chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Let's continue......

Recap:Sanskar worried,,Swasan romance....


The haldi ceremony started....,

Sanskar was standing in the hall..., meeting with the guests....,,and talking about,

All ladies brought Chanda down... through the stairs...,,,
All looked in that direction...,

Sanskar's eyes fell on his beautiful wife...,, He again got Mesmerised by her beauty....,she is Seriuosly looking really and really gorgeous in that yellow lehenga....,a simple MANG TIKA on her head......,,,,,and waist chain.. around her naked  waist....,,,,and her hairs falling down.....,,,she is wearing matching jhumkas  in her ears....,he is  admiring her beauty and he again got lost in her.....,he admires her laugh....,she didn't notice his gaze....,,all the ladies are gathering Chanda....,Sanskar is standing at some distance with the gents and adorning his sunshine wife ,,, :* :* :* <3

(NOTE:Guys....really she is looking extra gorgeous in that attire...,I seriously can't control myself even with the imagination..... <3 :*    ,just imagine her beauty......, :* ^_^ )

All ladies.....,,started applying the haldi  on Chanda's skin.....,,,,

Chanda is laughing and smiling....,,
Swara smiles naughtily,she took the haldi on her fingers and applies it on her cheeks...,and says...,

Swara:Dekhna...Chanda...,you...will glow.. more than a moon after applying this haldi.....,,,then..I Will ask you...that is that the glow of  SUNNESH'S LOVE...!! (She winks at Chanda and giggles)

Chanda smiles and tilted her eyes....,

Chanda:Bhabhi...,You are teasing me...,

She became red...,

Swara laughs...,and again.... laughs...,,,

Sanskar is just looking at her laugh..,his face gained an unknown glow which he gets after seeing her laughing face....,

   "OHH..GOD..HOW....PREETY SHE IS..." :*

These are the only words which got  stricken  his mind at that time..,,,, <3

Offcource he was missing this Swara...,he was missing his lovely and chirpy Swara....,yeah...he is seeing the change in her today....,he doesn't know why but he was restless the whole day but after seeing the scene infront of his eyes He got some relief...,, was the real...glow of happiness....which was reflecting on her face after so long....,he...can easily scan between her....fake...and,,He her soul....,,,He can... understand... her heart....through her glowing and....glazed eyes...., talking,laughing...., smiling...., dancing at the sound of music played by the ladies with some traditional music intrument....,

He is feeling a fascinate relief to his soul...,to his eyes....after seeing her  infront of his eyes....,,,,,but Who...knows that how long lasting THIS....IS!!!!!!
After sometime.....,the haldi ceremony was finished but the function was still going on...,all the guests are...present there.....,,,

Sanskar is...talking with gents...,and Swara is sitting with Ladies....,BUT SOMETHING IS WRONG !!!!

juice you will feel better...,

Swara is  feeling like nausea,she is not feeling well...,but is sitting there....,talking to them...,

Swara:Massi...,I don't want this...,plzz

She moves away from the glass as she doesn't like the smell....,

Chanda:Bhabhi....,plzz have it...,its the special juice...,you will be alright soon...,trust me...,

BIJI:Swara.......have it...beta...,you will feel better...,tum jaldi thek hojaogi...,

Her hand is placed on her head...,

Swara:BIJI....plzz I don't like it...,,

She is feeling like nausea...,she knows that why her head is paining she hasn't taken her medicines yet...,AND SHE SUFFERS ALOT WHEN SHE DOESN'T TAKE HER MEDICINES!!

BIJI took the glass from Gaitiri's hand and placed it near Swara's mouth.. ,


As Swara smelt the juice...,,,she pushed the glass away from her mouth and placed her palm on her mouth...., and ran...from there....,

Gaitiri,Biji and Chanda are confused seeing her like this....,

Gaitiri:Biji...what happened to her...,..

