Wait Over

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Chapter 10: Wait Over

"What happened Swara, why are you scared?" Satish asked, sensing her fear and she swallowed her spit, feeling him untie her hands.

"If you behaved like a good girl and didn't run away with your lover, then we would've forgave you and considered you part of our family. . . But you disappointed me and defamed all of us with running away. . ." He added, keeping his tone stern.

"M. . . Mama Ji. . ."

"Shhh! Let me tell you a story." He interrupted her, pulling on the rope after freeing her hands.

"You found out your Bhao's daughter, right?" She shook her frightened head, starting to water her eyes and he smirked, leaning back on his chair.

"I killed him. . ." He revealed and she gasped, widening her eyes while Raman looked down at his elder brother Satish in shock.

"Not literally, figuratively. I ordered my men to kill him." He further added and her tears slowly dripped down her dull face.

"Bhaisab, what are you doing?"

"Shhh. . . Let me tell her Raman, she has rights to know."

"But. . ." Raman stopped after Satish raised his hand to sign him for silence.

Raman crossed his arms across his chest and lowered his head, blinking at his shoes.

Satish let out a chuckle and Swara swallowed, feeling a lump build up each time her spit was pushed down her throat.

"Swara is my daughter?" Shekhar asked and Raman turned towards him, shaking his head positively!

"You met her?" Shekhar shook his head positively. One of the man walks to the side, finding someone.

"Hello, Swara is here and Bhao met her."

"Kill him and keep her held there."

"Okay." The man softly whispered back and disconnected the phone.

"My daughter. . ." Shekhar was overwhelmed headed towards the door.

The man pulled out a gun with silenced on and shot Shekhar several of times, shocking Raman.

"What are you doing? I was meant to kill him. . ."

"It was Bhaisab's order."

"Why didn't you tell me before!" Raman shouted and took the gun from him.

"Go get Raka." Raman ordered and the men nodded, sliding Raka from behind the door.

"Go fill up the water in the bath and throw him in afterwards." Raman instructed and his men nodded.

While falling onto the floor, Shekhar grabs into a photo frame from the drawer, falling in his back and the blood began to drip out of his body.

"The water I filled." A mans says and the others drag Raka into the bathroom and throw him in.

"Let's leave. We will meet them in the hospital after an hour." Raman says and they nod, following him out from the back.

Swara lifted her eyes, looking at Raman with tears. "W. . . Why?"

"Because I wanted his position and power. He went missing after that incident but we managed to track him down with the help of the police. . . And their stupid informer that was clueless on why he was being forced to work for the police." Swara looked at Satish, who continued revealing his motive and intention "I wanted his property that he named on your name, I couldn't get it unless he was dead and until you were of age. When you were with me, why do I need him? I hunted every single corner just to find him and to kill him, so I can get the property. But ever since you ran away, you made my nights sleepless, now that I found you, I will kill you straight after you sign the papers."

Raman raised his head, glancing at his brother in aghast.

"No Bhaisab, you can't do that. . . Now I understand why you're revealing the truth to her. . . You lied to me once again! You said we will bring her here so we can threaten her and take her back home, not to kill her!" Raman argued, moving to stand in front of Satish.

"Raman, stay out of it."

"No, not this fine Bhaisab. I did last time, when that Raghu killed Didi. You said he wouldn't touch Didi and Swara, that's why I agreed but he killed her, which I did not approve of! Now I'm against you killing Swara, I won't let this happen!"

Satish angrily stood up, facing Raman. "We never needed her and what would've she done by staying alive? Other than mourn and cry? She would've died one day."

"She was my sister!"

"Get over it Raman, she was Shekhar's wife! She died for us the day she went against our wish and married Shekhar!"

"You promised nothing will happen to her, you lied to me, you betrayed me!"

"I did not betray you! And you shouting like this wouldn't change the fact that you were involved behind her murder too!"

Raman was silent, as his elder brother was right. By approving to Raghu and Satish's plans, he was somewhat behind his sisters death.

"You killed her?"

"Yes! We told Raghu about your whereabouts, after your mother called us, being fooled into believing that we forgave her." Satish lashed out, revealing this to Swara.

Swara's tears beamed down and she began to snob after hearing the betrayal given by her uncles.

After consoling herself, she wiped her tears. "He will kill you. . . You killed his Bhao, he will never spare you."

