gaitiri's blessings...,

He looks at Swara but she is not looking at him..,avoiding eyecontact with him..,and is making the garland...,

Gaitiri:Swara...beta..,,I have some work.., you,I will come afterwards...., hmmm!!

Swara nodded and secretly looks at Sanskar too...,but then again tilted her eyes and kept doing what she was doing...,

She blesses Swara and went from there..,

Sanskar looks at Swara...,he thinks that she is now angry at him..,he smirked with a little smile..,and sat beside her..,

Swara understood that he sat beside her...,she took her eyes up...a little while her head down to look at Sanskar...,but again...tilted her eyes in a moment...,

Sanskar moved closer to her...,,

Her head is down she is busy in making the garland..., and her straight silky hairs floating  down her face...,, touching...HIS face..., Swara didn't notice that he is sitting this much close to her..., she doesn't know that her hairs are creating magic on his face...,

He closes his eyes to feel her hairs...,

Swara's heart beats are increasing but she kept quiet...,busy in her work..,,

Sanskar smiles at her innocent face...,

Sanskar:(thinks)OH...God..,,she is angry at me.., :*

Finally Sanskar broke the silence...,


Swara heard him..,but didn't look at him and answered him firmly...,

Swara:Hmmmm...???(while doing her work)

Sanskar:(hesitingly)Swara...,,naraz ho..mujhsa..??

Swara took her head up and looked at him with a innocent face and nodded in no...,then again started doing her work...,

Sanskar isn't satisfied with it...,he want her to talk with him casually..., as she used to do always...,

He took the thread and the needle from the basket and started making the garland...,he takes the flower and slid  the flower one by one in the thread...,

He got lost in it...,Swara's...words again revolves around in his mind...,


Swara looks at him and thinks that why is he quiet.. ,she looks at him and then continued her work...,

Sanskar was so lost, the needle penetrated in his finger a little and he gasps...,,


Swara became worried...,she left the garland and held his finger....,

Swara:What...happened Sanskar...., how many times have I said you...,stay away from lady's works..., won't listen me...,

She sucks his finger and scolds him with teary voice...,

Swara:(moisted eyes)Kuch...Hojata toh...,

Sanskar is looking at her...,and said...,


He said in a worried and husky tone..,

Swara looks at him..,they had an eyelock...,

She doesn't know why he said that..,she became confused and tilted her eyes...,

She thinks that he is hurt with her what she said last night...,she raised her eyes up and looks at him and said instantly...

Swara:Sansskar...I didn't mean that..., plzz forgive me.., I swear I won't say it again...., (holding her throat),,, (sobs),, plzzz forgive me...,

She cries out...

Sanskar looks at her...,he imidiately took her in his embarace and said...,

Sanskar:No...,(gulps)No Swara...,,you don't need to be Sorry....,,it's my fault....,I didn't get... you that what you wanted to say...,plzz forgive me...,

He cares her hairs while her head on his chest...,

Sanskar:You...Don't worry Swara...,I Will give you what you want....,,I won't let you suffer anymore..,

He says this and his tears fell down..,but he imidiately wiped them..,

He himself doesn't know that what has happned to him now a days...,,He wanna see Swara infront of his eyes...,he doesn't want her to go away from  his eyes for a single moment,he doesn't know why is he restless now a days...., he has a...huge river of fear in his heart....,he has become so possessive towards her now a days...,Or we can...say..that he has the FEAR OF THE STORM  that is gonna ruin his life,,,,,,,,

He broke the hug and cups her face...,

Sanskar:Now No more tears Swara..,(wipes her tears),I wanna ask you something really important....,

He looks into her eyes...,,,

He was about to complete but they heard the sound of baby's crying...,

He moved back and looked in that direction...,,

Chanda is holding a 8 months baby in her hands and is trying to make it calm....,

Swara:Chanda.....,what happened..., why is he crying this much....,,,

Chanda:Actually bhabhi...,,Sree bhabhi  has gone out somewhere,Kavita and Payal are also along with her...,its been 3 hours now they haven't returned yet...,and now it's too difficult to handle Aryan... (baby's name)

The baby again cries...,Chanda tries to make it calm...,

Swara stood up and went towards Chanda...,she took the baby from her hands and plays with him...,

Swara:(to baby)What...happened baby...,mishing mumma... hmmm...,,

She tries to make it calm..,, Sanskar looks at her smiley and happy face..., and admires her...,he can see the glow of her face..., which reflected on her face when she saw...the baby..., :*

Chanda:(smiles)Oh he is asleep bhabhi...,I was trying this since so long and he slept so easily in your  arms....,

Swara:Chanda...., blanket...,

She says while the baby is snuggling in her chest....,

Chanda:Bhabhi give him to me I will take him to his place..,

Swara:Chanda....plzz can I keep him with me for sometime...,Sree bhabhi is not here naI will take care of him...plzz...