Biji understood...,she smiles..,but kept quiet....,

Gaitiri:Biji...I should see her...,,

She was about to go after her...,but Biji stopped her..,

Biji:(smiles)No...Gaitiri...,wait...,she will come herself..,

Gaitiri:But Biji....,

Biji:Gaitiri...,wait here...,she will tell us herself...,that what happned... (giggles)

Gaitiri is confused..,,
Swara entered in the washroom.... and..., vomited out....,,,she screams so... loudly..,

Her head is paining alot...,,,,

She took her head up and looked at herself in the mirror...,

Her mouth was all red with blood..,she again screams...and vomited out...,

She washed her mouth....,,and rested her back at the wall...,
She placed her palms on the walls to get support and went outside the washroom..,

She searches her medicines.... everywhere  moved towards the... dressing table....,,,she...throws the and there....,finding for the medicines....,her hands are shivering....,

She went towards the stool...,and checks there....,but couldn't find anything...,
She fell on the bed with a thud in a sitting postion...,holding her head....,, brushing her fingers in her hairs.. ,

Swara:(hoarsely)San-sssss-karr....,,,, San-Sskarrrrrr.....,,

She screams in pain....,
She rested her head on the headboard giving support to herself... ,her tears are flowing down...continuously.....,and she is gasping in pain....,

Her phone was placed on the stool....,,it starts ringing....,she looked in that direction....,,and tries to pick...the phone.., she picked it...but it fell from her hand on the bed....,she got up...leaving the support of headboard....and picked the phone.....,she saw the number and a weak smile spread across  her lips....,which lasted just for a  moment  and then again tears started gathering on her cheeks....,

She picked the call and placed it on speaker....,,,


Ragini:(shocked)Swaraaaa!!!,,,,kya huwa...Swara....,,


Ragini:(stammer)Swara...,,what happ-ned yo-ur medi-cines....,,you hav-en't tak-en yet--....

Swara is not able to talk with her...,the phone fell from her hands...,

Ragini:(cries and worried)Swara..., answer me....,what happened...,

Swara:Rag--ni....,,meri dawa--ye...,

Ragini:(Cries)Swara.....,listen, don't be weak Swara...., kuch nh hoga tumhain.....,, Sansskar kahan hain.....,, (sniffs) see Swara....tmhari dawaye wahine hogi.....,,hum.. tumhain kuch nh hone denga.., TUMHAIN HIMMAT NH HARNI HA SWARA!!!

Swara is not talking to her now...,the phone is placed on the..bed...,,

Ragini:Swara....!!..Swara...tum thek toh ho..., (shouts)Swara....listen,

The phone got disconnected....,

Ragini screams....,

Ragini:Swara....!!..,, (sobs) NO...NO.. nothing will happen to you....,, (wipes her tears)

She imidiately dials Sanskar's number.....,,

Sanskar's phone is ringing...,,it's placed on the dressing table  in the room...,
Its ringing and ringing continuously....,

Ragini:(cries)Sanskar...pick up the phone....,

She shut her eyes in frustration....,and  fell down...on the floor...,crying bitterly....,

Ragini:(cries)What...should I do..., SWARA!!!Plzzz....God help me..., HELP ME....!!!

She keeps crying....,she again tries Swara's number...but now it's not reachable...,she cries...and keeps crying....
Swara reached in the hall...,holding her head....,,,

She is breathing heavily....,she wiped her tears and tries to walk...,she walks while holding the poles...,


Some people watched her...,like this...,
Chanda was sitting there along with the Biji....,she screamed Swara's name...,and stood up...,


She gave her support...,

Chanda:Bhabhi...what happened...,are you ok... ,

Biji too moved towards Swara...,,

Swara:Chanda--,,,SANS--SSSS-KAR....,, kahaan ha...wo...,

She is breathing heavily....,

Chanda:Sanskar bhaiya...,wo..toh...,

She looked around...,

Swara got out of her grip and left her support....,,

Chanda is looking at her confusingly  she went after her and tries to stop her but Swara didn't listen her...,

She is moving,her eyes are slightly open, she is holding her head...,her eyes are...searching only for Sanskar...,

The vision is being blurred infront of her...,she is feeling dizzy now...,

Her eyes fell on Sanskar....,

Swara:(whispers) Sanss....,,,Sanss-kar...