Satish scoffed. "Who? That lover of yours? He won't be able to do anything to us, but before killing him, we will kill you."

Swara shook her head negatively, staring at Satish with anger. "You don't know him. . . If he managed to take me away under your nose, then he will definitely cut your nose off!" Swara lied, adding tension into the situation, being sure that Sanskaar would never spare them.

Satish slapped Swara across the face and Raman held his hand afterwards. "I won't let you kill Swara." He sternly warned, pushing Satish away from Swara.

"How dare you!" Satish angrily uttered, walking forward to hit Raman.

"Swara! Swara!" She lifts her head instantly after hearing her name being called out. "Sanskaar!" She shouted, to tell him he's in the right place.

Satish signed his men and his men walk around to find him.

"Sanskaar!" Swara called his name again as hearing his voice had soothed her pain.

"Shut up!" Satish angrily lashed out and before he could touch Swara, Raman held his hand.

"Don't touch her! I know I made a mistake, I couldn't save Didi from your evil intentions but I will definitely save Swara." Raman angrily warned and Satish looked at him.

Sanskaar finds his way to them and his eyes immediately fall on Swara, who was sobbing, in pain and frightened. Before he could make his way towards Swara, few men walk in front of him and start to punch him. Swara glanced at him and tears fell out of her eyes each time he was being hit.

She stood up, rushing towards him. "Leave him." She cried, pulling one of the man by his shirt and he pushed her.

She fell onto the floor and Sanskaar clenched his fist, angrily swaying his fist across the face. He then kicked the other man, punching him on the nose.

"Swara. . ." He concernedly took her name and bent down, helping her up.

"Sanskaar. . ." She sobbed, hugging him instantly and he hugged her back, protectively.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone."

"They killed my parents." She cried, hugging him tighter and Sanskaar gazed at Raman and Satish as anger filled his eye.

Sanskaar broke the hug and pushed Swara to the side, immediately holding a rod that was about to touch him. She turned her head, shockingly staring at the man and Sanskaar.

Sanskaar kicked him in the knee, freeing the rod from his grip and smacks the rod on his head, Swara covered her mouth and the man falls down slowly.

Before Sanskaar could attack another man, the police begin to spread in the factory.

"Stop! What's happening?"

Seeing the ACP, Satish and Raman look on and Sanskaar mistakens the Police to be in support of Satish and Raman.

"Now you're here to do your drama?"

"Excuse me?"

"I know you're here to support them."

"No, he isn't Sanskaar. . . He's the ACP, I went to him personally because there was no one else I could trust and he's here, to help you."

Swara and Sanskaar turned around, finding Raka limping in his hospital clothes along with the constables.

"He's right, I have arrested the corrupt police officer. I'm here to help." The ACP informed and Sanskaar tilted his head to the side, blinking at the ACP, unsure if he should believe him or not.

"Go arrest them two." The ACP ordered and two SI's run towards Satish and Raman.

"No, you can't do this! I didn't come all this way to just get arrested."

"Speak in the courtroom after being convicted."

"What proof do you have?"


"This is unfair. You can't do this ACP. . ."

"Shut up!" The ACP shouted, shutting Satish up but Satish being Satish, angrily pulled the gun from the SI's belt and aimed it at Sanskaar.

The SI was quick enough to react and held the gun, but straight after Satish pulled the trigger, leaving everyone to stare at the bullet in shock.

While the bullet flies across, Swara shockingly looked at Sanskaar, knowing it was coming for him and she pushes him out of the way, taking the bullet for him. As the bullet pierced through her skin and into her chest, blood began splattering out and she fell back, leaving everyone gasp.

"Swara!" Sanskaar couldn't believe it and moved towards her, holding her in his arms.

Satish dropped the gun while Raman widened his eyes.

Swara's breaths started to slow down and she looked at Sanskaar, feeling immense pain around the wounded area and lifted her hand, touching his cheek. Before she could say a word, her eyes flickered and her hand fell.

Sanskaar froze, feeling his heart stop beating and Raka fell on his knees.

"She took a bullet for you. . ." Raka shockingly whispered.

"Call the ambulance, now!" ACP ordered and the Constable took his phone out.

"Swara. . . Open your eyes. . . Look, I'm not in a mood for a joke." He uttered, swallowing his spit and believing her to be joking with him. "Swara, open your eyes!"