Sanskar smiles at her innocence and her sweet way of pleading....,

Chanda: Okay...bhabhi as your wish...,I will bring you his blanket...,

She left from there along with... Chanda,

Swara placed  the baby on the  bed..., she cares his face and again  kisses him...,she is loving the baby...,.she thinks about her own baby....,then something clicked in her mind....,she got up and thinks..,

Swara:I didn't tell Sanskar about our baby...., (worried)I should tell him.. soon I don't want more misunderstandings between us..,

She thinks and then again rested her head on the pillow and cares the baby's face and closed her eyes....,
Sanskar came in the room calling Swara....,but his voice stuck in his throat when he saw the scene in front of his eyes...., <3

His eyes got stuck at his lovely and beautiful wife....,she was sleeping her eyes closed and her long hairs floating down her waist, touching her waist and disturbing her face....,she is dressed in a light pink sari and not looking less than a...fairy <3 her simple beauty gives relief to his heart and his eyes,a contended smile spread on his face  leaving a peaceful effect on his soul...., he felt like the world stopped for him, a cool breeze is  touching his hairs as felt by him.., <3

He moved towards Swara and sat beside her he just looks at her innocent face..., touches and cares her face....,he removed her hairs from her face....,and locked them behind her ears...,kisses her on her forhead and hugs her while she is sleeping....,,His head is placed on her chest and he is sleeping on  Swara's side...,hugging her...,Swara felt his grip over her waist and opened her eyes...,

She cares his face and kisses him on his hairs....,

Swara:(caressing his hairs)What is this..., is this the time to romance..,,

Sanskar cuddles and tightened his grip over her waist his eyes are closed.. ,

Sanskar:Swara I relaxed when you are near me...,I love you Swara...,!!

Swara smiles and placed her head on his head...,

Sanskar:Swara...,I don't know why...,but I'm restless....,


Sanskar:Swara...I'm not feeling good..,

He says what he feels to her...,he himself is very confused and  combobulated about his own inner thoughts...,,

Sanskar:Swara there is something... which is disturbing me,I don't know what...,I don't want you to go away  from me...,MUJHA...CHHOR KE..TOH NAHIN JAOGI NA SWARA...!!

He asks instantly....,

Swara's face faded...,she got teary eyes..., and put her head up and looks at him..,

Sanskar is still hugging her by her waist almost sleeping over her...,


Swara:(teary voice)Haan Sanskar....,

Sanskar:You didn't answer me..., MUJHA CHHOR KE TO NAHIN JAOGI NA....,

Swara thinks and cries...,her eyes moisted but...,she gets lost...


Sanskar confused...,he instantly took his head up and looked at her...face...,
She imidiately wiped her tears...,

Sanskar:What you mean Swara!!


She again made him sleep down..,he again hugged her and now his eyes are open...

Sanskar:Swara....main..tmhara bagair nh jeesakta....,,YOU KNOW NA..,!!

He tightens his grip over her waist and said...,

Sanskar:BS...TUM MERA SATH RAHO SWARA....!! I won't ask you anything....,I promise!!

He holds his throat...,

Swara's tears fell down on his cheek...,
He felt that and touched his own cheek and frowned...,he got up and sat  in front of her...,placing his hand on her cheek..., always cry Swara...,

He wipes her tears and looks into her eyes....,,

His eyes fell on the baby sleeping beside them...,,He smiles and remembered...,

Sanskar:Achha...Swara...,leave this...,tell me..DO YOU LOVE KIDS??...,

Swara:Yes Sanskar...,I love them...alot...,

She cares Aryan's face...,he is sleeping just beside her...,

Sanskar smiles and looks at her face..., he sat beside her and wrapped his hands around her shoulders...,

Sanskar:Swara....I wanna discuss something really important with you...,,,

Swara:I too wanna tell you something, Sanss-kar.. say first...,I know what you wanna say...,

He smiles sheepishly..., :p

Swara shocked..,

Swara:What how do you know that what am I gonna say..,?

Sanskar:I know...means I know...,

He makes faces...,

Swara's face turned red...,

Swara:Sanskar...,Who,, you...,??