She moved towards Sanskar...,he is talking with the gents...,Uday and some other gents are standing there....,

He is facing Swara his back...,

Chanda came towards Swara...,but Swara removed her hand and went towards Sanskar...,

She is stumbling and falling...,then stands up holding the support...,, panting high...,feeling dizzy........

She placed her hand on Sanskar's shoulder from back...,


Sanskar turned smilingly....,he doesn't know that who is that person....,but as he turned....,his eyes fell on Swara....,

Swara looked at him and her eyes gets  closed....,,and to the next momemt she was... uncouinsious....,

Sanskar's face faded....,she fell in his arms....,

Sanskar:Swaraaaaa.....,(screams) Swara open your eyes....,(shouts)SWARA!!! open up your eyes what happened to you...

His breath stopped for a while seeing her like this....,his...eyes moisted...,

All gathered around him ,all are looking at them....,

He is holding her by her naked waist...,patting her Continuously..,he sat on the floor....,,..and took her in his embarace....,, up your eyes....,

His eyes popped out with a sudden shock...,(he gasps)when he saw the blood coming out of her mouth....,he touches her lips...,he was shocked to know that its blood and it's coming out of her mouth....,


He shouted....,and patted her cheeks..., his fingers are brushed in her hairs...,

He moves her more closer and tries to make her conscious....,

Sanskar:Swara...plzz open up your eyes...,SOMEOME PLZZ CALL THE DOCTOR....,Plzzz open your eyes.....,SWARA!!

His tears fell on her cheeks...,,,He is going mad seeing her blood...,he continued patting her....,he hugs her....,and cries....,

Gaitiri:(worried)Swara...beta... get...up..., what happened.....,

All are crying seeing her like this....,

Kavita's mouth is wide opened seeing him like this.....,her eyes popped out...,she doesn't believe her eyes..,,is he the same Sanskar whom she loved...,who used to love her...., he behaving like  this...for Swara...,just for her...,her mind is that time...,her eyes moisted....,and tears fell down...

Sanskar picked Swara his arms...,,and rushed towards his room...,

All moved after him...,

Kavita saw this...,she rolled her eyes...and went from there....,she didn't went after them....,and moved from there....,crying...

Swara is laying on the bed....,,,
All are gathered around her....

Sanskar  is sitting beside her....,rubbing her hands ,trying to make her conscious....,he is crying now....,he can't see his life laying lifeless.., he shouts....,

Sanskar:(cries)Swara!!...plzz get....up..., What happned to you...,,plzz get up...,(SOBS) UDAY!!!,,,,, WHERE IS...THE  DOCTOR...,Kyun...nh aye wo abhi tk...,(shouts)

He again looks towards Swara....,and cups her face....,he placed his head on her head and cares her face....,and cries leaning over her,,

Uday:Sanskar...,plzz control yourself...,see I have called doctor....,but it will take sometime....,as it's night and here isn't any nearby hospital....,doctor will take sometime....,

Sanskar again patts her cheeks....,

Sanskar:Swara....,get up..,Wake up... Swara...,see I'm here..,listen to me...SWARA!!!,,look at me...plzzz

He took the glass of Water and splashed the water on her face....,

All are seeing him writhing for his love,he can't see her like this....,

He looks at her moistly expecting her to open her eyes and to look at him..Once...,

Atlast She opened her eyes and then again closed in a moment,,she whispered...,


Sanskar who heard her voice...,instantly looked at her...,he smiles... his tears fell down seeing her concious....,he cupped her face...,and sniffs...,

