New school and friends!!!

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I stand in front of my new school. My jacket shyly pulled halfway up my hands and my thumbs hooking onto my front pockets. I take a long breath, took my thumbs out of my pockets and stepped foreword. Only to be met with the ground.
"Watch where you're going stupid." A blond spat. I pulled my knees closer to me in hopes I would not be seen.
Two pairs of shoes, one pink and the other brown, approached me. I saw a pale hand reach out and heard a soft voice speak.
"Don't worry about that, she's always like that. Are you okay?" She asked. I looked up and saw her blue eyes were full of kindness. I slowly nodded and took her hand. I stood up and she smiled.
"I'm Marionette, and this is Alya." She said pointing to the brown haired girl standing next to her. "Nice to meet you!" She finishes with a cheer.
"Alexia. I'm Alexia, but people call me Lexi." I muttered letting a small smile slip. I waved to them as I walked of to my first class.
"Are you alright?" Asked my white wolf kwami Angela. I nodded my head and flashed a true kind smile.
I entered the classroom and waited for the teacher to tell me where I would sit. She approached me and told me to introduce myself to the class.
"Um... Hi... I am... uh Alexia Jacobs. And I moved here from... Uh N-New York and... Um... Yeah." I said shyly stuttering in front of all the beady eyes piecing my body.
"Since Nino is gone today you can go sit by Adrian." She said pointing to an attractive blond sitting alone. I head a gasp and all heads turned to the blond barbie who pushed me over this morning.
"That's stupid! My Adri-kins can't sit next to the mentally impaired."
(A/N I seriously mean absolutely no offense!!! I have like three cousins who are mentally disabled. I'm soooo sorry if you took this as an offense. I don't mean it.)
I looked down and felt tears filling my eyes ready to betray my mind and run away. They were a second away from leaving but a boy spoke up.
"That's not nice Chloe. She is scared, going to a new school can be frightening so stop." He said. I lifted my head up to see the boy that the teacher told me to sit with standing up.
After everything settled down I say down next to the boy he smiled at me and I returned it.
"Thank you." I said. He was about to respond when a large crash was heard.

A/N: Hiii!!!! I just really really want to thank sheerah03 for being my first follower! Thank you soooooooo much!!!!!! P.S the picture is Angela (sorry for the sucky drawing)

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