She stammers..,

Sanskar looks at her and laughs... ,,
He turned towards her and cupped her face...,

Sanskar:Ohh...Swara...,I don't know anything....,you say...what you wanna say...,

Swara squinted her eyes...,and looked at him with angry eyes...,

She pinched him..,

Swara:hw..., you..made me fool...,am I a fool...Sansskar...,

She pouted her lips and turned her face...,

Sanskar looks at her and smiles...,he dragged her towards him by her shoulder and placed her head on his shoulder...,,and got glued to her body...,

Sanskar:Swara...,I was kidding...., now say what you wanna say or else I would say...

She interrupted...,

Swara:NO...No...I will say first...,

Sanskar looks at her excitement..., he looks at her with amazement....,

Sanskar:(laughs)What...happened Swara asa...bhi kya....Batana ha....,

He rolls his eyes and smiles..,

Swara smiles too...,she put his hand and placed it on her waist....,,,

Sanskar looks at his own hands...,which she placed on her waist....,he looks at her with amazement....,

Sanskar:(in mind)OH... God...why.. She always place my hands on her waist..., :p

He smiles mischievously....,


Swara interrupted and placed her finger on his mouth...,

Swara:(smiles )No...Sanskar...,.. you have to..listen me...first...,

Sanskar is astonished....,
He put her finger down and noded...,his hand is still placed on her belly...,and he is not looking at her...,

Swara held his other hand...,

Sanskar rolled his eyes towards her with a sweet smile but he is still confused at her behaviour...,he keeps looking at her..,

Swara:Sanskar....I always ask you...about our baby...,na...,

Sanskar:Yea-h So..??(smiles)

He smiles and got her...,he knows that...what she wanna say but he doesn't have any idea that what will she...say...,, and how will he react..., :p

Swara:Sanskar you know...,I have... waited for this moment so long..., this...,,(stutter) the best...feeling of my life....,you gave me..,you are...the reason to make me feel so blessed...,

She is saying this while looking in his eyes...,,,

Sanskar is just looking in to her eyes...,his hands are placed on her her support....,he is...looking at her smiles..., her cheeks are going red...,he smiles... while squinting his eyes...,

Sanskar:(in mind)Oh...God...,what's the matter, she is so overwhelmed.., !!

He looks at his hands which were placed on her waist by her...,then he looks at her facial expressions.....,(he chuckled) Swara keeps looking at him...,

Sanskar raised his eyebrows up and asked her...,

Sanskar:(raising eyebrow)KYA???

Swara became confused...,


Sanskar looks at her and then tilted his head...,


Swara holds his shoulder...,

Swara:(rasing her eyebrows) Tumhain kya huwa..??

Sanskar looked at her..,


He made rest her back at the headboard and sat infront of her...,he placed his palm on her forhead...,then patts her cheek...,

Swara looks at him confusingly...,

Swara:Sanskar....,what are you doing...,

Sanskar:Swara....umm...,are you fine... ,Sb thek,bukhar sar par charh gaya ha...kya...,

He again checks her forhead...,

Swara removed his hand in frustration..., and shouts a little...,

Swara:Sanskar....,are you kidding me..., :/

Sanskar:(rolling his eyes)Nahin... toh hmari kya majal...,

Swara pinched him so hard that..he let out a huge scream...,

Sanskar:Ouuuuu!!!..,Mena...kya kia,

Swara was about to shoot him with her words but before she could say something....,the baby who was sleeping peacefully got disturbed by his screams and started crying,

Sanskar looked at him astonishly...,
Swara bitted her lower lip in anger...,and looked at Sanskar...,

Sanskar understood through her eyes...,that she is fumed at him...., :p

Swara who was already angry at him....,pushed him...,(he jerked ) , and went towards the baby and picked it in her arms...,and looked at Sanskar for a moment and stood up from the bed rolling her eyes...,

Sanskar:Swara....,I'm sorry...,wo actually, mena...,

Swara:Shut up...Sansskar...,,

She put on her slippers...,and was about to move...,,

Sanskar imidiately stood up and held her hand...,


Swara left his hand in frustration and pushed him on bed...,

Swara:Bhar...main jao...Sansskar..., mujha kuch nh batana and i won't tell you EVER!!

Sanskar is  laying on the bed...,he stood up imidiately...,

Swara: For your kind information..., MR MAHESHWAR...,this...was YOUR SURPRISE.....,,,,, (rolling her eyes)which I was supposed to give you...., (gritting her teeth) but you have...spoilt it....,!!!

