Sabotage and puns

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Lexi's P.O.V
      I walk up the steps of the class when someone bumped into me making my folders spill everywhere. The girl who bumped into me apologize and helped me gather my things.
      "Sorry, I'm Sabrina. You're Lexi right?" She questioned. I nodded shyly and waved goodbye before sitting in my seat.
      "Alright everyone! Today you will continue to work on your outfits for the ball, remember, the theme is an evening of stars." The teacher said.
      "Did you bring the rough draft design?" Adrian asked. I nodded and shuffled through my bag. I couldn't find it.
      "I swear I put it in here! It was the first thing I did this morning!" I yelled shuffling through my back pack.
      "It's fine it was just the draft, you remember what it looked like right?" Adrian calmed. I nodded. I pulled out my sketchbook and opened it to a fresh page.
      The bell rang and we all gathered our belongings before racing out. Before I reached my next classroom Adrian grabbed my wrist.
      "Can you meet me at my house after school to finish up?" He asked. I nodded and ran into my next class.
                          Time skip
      I stood outside the Agreste mansion. It was huge. Adrian sure was rich. I knew he had money but damn that's big. I rang the doorbell and the lady told me to go inside.
      Once I was inside I walked up the stairs and saw a large picture of a very pretty woman. I soon noticed that Adrian stood next to me.
      "Oh hi. Is that your mom?" I asked. He nodded. "She's beautiful." I said. He looked at me and nodded again.
      "She was." He said startling me. I looked at him, not with a look of pity, but a solemn look knowing how he feels.
      "It doesn't get better." I stated shocking him. "I mean it does get better, but you'll always be sad. You'll always miss her. It won't go away. But over time you won't cry when you think of her, you'll smile, remembering her last moments were of love. A lot of them were." I explained causing him to hug me.
      "Who?" He asked. Questioning who I lost.
      "Both my parents and my best friend." I stated solemnly. He held me tighter.
      After the little sappy moment we had we went up to his room to continue our project.
      "Aha!" I yelled holding up the final sketch. Adrian looked at it and nodded approvingly.
      "Not bad." He said in a fake British accent. He is much funnier when he doesn't have to keep up his perfect boy persona. All of a sudden there was a crash, people where screaming and things where being thrown. Adrian grabbed my hand lead me down a hall and stuffed me in a closet.
      "Stay here." He said. He ran off giving me the perfect amount of room to change.
      "Angela, Fangs out!" I yelled. Angela was sucked into my necklace and I transformed into Loup Blanc. I ran out of the closet and out a window.
      I ran to were the noise was and saw a floating man dressed in a... Recycling bin?!?!? Yep that was a recycling bin. I looked down and saw Chat Noir and Ladybug dangling from a loose brick so I leaned over the top of the building and shouted.
      "Hey spots, kit Kat, how's it hanging." I said muffling a laugh. Ladybug glared at me while Chat, despite the circumstances, laughed.
      "Nice one Pup, but you really should help us out here." He laughed. I would normally punch someone for calling me pup but since I call him Kit Kat and that we have become friends over the past week,
I let it slide.
      "It does look like you guys are in a pickle." I said with a strait face throwing something of the building.
      "What was that?" Chat asked. I looked down at him with a frown and spoke.
      "A pickle jar, duh... What else could it be." I say before giggling. I jump of the building and purify the Akuma in one fell swoop. I slowly walked to the pair still holding on for there life and said one simple phrase.
      "Let go." Ladybug was shocked and about to object but alas, Chat was the one holding on. He let go of the brick and was sent falling towards me. I caught them in my arms and set them down on the cobble stone. Ladybug was about to yell at me when my miraculous beeped signaling I only had a few minuets left.
      "Good bye your highness." I said bowing. Chat was about to speak when I walked up to him and poked his nose.
      "Goodbye jester." I said. He then started to freak out and left yelling he had to check on someone. My eyes grew wide as I remembered Adrian.
                        Adrian's P.O.V
      I ran to my house and de-activated my miraculous. I ran upstairs to the closet and saw it was destroyed. I started freaking out until I heard a soft familiar voice next to me.
      "Sorry if I freighted you, I was worried so I went to look for you." She said. I brought her small frame into a hug.
      "Thank you for caring."she said planting her soft pink lips of my cheek and running away.

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