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Lexi's P.O.V
      I slammed my hand down on the blaring clock and swiftly sit up. I glanced over the clock and saw it said 6:20. I groaned, school started at 7:50. I flopped back down in bed and drifted of to dreamland.
      "LEXI!!!" I heard Angela yell. I fell out of my comfy inhabitants and glared at her.
      "What." I spat bitterly. I was mean when I woke up. She pointed behind me. I looked where she was pointing and saw it was the clock, it read 7:42.
      I jumped out of bed and got dressed. (The cloths up top) I grabbed my purse and Angela slipped in before I bolted out the door.
      I slowed to a jog in front of my first period class I opened the door and glanced at the clock. 7:49 I made it.
      I sat next to Adrian and put my face on the table breathing out.
      "Are you alright?" Adrian asked. I picked up my face and rested just my chin on the table.
      "Yep, I'm fine just tired." I said. I yawned proving my statement. (After I read this paragraph I took a nap)
      "We will be working with partners for this project." The teacher spoke snapping me out of my tired daze. "This project is you have to design two outfits for the upcoming ball, your partner is the person sitting next to you." She finished. I slowly looked next to me to see Adrian smiling at me. I blushed and smiled back.
                      Adrian's P.O.V
      I stood outside the door of a fairly small house. Me and Lexi decided I would go to her house to do the project after school.
      I knocked on the door and it opened right away. Was she at the door waiting for me to knock? No... Was she?
      "Welcome to my cozy home!" She said stepping out of the way so I could look inside.
      It was just as small in the inside as the outside. But I wouldn't actually call it small, it was comfy, homey.
      I walked inside and followed her into a room with a bed and a desk. The walls where baby blue and the ceiling looked like the night sky. Lexi plopped down on her bed and motioned for me to sit on the chair of the desk. She pulled out a sketchbook and a pencil.
      "So..." She trailed of. I looked at her and blushed. Her short white hair became long in the middle and her purple blue eyes where like the ocean when the sun set. And the shy blush placed on her cheeks made her even cuter. That's it, I'm in love.
      "So do you want to do that?" She asked. I looked at her until I realized she had been talking the entire time.
      "Yeah I guess." I said hoping that was the right answer. She smiled an nodded proving I did the right thing.
      When we finished the design of her dress we colored it.
      " it's late, how about you head home and we can continue this later." She said. I nodded seeing it was 9:00. I waved goodbye and headed home.

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