Sanskar:(shocked)What!! SURPRISE but Swara listen to me...,I want my surprise...,I'm sorry....,

Swara:Surprise my...FOOT!!,forget about it... ,

She knows that she didn't mean that...but still she said with an attudinal tone and stomped her feet on the floor and left from there holding the baby on her shoulder....,,,

Sanskar sat on the bed with a thud..,and thinks...,

Sanskar:(to himself) Lo...Sanskar.... babu, bhul jao...surprise....!! (Settling himself for laying on the bed), won't get any surprise....,,,

He slept on the bed and arranged the blanket on himself and kept mumbling  with himself...,

Shomi:Rago...beta....!!,,I'm happy understood everything....,now you will see...everything would be changed soon...,my old Beti is back...,I'm so happy....,Sb thek hojayega ab...,

She hugs Ragini...,

Ragini:Maa...,How can everything will be..fine...,,,I have spoilt everything.., Humna Swara ki...zindagi hi barbaad kardi ha maa..,,,

She cries...,

Shomi:(worried)Why..are you saying this beta....,??

Ragini:(Cries)Maa...I know about Swara's health...,

Shomi is shocked,her eyes moisted., yo-u you..know..,?

She held her from her shoulders and asked...,

Ragini told her everything....,,
Ragini:Maa...,Swara..was bearing this... pain alone and me,I left not a single way to trouble her..., (sobs)Maa hmari behen humsa dur jarahi ha or hum kuch nh karsakte,I kept making her life more than a  hell,humne..ussa Sanskar sa dur krna chaha,Kya kuch nh kya humne..,,

She didn't complete and burst out crying...,

Shomi consoles her ,Ragini is hugging her and crying bitterly...,

Swara ,Kavita and other ladies are.. present in Chanda's room...,making her ready for her haldi....,,

Payal:Swara...bhabhi we need some pins..,I have to tie her dupatta...,

Swara and all are searching for the pins..,

Sree:No..pins are not here...,I forgot to buy a new pack for Chanda...,

Swara:It's...ok bhabhi don't worry I have some pins ,you guys make her ready I'll  bring the pins...,hmmm..,

She moved towards her room...,

Swara entered in the room and started searching for the pins...,while doing so her eyes fell on Sanskar...,who was still sleeping...,she went towards him..,and poured a glass of water on his face....,

Sanskar jerked and got up instantly,

Swara:Sansskar...,,have you seen the time...,abhi tk so raha ho...,it doesn't mean that I'm angry at you would not even try to convince me..., :/

She looked at him and composed her face showing fake anger...,,

Sanskar rubbed his eyes and looked at her...,


His eyes widened after looking at her...,, :O

He looks at her from top to bottom...,his eyes just got stuck at her...,

She is wearing a yellow colour lehenga.., with a yellow half sleeves  blouse....,,her yellow colour  dupatta with a silver border and beads around her neck and floating down at her back.....,,her waist is clearly visible...,,

He keeps looking at her... :-O  :*

He didn't answer her..,she rolled her eyes and turned and went towards the dressing table searching the pins..., this is too much..., kbsa tumhain kuch batana chahti hun  but you aren't even listening me...,,,

Sanskar looks at her continuously..., she is roaming in the room talking continuously...,

Sanskar looks at her only...,she is looking super gorgeous in that attire <3 and yellow enhaces her glow...,her naked waist...., her bare back  whole covered with strings....,

Swara:Sanskar I'm...talking,

Sanskar came back out of his dreamworld....,he looks at Swara...,

He smiles naughtily and stood up, without making any noise....,he tip toed towards the door slowly slowly not wanting Swara to see him,he locked the door...,and then turned towards Swara and looked at her...,while standing at the door...,he smiles mischievously looking at Swara...,

Swara:Sanskar...,,jawab kyun nh deraha mujha.....

Saying this she turned towards the bed...,she thought that he is still laying over the bed...,she frowned and turned to look that where is Sanskar....,

Sanskar is standing just infront of her eyes...,at the door...,

She looks at him...,and raised  her eyebrows...,and pouted her lips...,

Swara:Ye...kya Horaha ha...?? :/

She took some steps towards him and stopped and looked at him and frowned...,


She looked at the door..,she knows that he has locked the door...,Sanskar is just smiling naughtily....,she became nervous..,

Sanskar moves towards her...,she tilted her eyes...,she knows that he won't leave her...,her heart beats increases...,

Sanskar reached at her...,he walks his finger on her face sexually....,

She clutched her lehenga but her eyes open....,

Swara:Sanss--kar....,don't do this...,Jane do mujha...,

She looked at him and then rolled her eyes and moved towards the door...,

Swara:Sansssskar...muj-ha kaam ha...,,

Sanskar held her hand....,she stopped and her heart beats more rapidly...,

His chest got glued with her bare back...,she gasps....,

He wrapped her waist with his hands from back dragged her closer to him...,
She instantly closed her eyes...,feeling his touch on her bare parts...,

She got some courage and turned towards him and tried to get out but he gripped her naked waist and cares her face again....,

Swara is now panting....,

She removed his hands..

