32 : The Deception

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Arjun glimpsed the flare combusting inside her brownish orbs..Draupadi became sceptical thinking about the aftermath..As far as she comprehended, Arjun is very much sensitive regarding his personal matters..And here ,She has concealed the essence of her existence..! The thought of aftermath made draupadi shudder..but she is yagyaseni..convening courage , draupadi inhaled a sharp breathe and divulged..

" Yes Arya, you heard it right..I'm the one who fled from my home land within a night , from the clutches of jarasandh.. princess of Panchal "
but fragmenting her assumptions, Arjun guffawed leaving Draupadi stupified..Drops of water started dribbling down from Arjun's hazels as his laughter intensified..

" Krishnaa..your friendship with madhav has definitely shadowed on your traits too..look, you've also started to crack jokes just like him "
Arjun commented while striving hard to restrain his laughter.. yagyaseni incredibly stared at her husband and suspired..For a jiffy, wrath slightly overpowered her thoughts watching his aloofness.. but at the next moment,his credence over her thawed her heart..

"Once glance into my eyes and say Arya..can you see any sparks of jest in it ? I'm neither cracking jokes nor lying..I'm the spiritual daughter of lord Agni..I'm the youngest princess of Panchal,the youngest daughter of King Drupad, Panchali"
Draupadi proclaimed and Arjun restrained his guffaw..for a jiffy once he glanced at her orbs to find only two things..
Firmness and fierceness !
His laugh deceased on his lips as he glanced into her orbs..

Mustering courage, Draupadi held his hand..
sometimes action speaks louder than words..
She reminiscenced her Govind's words..Thus,she led him to his chamber..Thick silence pervaded inside the dark corridors that guided to Arjun's private chamber..The abrupt divulgence made Arjun muted and his silence agonised her heart..

As soon as they entered his bed chamber, her eyes fastened over the Side stand where his gandiva rested.. Draupadi's heart palpitated as she glanced at Arjun's impassive visage..they neither reflected befuddlement nor wrath..her grip over his hand loosened as she paced up to the night stand..

"With your permission, can I wield it ?"
Draupadi interrogated and Arjun's lips parted in amusement..
He knows his gandiva..The marvellous piece of art created by the God of creation lord brahma itself is not something which anyone could handle at ease..He was graced with gandiva by lord varuna on the implore of lord Agni and only a might which is peer to them can only wield It and he could so cause he is the spiritual son of lord Indra..

" Yes, Indeed My better half has the equal authority that I have on every objects that I possess..But..It will be heavier for.."
prior to Arjun's completion , enclosing her eyes, draupadi uplifted his mighty gandiva single-handedly leaving Arjun's pupils dilate in astonishment..He gawked incredibly at draupadi and gandiva simultaneously..
He could behold her visage gleaming with radiance of fire..If she could wield the mighty gandiva ,then indeed she's the element of Fire..

Tears permeated from draupadi's orbs as Arjun remained speechless..His silence slayed her inner self..She kept the gandiva back and enwrapped her hands over his, grasped it closer to her chest and spoke
" I Implore for your apology Arya!..
for not informing you this before.. I was bounded by the promise that I have given to my elder sister shikhandini..she behested me to not unveil my identity as it may cause harm to me..I know Arya , you must be befuddled ..I beg you to please comprehend my situation..I know you still couldn't assimilate the truth, I can prove it to you"
Tears fondled her cheeks and lips quivered..her anticipating glances made him crack his silence..

"May I know why you didn't apprise me this before?"
The quest left his lips devoid of any emotions..his glance perforated her heart...

" Arya.. I was.."
Her voice came as a whisper but halted on her words when she felt his rough finger pads touching her cheeks..

" You should have apprised me so that I could provide more safety to you Krishnaa.. jarasandh is a tyrant.. Moreover his spies are present all around in this aryavart But , till I'm Alive I won't let even a vicious shadow to fall upon you and from this moment itself I vows that I will make sure that you're secured in every ways"
solicitude manifested in each words he spoke which once again thawed her heart..streams of brine cascaded down from her eyes as she enwrapped her hands around him..

"Arya..I apologise..I should have said that.."
She whispered while whining inside his arms, grasping his torso firmly..A smile bloomed on Arjun's lips as he nestled her closer to him, fondling her tresses..

" I understand Krishnaa.. now please don't shed your precious tears please.."
He tranquilized her..the warmth of love effused from his sculptured frame conferred alleviation to her agitated heart..

" Madhav was aware of this ? Wasn't he?"
Arjun asked while fondly soothing her locks and she nodded positively..A soothing silence blended with the scintillating moonlight embellished his chamber..he sat on the swing that dangled at the centre of his balcony,with his lady love resting on his chest..