Sanskar:Swara (sobs).....Tum.., tumhain kuch....,(stutter)

He checks her ,he picked her up within a moment and hugged her....,tightly..,,

He shut his eyes and his tears fell down...,

Sanskar:Thank..God..!!!,,,Thank God..,you are fine.....Swara....,

Swara smiles and hugs him too..,,her head is placed on his shoulder....,he is sitting infront of her and they are sharing a tight hug....,

He broke the hug and cupped her face...again...,

He cares her face and kisses her on her forhead....,on her hairs...,he smiles....while his tears are flowing down....,

All looks at him...,they are shedding tears seeing this.....,all smiles....while their eyes filled with tears....,

Biji sat beside Swara....,and placed her hand on her cheek...,

Sanskar moved back...,and sat beside Swara...,

Biji:Swara...beta..,are you fine.., What... you....,you are

She again placed her palm on her belly...and smiles...brighter....,

All looked at her and smiled...,they understood that....,what Biji is doing...,

Gaitiri laughed and placed her hand on her mouth with amazement...,


She knows that what is she feeling....,
Swara is confusingly looking at them ,she is feeling nervous..., Sanskar looked at Biji....,

Sanskar:(confused)Biji....what happened...,,

Biji laughs and Gaitiri and Chanda too laughed...,they got biji's signal...,

Biji:Sanskar....beta khushkhabri ha....

All became happy,all got that if Biji is saying that then it wouldn't be wrong..., because she is genius in these matters,,

She placed her hand on his cheek...,and smiles....

Sanskar confused...,

Biji placed her hand on Swara's head and blessed her...,

Biji:Jug...jug jiyo Swara beta....,HERE IS A GOOD NEWS NA????

Swara understood her...,her cheeks became red...,and she tilted her eyes...,

Sanskar looks at her confused...,

Biji laughed out...,and all other laughed...,
Swara took her eyes up and looked around...,all were looking at her...and smiling...,Swara became a cherry...and a sweet smile spread across her lips....,she instantly tilted her eyes and hid her face in Sanskar's chest...,she clutched his kurta tightly....,with her fingers and...smiles....,

Sanskar is confused....,he placed his hand on her back...,and became worried...,


Then he looked towards Biji and asks...,

Sanskar:Why...are you all behaving so weird...,kya huwa...ha...,

Gaitiri:Beta baat...hi asi ha...,

Gaitiri blessed Swara....,

Gaitiri:Khush raho..beta...,(kisses on her hairs)

Swara felt like paining in her head...,she held her head...again..,


Sanskar:Swara!!..,kya huwa.., head is paining...,I haven't taken my medicines....,

Sanskar:What....!!,,Swara...are you mad..., (fake anger)

He imidiately went towards the cupboard and took her medicines...,and gave it to her...,

Sanskar:Swara...,hurriedly have it...,then doctor will come and will check you...,,

Swara took the tablets.,,

Biji:Now...We should go...beta...,you take some rest...,

She blessed Swara and all went from there....,
Sanskar:Swaraaaaa...,kya huwa tumhain why didn't you call me...,Haan...,,tum... thek toh,,,

He is cupping her face and talking to her in a worried tone...

He remembers that her mouth was bleeding...,he fumbles...,

Sanskar:I know..,,you are hiding something from me plzzzz tell me.. Swara....,,I-I swear....I won't react plzzz tell me...,, and blood(sobs), your mouth was bleeding Swara!(sniffs)What..,,what happened Swara...,plzz batao na mujha..,

Swara's eyes moisted ,she understood..,

Swara:(in mind)I have to tell him about our child....,issa pehla...k..., (gasps)

Sanskar:(teary voice)Swara..., say.. something I'm right na you are hiding something from me...,,,,I know you can't lie with me Swara....,,,

His hand is placed on her cheek...,and he is just seeing her..,her tears fell down her eyes...,

Sanskar became worried...,

Sanskar:Swara!! are crying....., (breaths)..,,tell me..Damit...what's the matter....,(fake anger),, tum...mujhsa kuch CHUPARAHI HO NA???

