Her Confession

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"ʟᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟғ ʙᴇ sɪʟᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴅʀᴀᴡɴ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛʀᴏɴɢᴇʀ ᴘᴜʟʟ ғ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ."
~ 𝓡𝓾𝓶𝓲

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Chapter 9: Her Confession

One Week Later:

"No, please. . . I don't feel like eating." She softly uttered, refusing to take the plate of rice.

"Swara, you have to eat!" He exclaimed, sitting in front of her with the plate.

She blinked at him and he forwards a spoon full of rice near her mouth, having no options to retort and knowing he can't argue with him, a sigh left her mouth while she opened her mouth to eat it.

Ever since her father passed away, she was in a miserable state but it was he, Sanskaar who helped her, took care of her, fed her, consoled her, supported her and comforted her so that her pain could ease. He knew he couldn't extinguish the pain from her heart, but he did know he could suppress it with the new memories that she makes. Being his Bhao's daughter, Sanskaar felt the need to protect her and keep her safe, after all the favours he owned Bhao.

Swara simply gaped at him while he was feeding her. She adored his effort of keeping her alive, despite being broken by her father's death himself. He never let her cry after that one time in the hospital, promising her to keep her safe. She knew he wasn't silent either, he was lowkey hunting for the culprits behind the death of his father figure, 'Bhao'. Every night, he was on his phone, ordering his men to carry out difficult tasks, which revolved battering and torturing the enemies in the hope that they spill out the names or confess to the crime.

"Sanskaar. . ." She trialled his name and he lifted his gazes, meeting her eyes. "Thank you." She continued, curling a small smile.

"It's okay."

"What's happening here?" Raman asked while walking in, hating to see Swara and Sanskaar being together.

From past a week, their 'love' that he assumed was torturing him to the core, little did he know that they weren't lovers. He wanted Swara away from Sanskaar, not approving of their relationship as in his eyes, Sanskaar wasn't a perfect candidate for his niece. But being helpless by the anger of Sanskaar, he continues to merely interrupt the two.

"I'm feeding her."

Hearing his cold tone, Raman angrily clenched his fist while walking inside. "No need! If she's not hungry then. . ."

"Then what?"

Swara notices the tension growing between the two and holds Sanskaar's hand. He stopped and turned his head towards Swara, calming his attitude just for the sake of her. Raman notices this and glanced at Swara.

"Swara, Bhaisaab is coming tomorrow. I came here to inform that." Raman informed and left the room angrily, leaving Swara startled.

"Bade Mamu. . ." She trialled off in aghast and Sanskaar arched his eye-brow.

"What happened?" 

"He's very strict, he would kill me assuming I ran away with you." She uttered and he held her hand. "I won't let anything happen to you."

She blinked at him, seeing his care and concern for her, feeling the seriousness in his words. She leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, shocking him. His heart began to flatter while hers battered against her chest. She had been nervous but gave in after she felt an unknown urge.

While she leaned back, the two looked in each other's eyes.


"We will finish them. . ."

The machines began to realise a sound, alerting the hospital staff and a nurse rushed inside to check on Raka, who was moving his body in an unconscious state.

"Doctor! Doctor!" The nurse yelled and walked towards the bed, bending down to press the red button on the remote attached to the bed, to draw attention.

Soon after, two nurses and a doctor entered the room and the previous nurse pressed another button to turn the alarm off.

"This is weird. . ." The Doctor uttered after seeing Raka's state. "Sister, get the syringe of anaesthetic." The nurse rushes out to do as told.

"Sister, attach the oxygen mask." The Doctor asked the nurse standing near the bed and she nodded, doing as instructed.

The Doctor leaned forward with his stethoscope, hearing Raka's heartbeat.


"Thank you for being here for me."

He nodded his head and lowered his gazes, putting the plate of rice on the bed. Before he could stand up, she holds his hand to stop him.

"Sanskaar, I like you." She confesses and he was startled.

"You, what?" He shockingly asked and lifted his gazes to glance at her.

"I, like, you."

He freed his hand from her hold. "I'm not really up for a joke, I have things to do. . . I need to go."

"I'm not joking Sanskaar, I really like you."

He stares at her for a moment, seeing sincerity in her eyes and sighs. "Swara. . . I, I can't. I'm not worth you."

Swara's eyes moisten "What do you mean you're not worth me?"

"You deserve to be with someone better and that someone is not me."

"But I like you."

"Likes change Swara, I'm sure you'll start liking someone else. Just don't waste time on me."

Her tears seep down from her eyes and he glanced away, not being able to meet her eyes filled with tears.

"You're right Sanskaar, likes indeed change, so I don't like you. . . I'm sure I love you and I don't care if you don't love me back. . . I will always continue loving you till my last breath." She confessed and he clenched his fist, standing up without looking at her.

"Get out of this fantasy Swara, love doesn't exist." He harshly remarked before walking out, leaving her poor heart to shatter.

She sobbed and then wiped her tears, not wanting to break down. "I will wait for you." She whispered and glanced down at the photo frame of her mother and father. "I know he has feelings for me, but he will never admit it."

She couldn't keep it in and hugged the photo while crying.


He walked out of the room, stopping by the wall while clenching his fists. "She deserves better." He muttered, consoling his inner self, which had felt heartbroken rejecting her poor soul, knowing her future can never be bright with him.