" Now please don't make your heart agitated..you've toiled a lot and now you needs rest.. sleep now princess"
Arjun cooed into her ears and she smiled as his breathe titillated her earlobes.. Relishing the warmth that effused from him, draupadi closed her lotus petals with a non withering smile on her lips..


Expunging the darkness,The Golden globe in the sky peeked through the cottony clouds..The king of hastinapur, karn along with some of his trustworthy servants reached near the shores of the river behind the palace to perform Suryanamaskar which was one of his routine..As his Suryanamaskar reached to its conclusion, a soldier approached him..

" All hail his majesty, his highness Prince dhuryodhan has implored for the permission to meet you ."
The soldier conveyed and karn raised a brow..Dhuryodhan never entertained formal meetings at the early hours of day..but now he himself is imploring for a meeting..karn nodded positively and the soldier went...After some moments,karn saw a smiling dhuryodhan standing infront of him with his hands folded ...

" Pranipaat Samrat..did my implore caused any inconvenience to you?" ( emperor)
Dhuryodhan addressed formally and asked.. karn nodded negatively..

" Never dhuryodhan,You are my brother and moreover why are you addressing me so formally..we are a family.."
He said and dhuryodhan's smile widened..

" Jyesth bhrata, The subjects are so happy.. everybody was talking about the coronation ceremony and say it was splendid.."
Dhuryodhan said as they together paced back to the palace..karn smiled and nodded positively..

" Indeed it was..Arjun nakul and sahadev deserves the whole appreciation of that..the whole ceremony was organised by them"
Karn remarked and dhuryodhan too acquiesced which made karn surprised..

"But the center of attraction was draupadi..her voice is just like her.. amazing.. I've not getting enough words to give an account of her singing.. she's extraordinary.. isn't it?"
Dhuryodhan interrogated and just the mentioning of her name made karn's face bloom..he glanced at dhuryodhan and nodded delightfully..

"Each and every eyes were fastened over her..but her, her orbs were fastened on someone else.."
Dhuryodhan said casually which made karn cease at his track.. someone else!
He darted his glance at dhuryodhan in befuddlement.. dhuryodhan smirked internally..

" Someone else? About whom are you talking about?"
Karn asked..his voice was thick and frigid..

" Who else..you jyesth bhrata..she was constantly glancing and smiling at you..And I'm also aware of the fact that she has conquered a small place in your heart too"
Dhuryodhan said in his sugar sheathed voice and that was it.. karn's eyes widened in amusement..the girl,the maiden who stole his sleep and conferred exquisite dreams was glancing at him..his heart throbbed rapturously inside him..

" Me..?! how do you know?"
He incredibly asked and dhuryodhan nodded positively..a coy smile bloomed on karn's lips..

"I've been watching you from childhood bhrata and I can understand your heart alike your brothers do.. About draupadi, I personally felt that she was singing that for you.. I mean just reminiscence her song and decode it's lyrics.. isn't that for you bhrata?"
Dhuryodhan interrogated and smirked..his plans touched the target..but unbeknownst to his deception,karn was in reverie..he reminiscenced her song...

Jabse naina yeh jaake
Ik dhanurdhar se laage
Tabse birha mohey sataye re

Those three lines kept resonating Inside him..yes, while singing that specific stanza,her glance was fastened over him.. karn's inner self palpitated limitlessly out of joy and pleasure..his inner self yearned to yell out of joy,but he restrained himself and asked

" Are you sure dhuryodhan?"

" Yes bhrata ,I'm sure that she was treasuring something inside to tell you.."
Dhuryodhan replied..As anticipated,he got successful in enkindling karn's inner desires..but still the poisonous snake didn't ceased ..he continued

"I can understand your dilemma bhrata..you want to heed that from her, in her own voice.. don't worry,now she'll be in palace garden teaching music notes to dussala..we can meet her there.. I'll accompany you..."
Dhuryodhan convinced him and karn nodded reluctantly.. although he also wished the same , the companionship of dhuryodhan made him sceptic..yet,he followed him and strided aiming the palace garden..

Draupadi gently fondled the strings of her veena and sang a sargam..The whole atmosphere got sanctified by heeding to her exhilarating music.. dussala,like a obedient disciple followed her and sang...

" Oh ho bhrata Arjun, I'm walking with you..why are you hauling me like this.."
Nakul whined to Arjun as Arjun hauled him to pace hastily and being the spectator sahadev enjoyed the scenerio..

" Come nakul ..today we will practice sword fighting at palace garden..Look sahadev is also here..it will be more fun today.."
Arjun said while hauling both Along with him..but nakul being Nakul, comprehended his brother's master plan and nodded mischievously..He asked at sahadev..