"She's. . ." He jerked the ACP's hand off his shoulder, stopping him from speaking.

"Nothing happened to her. Nothing will happen to her!" Sanskaar aggressively shouted, lifting her in his arms while standing up.

"Nothing will happen to her." He says, rushing out along with her.

Main rahoon ya na rahoon
Tum mujh mein kahin baaki rehna

He payed her down on the stretcher, entering the ambulance with her.

Mujhe neend aaye jo aakhiri
Tum khwabon mein aate rehna

Oxygen mask was being attached to her and he held her hand, allowing his tears to slide down.

Bas itna hai tumse kehna
Bas itna hai tumse kehna
Bas itna hai tumse kehna

"Why did you take the bullet for me Swara? Do you really love me to this extent?"

Bas itna hai tumse kehna
Main rahoon ya na rahoon
Tum mujhme kahin baaki rehna

Their memories together flash in his mind and he closed his eyes, bringing her hand next to his lips.

Kisi roz baarish jo aaye
Samajh lena boondon mein main hoon
Subah dhoop tumko sataaye

He let out a small scoff, after remembering her behaviour and opened his eyes, staring at her with care.

Samajh lena kirno mein main hoon
Kisi roz baarish jo aaye

Her confession plays in his ear like music and he shakes his head, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." He apologised sincerely and kissed her hand.

Samajh lena boondon mein main hoon
Subah dhoop tumko sataaye

The ambulance at last stopped outside the city hospital and the doors open.

Samajh lena kirno mein main hoon
Kuch kahun ya na kahun

Swara was being taken out and her hand releases from Sanskaar's grip.

Tum mujhko sata sunte rehna
Bas itna hai tumse kehna
Bas itna hai tumse kehna

He steps out of the ambulance and before he could follow them, he was stopped by few police inspectors.

Bas itna hai tumse kehna
Bas itna hai tumse kehna

"What happened?"

"You need to come to the police station with us."

"What, why?"

"You can't cover for the crimes you committed in past Sanskaar, you hit so many men, who gave statements against you."

"Yeah but I never killed them."

"You admitted to it too now, we warned you last time to keep your hands to yourself but after hitting a businessman a month ago, you made a mistake."

"Not now, please. . . Swara needs me."

The inspector shrugged. "I can't bend the rules or break them like you. . . You are under arrest."

"Inspector please. . . Let me go to Swara, we can do this some other day. I promise I'll come and surrender, please. . ."

"I'm sorry." He responded and slid his handcuffs out.

"She took a bullet for me, I need to be there with her." He argued and retaliated but the constables grabbed him from both sides while the inspector put handcuffs on him.

"No, please!" He begged but they had to be heartless, not allowed to show mercy cause their jobs would be at stake.

They dragged him towards the jeep and Sanskaar unwillingly walked with them.

'I never asked you for anything God, but if you really exist then please save Swara. Please.' He prayed in his mind.


Swara was taken to the operation theatre and the doctors immediately started the operation, wanting to save her life.


Sanskaar was pushed inside the cell, where Raka was sat, he shockingly looked at Sanskaar.

"Sanskaar. . . What about Swara?"

"They didn't let me stay with her." He replied, clenching his fist and the Constable locked the door.

"Inspector, this is unfair! He should've stayed with Swara. . ."

"Shush! We will keep in touch with the hospital and update you two with her condition." The sub inspector rudely shut them up, taking a seat on his chair.

"But Sanskaar didn't murder anyone, so why is he here?"

"He's here for section 506 of ICP." He revealed and Raka stared at him, not understanding the laws.

"You're here for robbery and he's here for hitting people and threatening them." The Constable elaborated, after remembering what section Raka under.

"Sir, please let me meet Swara. Please."

Raka blinked at Sanskaar, who makes his way towards the bars.

"Sanskaar is begging in front of the police? What has she done to you?" Raka questioned and Sanskaar ignored him, hoping the inspector would let him meet Swara.

"We need permission from ACP Sir." He informed and Sanskaar held onto the metal bar, controlling his anger.

"Get permission then."

"He's coming here tomorrow, you can ask him yourself."

Sanskaar grit his teeth, and the phone of the police station rang. The Sub Inspector, shortened to SI, answers it after few seconds of ringing.


"Hmm, okay. . . Yes, thank you. . . Well he's not going to be free just yet, he has court hearing tomorrow. . . Hmm, okay. Thank you. Bye." The SI disconnected the phone and glanced at Sanskaar.