Swara wiped her tears and smiled and noded in yes...,

Sanskar stops...,he looks at her smile..,he too smiles seeing her smiling...,

Sanskar:Swara then tell me na.. WHAT'S THAT!!

He brushed her fingers in her hairs cupping her face...,

Sanskar:(moisted eyes)Plzzzzz....,

Swara held his hand....,,

Swara:Yes Sanskar....,I was hiding something from you but I think now its the right time to tell you....,I can't keep that in my heart anymore.....,, (sobs), ab nahin..,You have the right to know....,,

She placed her hand on his cheek...,and cries while smiling and looking into his eyes...,

Swara:You have full right to know... ABOUT YOUR OWN BABY....!!!,,

Sanskar is just looking at her...,

Swara held his hand...,,and placed it on her belly and smiles...


Sanskar's eyes widened at her this statement.....,

Sanskar:(stammer)What!!...,,, what did you say...,,

He looks at his hand which is placed on her  belly...,,

Swara smiles and her tears fell down...,

Swara:(sniffs)Yes....SANSKAR....I--AM.. Pregnant......,

Sanskar:Swara....,, (smiles)What!!!...

He took his hand back from her belly...,and looks at Swara....

Sanskar:Swara!!....,OH GOD...(stutter), My....Ba-by.. (laughs)

Swara noded and smiled....,,

His eyes glowed more...,as she noded...,

Sanskar:(smiles)Really Swara....,, (he held her shoulders..)

Swara placed her hand on his cheek..., and said...,


Sanskar stood up and turned his face...,

He laughs...,and brushed his fingers in his hairs....,

Sanskar:Swara....I can't belive this...,

He turned towards Swara and again sat beside her....,,

Sanskar:Swara!!...,,is this true...., ^_^

He placed his hand on her cheek...

Swara again noded....,

He hugs her while sitting....,

Sanskar:Ohh....God Swara...., Seriuosly....,I'm --gonna become a dad...,,OH REALLY!! ^_^

He broke the hug and cupped her face...,

Sanskar:(laughs)Swara....,I don't have words...,OH MY GOD... Swara this,my baby... (laughs) ^_^

Swara too laughs...

Swara took his hand and placed it on her belly...

Swara:(cries and smiles) Yes.... Sanskar...., its our baby, our own baby.....,

Sanskar looks at her belly and laughs...,

Sanskar cares her belly and then again laughs...,his eyes are twinkled as he got the best thing in his life....,he forgot everything....,he is so lost right now....,he is 9 right now...,he is happy that its his own child...,he is happy that he,is getting the biggest happiness of this world through his LOVE....,His life.... He got another reason to live in this world...,

He hugged Swara with amazement....,,,

Sanskar:Thank you....,,Thank much Swara....,,,I'm so happy today....,I-I  don't know how to react....., (laughs),I,can't believe it....,,,

Swara too hugged him and ,,,she placed her head on his shoulder and hugged him even more tightly......,,,,,,

She was feeling too relax,a big burden has,been....offloaded from her head, now she is satisfied with herself....,,She is happy that she is cheering the blissful moments of her life with her love of life....,her husband....,who loves her more than himself and she is happy that she got those happiness which she was searching for....,which she was craving for....,she is now tention free....,she doesn't care about herself....,she doesn't know what will happen with her but she is contended with what she is getting.....,these sweet moments matters her the most...,these are valuable to her....MORE THAN HER OWN LIFE!!,,,,

TO be continue...

Precap : Sanskar worried....,Swara's moments with the baby..,Swara not well and fell in Sanskar's arm...,Sanskar worried for her...,Swara told him about her pregnancy.... ^_^ ,, Sanskar shocked and happy :p ^_


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