" Sahadev, today devi draupadi and dussala is present in practicing music at palace garden, isn't it?"
Nakul intentionally asked which transmitted a thunderbolt through Arjun's whole body..he glanced at nakul and rolled his eyes

" May be ... I'm not sure about it Nakul,but why? Do you also wish to learn some music from devi draupadi?"
Sahadev ingenuously asked and nakul guffawed.. Arjun's heart beat escalated as each word escaped from nakul's mouth..

" Why would I, May be bhrata Arjun wishes to.. don't you bhrata?"
Nakul mischievously queried and before he could again laugh,he felt the touch of cold fingers over his earlobes..With that , the words he further wished to say, deceased on his lips itself..

As soon as they reached at the palace garden, their eyes got greeted by the exquisite sight of draupadi , like a celestial nymph , clad in her yellow lehenga,sitting over a cushion with her veena resting over her lap.. Arjun's orbs drowned deep into the sight from where he never wished to retreat..

" Bhrata.."
His sweet reverie got broke by sahadev as his cold hand touched his shoulder blade..soon nakul and Arjun , along with sahadev and some soldiers, commenced their sword fight practice..

Just then ,their attention was caught by the sight of karn,their eldest entering into the garden along with dhuryodhan..Their swords almost dropped down from their palm as they beheld that unusual sight.. Dhuryodhan, who considered karn as his sworn rival is now with their eldest..
Arjun's Archer eyes scrutinizingly watched Dhuryodhan's movements and immediately discovered that they was walking towards where draupadi and dussala sat..As Arjun knows dhuryodhan's vicious intentions,he gestured nakul to glance at him and both nodded at each other as if signalling something..

Karn and dhuryodhan reached near draupadi and dussala..both the ladies stood up in reverence and obeisanced as karn is the emperor now ..

" Jyesth bhrata? You are here.. I'll be there if you behested me to be present at the palace.. "
Dussala politely said ..but before karn could say something, dhuryodhan interested..

"Dussala , Mata and Chachisree kunti needs your assistance in the palace temple for morning prayers and veneration..you may leave now dear"
Dussala nodded positively and obeyed her elder brother leaving Draupadi alone...

" Draupadi"
Draupadi was about to leave when karn's soft voice halted her..she swivelled and smiled at him which made his heart drop down into the pit of his stomach..

" Draupadi..can you give some of your precious time for me to speak"
Karn solicited softly making draupadi amused..he is the king and he is soliciting to her..she nodded positively

" Draupadi actually..your performance on the Enthronisation ceremony was spectacular..I don't have enough words to convey my gratitude to.."
Karn continued but forestalled by Arjun and nakul's abrupt presence..both Arjun and draupadi stole a short glimpse of each other and smiled..And for the first time,his brother's presence exasperated karn..

" Nakul ,what are you doing here?"
Karn asked, exasperation was precisely evident in his voice..

" Jyesth bhrata,we were practicing sword fight after a long time together..it's fun..come, join us.."
Arjun said and hauled karn along with him..karn glanced at dhuryodhan in worry.. dhuryodhan blinked his eyes in assurance.. accepting defeat,karn went along with arjun..soon draupadi also left and dhuryodhan remained there,with a smirk on his lips as if he attained triumph in battle


Lucid moon rays peeked through the curtains of karn's meeting chamber in his mansion.. dhuryodhan sat on the chair glancing at karn and karn, like a tempest, strided hither and thither through his chamber hastily..

" Dhuryodhan..it would be great if you share me some precious suggestions to confront her..I want to talk to her in solitude.."
Karn said .. dhuryodhan dramatically made an astonishing expression and glanced at karn and spoke..

" Bhrata, pardon me if I'm speaking something wrong but as far as I comprehended , you can't even behold the shadow of draupadi until your brothers are here.. they always will makes you engaged in some way or the other.."
Dhuryodhan said and glanced sceptically at karn.. usually, one word against his brothers is enough for evoking the worst inside karn.. but today he seems immersed in deep thoughts.. Taking advantage of the circumstance, dhuryodhan continued

" Especially Arjun..today also he interfered and I'm sure that this will continue "
Dhuryodhan added fuel to the blazing fire and it did effect on the flames that burned inside karn..

" Would you mind tell me how is it possible to divert their attention ?"
He asked and dhuryodhan's vicious smirk retrieved back to his lips in full form..

" There's only one way bhrata...send him for a conquest "
Dhuryodhan suggested and karn incredulously glanced at dhuryodhan..his brows escalated and mind immersed into deep thoughts whereas dhuryodhan glanced at the darkness and soliloquised

" Soon this darkness is going to pervade into your lives too Panduputras"


So how's the chapter lovelies
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