"She survived. . ."

Sanskaar, who wasn't paying attention at first looked at him. "What?"

"The Doctor called and said she survived." The SI utters again, this time clearing his throat.

Sanskaar and Raka sigh a relief and Sanskaar falls on his knees with a smile. "But there's a bad news." The SI added, ruining the happiness that Sanskaar and Raka developed.

"She went to coma because she was too weak to take the shock. . . Now God knows when she will wake up."

Sanskaar stands back up, staring at the SI in amusement.

"Also, I remembered that we need court order for you to meet your lady love. . . So you need to wait tomorrow and request. . . Don't get disheartened if the court denies your request." The SI uttered, adding extra salt to his pain and Sanskaar lowered his gaze

"She's in this condition because of me. I owe her a lot."

"Not a lot." Raka uttered, placing his hand on Sanskaar's shoulder. "Just repay her with your love. . . All she needs is your presence and your love." Raka added, putting Sanskaar into a thought.

"I will wait for her. . . She will come back to conscious. . ." Sanskaar trailed off and began to think about his feelings, being sure he likes her, believing he won't be able to live apart from her.

"Wahh, look Gosle, they're having dialoguebaazi."

Raka gave the SI a look while Sanskaar ignored him.

"Wait for her Sanskaar, she is your and will be yours." Raka remarked, glancing away from the SI and Sanskaar nodded.

"She is mine." He repeated what Raka meant and Raka curved a small smile.


It was the next day and Sanskaar, Satish, Raman and Raka were present in different courtrooms.

First hearing that started was of Satish and Raman, who were declared life time imprisonments for their deeds after Raka and the corrupt inspector have testimony against them.

Straight after Raman and Satish, Raka's bearing began and the court declared him 4 years for robbery and 10,000 penalty fine, which he was shocked with.

While Raka's case was going on, Sanskaar's had finished and he filed a request to meet Swara before going to prison for 2 years. The court allowed him to meet Swara for merely 10 minutes before being taken to the main jail.

After the judge signed the petition and papers, the police started taking Sanskaar to the hospital.

After reaching the hospital, he was taken to the room Swara was admitted in. The inspectors allowed him to stay inside with her for two minutes after checking the room.

He walked towards her and held her hand, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Swara. . . I will wait till you wake up. . . But you will have to wait till I'm back, I will be back for you Swara. . . I promise." He uttered, kissing her hand afterwards.

His glassy eyes moved towards her face, which was pale and silent. He felt miserable seeing her in this condition, wanting to hear her blabber and talk and annoy him.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you. . . I know you deserve better than me, but seeing you take such a big risk for me, I will forever be grateful to you. . . I can't imagine my life without you anymore."

"Come on, time is up!"

He turned around after leaving her hand.

"What? But it's not even 10 minutes yet."

"So, what will you do here? It's not like she's going to talk to you. She's in Coma." The SI reminded and Sanskaar sighed, being dragged away.

He turned and gave her a quick last glance before being pulled away.

'I will wait for you.' Her mind speaks, being quarter alive and able to hear people speak.


Meri raahon mein pade
Tere pairon ke nishaan
Ne kaha, ne kaha

He was pushed into a cell, in the prisoners clothes and the door shuts afterwards.

Teri saanson se judi
Meri saanson ki wafa
Ne kaha, ne kaha

He takes seat on the ground, staring into space.

Girte inn aansuon mein
Kuch toh tujhsa lage hai

Her memories flashed in his mind, causing him to allow his tears glimpsing.

Inn ashqon mein main na khota

Agar tu hota toh na rote hum

He wiped his tears, inhaling deep breaths to console himself. Feeling lonely and having only one name on his mind. 'Swara.'


One year had passed and there was not a day Sanskaar didn't think about Swara. His life in prison simply sucked, he knew he had another year that was preventing him from meeting his Swara and the long wait was becoming unbearable for him. Unlike his behaviour, he was much more quieter and minded his own business, never fighting or arguing with anyone there, and instead he takes all the punches just so that he doesn't make a mistake.

On the other hand, Swara's body was making movement, altering the doctors and the nurses of her awakening and at last, she opened her eyes after remembering getting shot. Gasping for the fresh air, not realising she was attached to an oxygen mask.