His thoughts were interrupted by a phone call and he slid his phone out of his pocket, answering it without gaping at his screen.

"He's awake. . ." Sanskaar had understood what those words were trying to indicate, wasting no further time, he rushed towards the exit of the house.


Hospital was crowded as soon as he entered, he pushed his way past to get to Raka. Sanskaar knew he couldn't trust the police, therefore he threatened the doctors and hospital staff to keep the police in dark after Raka awakens so that he could interrogate him before they do.

As he entered the room, he finds Raka laying on the bed with his eyes opened. Sensing a presence, Raka turns his head towards the door and sighed a relief.

"Sanskaar. . ." He trails off and struggled to sit up.

Sanskaar walked towards Raka to help him sit up. While being helped, Raka takes the oxygen mask off his mouth, holding Sanskaar's hand.

"B. . . Bhao. . . He was killed."

"I know that. But who killed him?"

"S. . . Satish."


"R. . . Raman. . . Police. . ."

"Raka! Stop pausing and just tell me clearly!" Sanskaar lashed out, holding Raka's shoulders impatiently.

Raka swallowed his spit, exhaling and preparing himself to tell the truth, the full truth.

"I. . . I was an informer for the police. They brought me after a incident and asked me to work for them. I rejected many times, but they manage to push me into the team by telling me that they will charge different cases on me, which could get me lifetime imprisonment. I didn't want lifetime imprisonment so I agreed. First I gave my Bhai's information to them and then he sent me here for you and Bhao."

Sanskaar looked on while Raka looked down. "I only worked for Rakesh, the senior inspector and now I realised why. . . That day, when I went missing. . . I was actually called to meet them and there I. . ."

After meeting the Inspector, Raka started walking away, failing to provide him any information other than where Bhao stayed and with how many people.

While walking out, he had realised that he left his phone in there and headed back inside.

"Cost is clear. . . You can kill Bhao and Sanskaar today." Inspector uttered while talking on the phone and Raka stopped, hiding behind a box to hear.

"We're here." Raka peeked after hearing a voice and saw Raman walk inside.

The inspector disconnected the call and smiled at Raman, who handed him a black bag.

"Your work is done. Now give us the information. . ."

"He lives in a colony. . . With one of his man."

"Give us the address."

"Okay. But I'll come after the incident to arrest Sanskaar."

"No need."


"Because I will stay with him for few days until Bhaisab comes. . . We lost Swara."


"Yes, Bhao's daughter. Without Swara, we can't access what we want. God knows where she is!" Raman angrily cussed and the inspector looked on while Raka gasped in aghast.

'Swara is Bhao's daughter.'

"Have you got her photo?"


The man hands it to the Inspector and he looks at it. "I'll find her for you."

"And you'll get your money."

"Bhai, we saw him peeking." A man uttered by pushing Raka inside.

The inspector turns and Raman looks up.

"Then they kidnapped me and hit me a lot. I managed to escape but they caught me again in the Basti. After shooting Bhao with a silencer on, they left me to drown in the water." Raka revealed, shocking Sanskaar.

"This means. . ."

"Swara's in danger!" Raka completed for Sanskaar and Sanskaar started running towards the door, opening it while panicking.


"Mama Ji!" Swara sobbed while shouting, not having a clue where she is. Her fear crawled upon her chest and she began to jerk her body, trying to free herself from the ropes tied on her hands.

She was sat on the chair, with ropes tied on her hands to keep her hooked onto the chair. Not only that, she was blindfolded too, which was the reason of her being frightened. She couldn't see where she was.

"Mama Ji, where are you?"

"Just shut up!" She stopped sobbing after hearing a familiar voice.

"B. . . Bade Mama Ji. . ." She recognised and the blindfold was taken off her watery eyes.

She opens them and glanced around, finding herself in a factory, she swallowed her spit, seeing her Bade Mama, also known as Satish sitting in front of her while Raman was standing behind him with their men.

"M. . . Mama Ji. . . What. . ."


"At last, I got what I wanted." He added, giving her shivers with his tone and way of talking.

She felt creeped out after Satish curved a smirk on his face, putting her into a dilemma of considering her uncle good, or bad.


"Swara!" He entered the house abruptly, starting to scan every corner of the house.

"Swara!" He continued taking her name, hoping she would walk in front of him, or at least respond to her name to assure him she's safe and fine.

Unable to find her in the house, he frustrated kicked a table. "I shouldn't have left her alone!" He cursed himself, touching his hair.

"This is all my fault." He added, rushing out of the house in the hope that he would somehow find her.

While he was running, his phone began to buzz and he slid it out, hoping it to be her call but he was disappointed to see an unknown number, yet answering it.

"H. . . Hello Sanskaar. It's me Raka, if you can't find her then I think I know where they might have taken her. To the factory, the one behind the old temple." Raka revealed over the phone, knowing this as that place used to be his hideout, not after the inspector raided it and made it their secret meeting place.

Sanskaar disconnected the call, instantly running in the direction the old temple is located. Not being able to see the rock beneath him, he slides his foot and falls on his knees, hurting himself and falling flat on his face.

He lets a small hiss release out of his mouth and lifts his head. "Nothing can stop me from finding you Swara. I will not let anything happen to you!"

To Be Continued

Up Next - The LAST chapter

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