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Aria's POV
I run away from the wolf. The wolf was bigger then me in size, but he was slower. I make a tight turn and weave myself through the trees. Then I turned around. I kept my senses opened as I watched for it. Then, the big black wolf jumped out. I lunged under him and ran. I was beginning to get tired and I could feel him sensing it. I lowered my head trying to be as small as possible to move faster. But then I tripped. Before I could fall, I felt the black wolf push me. He landed on top of me. I growled at him. My wolf screamed at me. I ignored her and tried to get out of his grasps. When I couldn't, I gave up glaring at him. He gave me his happy smile with his tongue hanging out. I barked at him trying to get him off. Then I pushed up tackling him. He glared at me, not happy that I wasn't listening. He nudged me back and playfully nipped at my ears. I growl in frustration. He licks my snout with the same adorable yet dopey smile. I think my wolf is Australian. Whenever Drew is around she yells mate. Drew told me how werewolves get their wolves from kinda like a library, once a werewolf dies, their wolf goes to that library until their used by another werewolf. I think mine was Australian. I sigh. Drew is always the one too catch me. I brushed my scent on other trails, covered my tracks, even got my fur dirty too cover my scent! White fur isn't easy too clean! I huffed as Drew howled signaling he caught me.
Drews POV
It's been a month since Aria woke up. I helped her. Now she's helping me. I caught Aria as she fell from her yoga position. I loved watching her do yoga. Not like that! I'm not some pervert or anything! She just looked so cute. Her blond hair was in a fishtail braid. Now here's what I found cute, other then her of course, was the fact that she refused too do any other pose until she mastered the one she was working on. It was supposed to help her center herself and learn too calm her wolf. But Aria was like her wolf. Stubborn. "Again!" I yelled as Aria spared with Dane. She finally didn't call on her wolf. I'm trying to help her keep her forms. The yoga for communication in her werewolf form. The chase is for her to believe and trust her wolf. Lastly, the fighting is too stop her from calling on her wolf when she gets riled up. I smiled at her as she looked at the sunset. We have been in separate able. I've been staying at her house. I still haven't asked her out yet. But hey! I have around 2 months! I have plenty of time! She turned to me smiling. "What?" She asked confused. I smiled at her blushing slightly. We were your typical, everyday two werewolves on a hill watching the sun set while looking into each others eyes. I take her hand in mine. I held them between us as we both look at them. Then we slowly spread our fingers apart. I looked at her smiling as I saw her watching her fingers intently with her mouth opened slightly. She looked up at me and looked away blushing furiously. But she didn't move her hand from mine. I took it a step further and inertwined my fingers with hers. She didn't meet my eyes but followed my movements. I smiled at my embarrassed mate. Then I pulled her so she was snuggled to my chest looking out on the hill. I wrap my hands around her waist as I kept our hands together. I set my head to rest on hers as we watched the sunset. She's been doing good. She's a fast learner. She pushes herself hard to get what she wants. She's learned to hide her ears and tail so she could've left a long time ago. But she chose to stay with me. Knowing that made me smile. I dug my head into her neck. I felt her patting me on the head. I imagined her too be smiling as well. She's usually smiling. "We are going to work tomorrow." She said quietly. I groaned into her neck. Aria wanted to help me with my social skills so she is going to work at this small cafe down the road from the school. It's a multi themed café. Meaning that the theme changes alot. I pulled her closer too me as my wolf purred. I forgot what we worked as. With Arias smile, looks, and attitude, plus the reputation she holds as the towns little prodigy, she could be the advertiser. I on the other hand would probably be that one guy who gets kicked out for starting a ruckus. I sighed as I picked Aria up, not caring that she was still wide awake. I walked into the house with her over my shoulder. I practically moved in. Most of my cloths were in Arias closet, all my blankets since I didn't want to mess up Arias, almost all my possessions that I had brought over to show Aria at one point, and my pillows. I basically moved in and shared Arias room. Despite me actually being the one against it. Aria became depressed for about a week before I agreed to sleep in her room. I had made a small bed on the floor. Right next too her bed. Aria actually offered too share her bed, but I couldn't. Once in a while I will, but not everyday. In truth, I think that she actually still has nightmares about when she was attacked. I gently placed her down on her bed and was about too move to the floor when Aria wouldn't let go of my hand. I looked at her. Her face was buried in her pillow. I smiled. I laid on her bed. She looked up cautiously as the bed dipped slightly. I smiled as I let go over her hand and cuddle her. "Goodnight love." I whispered. I see sher smile lightly. She's become used to me not usually calling her her name now. "Night...mate." She whispered. I shot up staring at her blushing. "What did you just say?" I asked her excitedly giving her a dopey smile. She yawned and shrugged. "My wolf is Australian. She says it a lot around you." She mumbled. This was one of the happiest moments in my life. I smile. "Always call me that." I told her smiling into her neck. She petted my hair. I've grown used too it that it became calming. Then I cuddled her until we both fell asleep. I fell asleep with only one thing in mind. 'She called me mate!'

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