Her panicking was merely stressing the Doctor. "Nurse, get the injection please."

The Nurse followed the order and headed towards the tray, filling the syringe with anaesthetic to calm Swara down.

"Sanskaar. . ." The only name that left her mouth, before the injection was stabbed into her arm.

After an hour, she gains conscious and glanced around.

"Sanskaar. . ." She says his name again, sitting up.

"Doctor, she gained conscious." The nurse shouted while walking out of the room.

The Doctor rushed in and Swara blinked at him.

"How long have I been in Coma?" She asked.

"A year." He revealed, surprising her. "Where's Sanskaar?"

"He will be with you after a year."


"He's been convicted for the crimes he did and had been declared 2 years of imprisonment. He will be released next year."

Swara was disappointed, wanting to see him now but she knew she had to wait for him and a year indeed sounded long, but she knew they would fly quickly and her Sanskaar would be in front of her eyes.

"I want to meet him. . ." She requested and the Doctor nodded. "But first let me check you and after that I'll discharge you."

She nodded and him, waiting impatiently to see him after so long. Her getting shot seemed like yesterday, and it felt like she had merely woke herself up from a bad dream.


"Why did you call me?" He asked, walking in the room with his hand on his stomach.

"You have a visitor." He sighed, walking forward to meet the person. 

"Sanskaar. . ." He blinked at his mother, who's tears were falling out of her eyes. "Beta. . ."

"This is the 10th time you're here in a year. . . And every time I don't talk to you two, so why are you here?" He asked, turning his head towards Durga Prasad.

"Don't be rude! We care about you and that's why we're here."

"Care? You care about me? Please stop lying, if you did then you would never be so harsh on me and neither kick me out."

"Everyone makes mistakes Sanskaar."

"Your mistakes weren't small either. If I'm here and on this path, you're partially responsible for it. If you ever gave me love, I wouldn't have craved it from someone else."

"Sanskaar. . ."

"I don't wanna talk to you." He says and walks aaah.

"Sanskaar. . ." Annapurna called out and starts crying.

Durga Prasad holds her by the shoulders, taking her away and Sanskaar sighed, entering his cell once again.

"You have another visiter."

"I don't want to meet anyone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Tell them to leave."

"Okay." And the Constable heads towards the room.

"He doesn't want to meet anyone." She turned towards the Constable.

"What? Why? Please ask him again."

"He said he doesn't want to meet anyone and we can't force him to meet you."

"Tell him his Sw. . ."

"Stop wasting time and please leave. We have other people who want to meet their close ones. Go!" The Constable harshly uttered and Swara frowned, turning around with glassy eyes.

She controlled her tears and walked out, allowing other family members to enter and meet their sons.

"I guess I'll have to meet you a year after." She sighed, not being able to cut her days that long. Wanting to meet him as soon as possible.

"There's an announcement to make. Quick, let's see what Jailor wants." She hears the constables speak as they rush, wanting to know what it could possibly be.

But being pushed out, she sighed and watched the door close.

"What announcement will they make?" Swara asked and the two Constables guarding the gate look at her and shrug.

"You can stand on the side and hear, they will say it through the microphone."

She nodded, moving to the side, waiting to hear the announcement. Not knowing why her heart was feeling uneasy.

All the prisoners were brought to the ground, including Sanskaar and the Jailor was stood with the Minister.

"Thank you for coming here as soon as I called." The Jailor thanked and looked at the Minister. "Minister Sir has something to say."

The Minister took the microphone and smiled at them. "I'm here on behalf of the government, that has decided to free few of the prisoners due to their good behaviour and change. . . We have been reported weekly and now made a decision who to free and who not to."

Swara's heart rapidly bested as hope began to rise in her heart.

"Here's the list of the people who will be free tomorrow morning. . . Jaidev Raheja. . . Ritesh Ambani, Kunal Himani, Rajesh Kukri and Sanskaar Maheshwari."

Heading Sanskaar's name, Swara scoffed a smile and folded her hands, while Sanskaar looked at the Minister, failing to believe it.

'Does this mean I'll be with my Swara?' He asked his mind, feeling happiness rise within him.

'Does this mean I'll be with Sanskaar?' She asked herself in her mind and smiled, feeling happy.

"My Sanskaar, hes going to release tomorrow." She happily told the guards, who nodded at her. "He's coming tomorrow. . ." She scoffed happily and started walking away, to prepare to surprise him tomorrow.