Swara:Sanss-kar...plzz ,let--me.. G-ooo!!

She turns and was about to move towards the door but Sanskar imidiately gripped her back string in his fingers....,

Swara gasped and stopped at a moment....,she knows that if she moved a little ,her all the strings will be untied  and her blouse would be no more covering her chest.....,

Sanskar is just looking at her...,he knows that....He is...holding her...weak point....,he smiles sheepishly....,his...eyes glares her naked back.....,she is breathing heavily.....,,,

Swara:(panting)Sanss--kar....plzz don't do this...,I-I have to GO...plzzz,

He moved towards her...,and rested his lips on her naked shoulders and sucks her shoulders....,his tongue walks towards her neck...,,,She tries to control her moans and clutches her lehenga and scrunched her eyes....,

Swara:Sanssssssskar!! (Gasps)

He gripped her waist and got fused to her....,his hands are placed on her breasts.....,,He started kneading her breasts over her blouse while standing at her back....,his tongue continuously roaming at her neck....,he licks her  nape sexually.....,,,she held his hand not wanting him to continue as she was losing her senses..,

Swara:(panting)No--San..ssskarr... lea-ve,,

Sanskar chuckled and held her hand...., he knows that she too want the same..., he cares her arm and licks her arm from top to bottom...,she is... breathing... heavily....,

She pushed him back and moved forward but as she moved forwards  her blouse strings which were gripped by Sanskar's fingers....,,got untied......and her blouse was just about to fall down but she held her blouse strings from behind....,her eyes widened....,she imidiately turned towards him with widened eyes....,


Sanskar is looking at her with lusty eyes....,
Her doughty eyes tilts down instantly, she became whole red...,her cheeks became red....,,

Sanskar looks at her bulging chest..., which was more visible now....,,, He moves towards her..,she feels nervous she is unable to...control herself now....,

He moves towards her and gripped her waist tightly.....,she didn't say anything and closed her eyes and in no time he started kneading her breasts while caressing her waist, she is still holding her blouse with her hands...., she doesn't want him to see her....,Sanskar removed her hands from her blouse and held it by his hands.....,Swara's eyes widened....,,she thinks that he wouldn't leave this time..,she gave up...and left her blouse in nervousness and closed her eyes panting heavily.....,

Sanskar glares at her face....,he can see her panting,he can see her clutching her lehenga,he turned her and got glued with her back ,holding her blouse from front.....,

He touches her sides waist sexually,, He cares her back...,,she is feeling his touch..,

He again leaned over her back and started giving her open mouth kisses there ,he licks her back... continuously she is just moaning with pleasure.....,he sucks her shoulders.....,her opened hairs are placed on one side of her shoulders.....,

He picks up her blouse strings..., while caressing her back,she pants high...., her eyes are now closed...., he...begins to tie her blouse strings....,she is shocked,she turns her neck and looks at him that why is he tieing her blouse because he himself untied it,,

They had an eyelock....,

Swara felt shy and rolled her eyes and tilted her head....,
He ties her strings but continuously caressing her back with his fingers between her back strings,she feels like butterflies.....,

Now her blouse is tied to her top.... fully....,he again cares her nape....,and turned her towards him...,,
He looks into her eyes for sometime..., and admires her....,

Sanskar:Mrs...Maheshwari....YOU ARE LOOKING SUPER....HOT TODAY.....,

Swara shys and tilted her eyes....,while he gripping her waist tightly....,

Sanskar leaned down and placed his forhead on her's....,completely lost in her beauty....,

