Loup Blanc

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       I ran of to the bathrooms, once I was securely locked in a stall I let Angela float out of my bag and activated my miraculous.
      "Fangs out!" I shouted causing me to change cloths and grow ears and a tail. I heard a scream and busted out the bathroom and out the school.
      I ran at full speed and eventually found the source of the screaming. A huge clay monster was stomping on everything and turning people into clay.
      I saw the two current superheroes of Paris struggling with the large golem so I rushed to there side and pulled out my large battle axe.
      "Who are you?" Asked ladybug in an uncertain voice.
      "A friend spots." I grinned at the new nickname I gave. She looked at me quizzically till the large rock man slammed him fist in the ground next to us. We all jumped in different directions avoiding the giant rock mass.
      I jumped high and swung my axe at him but he was too fast. Very fast for someone made out of rock.
      I smirked knowing exactly what to do I howled loudly freezing the monster a for a few seconds. Which gave me enough time to swing my axe strait at its forehead causing the man to go back to normal and a glowing white butterfly flew off into the distance.
      "How did you do that?" Ladybug questioned determined to find out if I am evil.
      "I just can. Anyway, the names Loup Blanc nice to meet ya' spots, you too Kit Kat." I said speeding of.
                      Chat Noir P.O.V
      'Kit Kat? Did she just?' I thought my face exploding into 50 shades of red just like it had earlier today when I met Lexi. I can't love them both.

A/N: oh yes you can My dear Kit Kat. They are the same person!! Sorry its so short.
Loup blank is in the picture

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