"Swara. . . It's not long till I come. . ." He mumbled to himself, walking towards his cell.

"Congratulations." The Constable wishes and Sanskaar nodded at him with a small smile hanging from his lips.

Each minute passing by was making the two impatient, they couldn't stand more distance from each other and wanted this dawn to break and the morning to rise.


Swara entered the colony, feeling different after so long. She glanced around with a small smile and headed towards Shekhar's house, opening it and seeing it clean.

"We clean this house every day, in the memory of our Bhao. He did a lot for us, so this is the least we do." She turned around to find a lady standing next to her and looking inside.

"Thank you."

"No, don't say it. It was our duty. We knew you would be back one day."

She smiled at the lady. "Sanskaar's coming back tomorrow too."

"What? Really?"

Swara nodded and the lady smiled.

"He's coming. Guys listen. Chintu, Mantu. Ssnskaar's coming back tomorrow!" She shouted, telling everyone.


"How do you know?"

"Oh my, Bhai's coming back."

"I missed him."

"Make arrangements to welcome him tomorrow!" The lady ordered and the people shook their heads, staring to rush and Swara smiled seeing them excited for his return.


"This is great news Ji. . . Sanskaar will be released tomorrow." Annapurna uttered and Durga Prasad nodded his head positively.

"I'm grateful to God." Durga Prasad uttered and Annapurna folded her hands, closing her eyes and praying to her God.

"We should get him tomorrow."

"He won't come with us." Durga Prasad uttered. "He will never leave this town ever since his Bhao passed away." He added and Annapurna frowned.

"But I want my son with me Ji. . ."

"We have to let go Annapurna."


"Yes. . . We can't keep him with us forever, he isn't happy with us and neither belongs with us any more. He fits well with people here."

"Ji. . ." She cried and Durga Prasad consoled her. "Try and understand Annapurna, even after being back, he wouldn't stay happy. He can merely come to see us occasionally like he used to or we can come visit him, but we can't separate him from this place, he now has too many memories attached here."

"I can't."

"You have to be strong Annapurna."

Annapurna cried, understanding Durga Prasad's point of view, compelling her heart to consider it while Durga Prasad reflects on Sanskaar's behaviour, knowing he will not stay happy with them in Kolkata.

"Pack your bags, we have to leave."

Annapurna sniffed, blocking her heart and following her husbands orders, agreeing just to see her son happy.


Time flew and it was morning, neither Sanskaar and not Swara could sleep. As soon as the time hit 8am, Swara got out of bed and rushed to get changed. After getting changed, she started heading towards the police station in an auto-rickshaw.

In prison, Sanskaar was the first one to be examined and dressed, ready to leave the jail. After signing the register, he smiled and exited the jail.

The gates closed again and he inhaled the fresh air, heading forward. "I'm coming Swara."

He stopped, seeing her walk out of the auto-rickshaw right in front of him. Being astonished to see her, he runs towards her and pulls her into a hug. Knowing it was him, she hugs him back.

"I missed you Sanskaar."

"Swara. . ." He breaks the hug and cupped her face. "I can't believe you're here. . ." He happily whispered and hugged her again.


"Won't you at least say the three magical words?" She asked and he hugged her tighter.

"I love you Swara. . . Spending a year without you made me realise I can't stay a day without you. I've gotten used to your taunts, teases, jokes and words."

"Finally!" She exclaimed, hugging him tighter. "I love you too and will always love you." She added, closing her eyes.

He broke the hug and placed a kiss on her forehead. "The wait was worth it."

"Hmm, it was indeed."

She opened her eyes, smiling at him while he lost himself in her brown orbs.

Sanskaar had waited for Swara and Swara had waited for him. They finally received a sweet outcome of their long wait, just to be with each other.

"Walk?" She offered, forwarding her hand and he curled a small smile, placing his hand in hers. "Sure." He agreed and the two started walking, hand in hand.

Never expecting each other to be together, they cherished their moments of being together while walking and laughing. If destiny had them being with each other, then for them the wait was worth it. She giggled and so did he, holding each other's hand tighter, never wanting to let go.

The End


Thank you for reading, voting,  commenting and supporting this story everyone. ♥️

I will forever be grateful for the amount of reads, votes and comments you gave on this story 🥰♥️

Thank you & I love you all ♥️😍😘😘😘

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