He leans down to adjust his lips over hers....,first he brushed her lips with hers slightly....,Swara's cheek again got red and she looks at him...,he again closed his eyes and placed his soft lips on her rough lips and started sucking them....,their.....kiss became more...deeper....,Swara....opened her mouth widely.....,her hands unknowingly wrapped his neck....,she moved him closer to herself....,she moves more closer to him placing her feet on his feet...., he moved his tongue inside her mouth and moves it around her tongue while continuously brushing her hairs with his fingers and caressing her  face at the same time....,,both are lost in their hungry kiss.....,
After a 3 minutes kiss He stopped sucking her lips,they started breathing in eachother's mouth...,,their lips touching eachother.....,,breathing heavily.....,looking into eachother's eyes....,he smiles and pecks her again on her lips and then kissed her on her forhead....,she closed his eyes to feel the kiss....,he looks at her...smilingly.....,he needed this and this time....he didn't fail to get what he wanted....,Swara....tilted her eyes out of shyness and hugged him instantly...,
He was taken a little back on her sudden hug but laughed and hugged her back....,his one hand placed around her back and other on her head caressing her hairs....,
She was all nude in his embarace...,that she forgot that for what....she came there ....,

Swara:Sanskar.....,,,you always
tease me..,

Saying this she tightened her grip on his waist and snuggled with him...,

Sanskar broke the hug and said...,

Sanskar:(naughtily)Swara....If you want more than...I have no problem..., :p

Swara hits him on his chest..., and hugged him by clutching his shirt....,

Sanskar smiles....,
On the other hand..., bhabhi...,she didn't come yet...., Payal go and see where is...she..., don't worry...,she would be coming...., go...and see her, kahaan gum...hogaye....,,,

Payal:Kavita Didi....,come with me...,,we don't have time now...,Maa...will be here in sometime...,and if she saw that Chanda di is not ready...,,,she may...get furious....,so...hurriedly come with me....,

She said this and dragged Kavita along with her....,
Kavita and Payal reached at Swasan room...,

Kavita tries to go inside the room..,

Payal held her hand..,

Payal:Didi....,what are you doing..., first knock the door..., (giggles)

Kavita's fumed but controlled...,

She knocks the door...,

Swasan who were standing in  eachother's embarace heard the knock and looked in that direction...,

Kavita:Swara are you there....,we...want the pins...,,hurry up...,open the door plzz what are you doing inside...,

Swara's eyes popped out...,she remembered that why she came there...,
She tries to get out of Sanskar's grip...,

Swara:Sanskar...,main..toh bhool hi gaye...,

Sanskar held her waist more tightly...,


He moved more close to her and placed his head on her chest and closed his eyes...,behaving like a kid...,

Swara:(whispers)Sanssskar...,leave me...,bahar sb mera wait karaha hain...,leave me....,

Kavita again knocks the door..,

Kavita:Swara....,are you hearing me...,

Payal:(knocks)Swara... bhabhi...., why are you not answering us....,

Swara:Sansskar...leave me...,,,,

He is holding her wrist tightly....,,He dragged her...towards him... and again...,leans over her lips...

Sanskar: last... time...plzz ,,

Swara pushes him...,

Swara:Sanssskar...!!,,kya karaha ho...., leave me...,

Sanskar: Okay....kiss me then you can go....

He is holding her by her waist....,

Swara looked at him nervously...,

She instantly kissed him on her cheek and tried to get out...,

Swara:Sanssskar-- now leave me...,

Sanskar:What...,not there Swara...,I want here...,

He points towards his lips...,

Swara:(frowned)Sans--skar !!

Sanskar rolls his eyes,not looking at her...,he doesn't wanna listen anything...,he compose his face pretending to be upset....,

Swara smiles...,

She pecks him on his lips all of a  sudden,he looks at her...,and smiles...,

He moved closer to her face and kissed her on her cheek with happiness...,

Sanskar:(laughs)Thank you Swara....,

Swara:Now plzz leave me..., Sansskar...,

She said this and got out of his grip and picked the pins from the ground ,composed herself and went towards the door...,

She opened the door...,

Kavita is looking at her with widened eyes...

Kavita:Swara...asa...bhi..kya karahi...thi..,k jawab bhi...nh desakti thi....,

Swara:(fumbles)Ohh..actually Kavita...,I was searching for the pins...,sorry......,

Payal:Bhabhi....say...sorry afterwards..., now plzz come with us...,,

Swara noded,,she is all nervous..., and exhausted too...,

Kavita: ok...,why are you so exhausted..., :/

Swara:Nothing Kavita...,let's go...,

She said this and Payal and Swara went from there....,,,

Kavita is not satisfied....,she peeped inside the room...,

Sanskar was standing there..., smiling with himself...,rembereing their recent romance..., :p

Kavita looks at him suspiciously...,

Kavita:What...was Swara doing inside..., and their room was locked...,what...the hell...., :/

She gritted her teeth...,and moved from there....,

To be continue.......

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