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Drew's POV
I sat down at the edge of her bed. She gasped at the pain. I felt tears slide down my face. "Please.... princess.... fish... dear.... mate.... Aria.... please don't leave me..." I begged. I touched her hand and placed it on my cheek. I looked at her. She had pain written across her face. "I should be worried about you... not the other way around..." I mumbled. I intertwined our fingers. She grabbed my hand tightly as she screamed in pain again. My wolf wined. We were in my room I realized. I laid my head on the bed. "I know princess. I know... it hurts..." I told her with tears. She screamed again in pain. I held her close to me gently. She was crying. I had tears sliding down my cheeks. "I won't let you go ever again love, I promise." I told her with tears. I wiped away her tears.
McKenna's POV
"I won't let you go ever again love, I promise." Drew said crying. We saw the whole thing. He would never hurt her. I smile confirming that. I went back to my room and fell asleep.
Drew's POV
I woke up to Aria screaming. I held her closer to me wiping away her tears. I cried. She survived the night. Her body accepted the Wolf DNA. I just want this pain of hers to go away. I held her hand tightly. "I'm not leaving..." I told her. She had bandages everywhere. I haven't even cleaned the blood off of myself.
*time skip*
Cal's POV
It's been 2 weeks and Drew hasn't came out of his room and Aria hasn't woken up. Mom and dad already left. He hasn't let go of her. There was always just a sad and depressing atmosphere in there. I brought him in food. He barely even glanced at me. I sighed as I took yesterday's food he barely touched and throw it in the trash. I sighed as I closed the door behind me.
*time skip*
Drew's POV
It's been 3 weeks since the wolf incident. I haven't left my room. I never left her side. She stopped screaming. She wasn't in pain anymore. Now she was was just recovering from blood lost. I sighed as I looked at myself in a mirror. My hair was dirty and unkept and splattered with blood. Thanks to my wolf, I stayed in shape, but I was still covered with dried blood. My eyes looked pink and puffy, I seemed thinner as well. I didn't look healthy. I held onto Aria's hand a little tighter. She had the purest white ears and tail I have ever seen. Her teeth only grew a little sharper but not sharp enough to poke out. "Mmmm..... Drew.....?" A sweet voice said. I quickly turned to it. Aria! I didn't waste anytime. I gave her a bear hug. I didn't want to let go. She slowly put her arms around me and hugged me. I cried into her hair. "I lied. I am so so so so sorry! I lied! I care about you so much! More then you could ever know. More then you can ever imagine!" I told her. I could smell her scent again. The beautiful ocean. As we pulled away, I kept her at arms length. Then her eyes widen. "W-what are you...?" She asked me. I looked at her confused. Then I realized it. She doesn't know about werewolves yet. I smiled making her flinch. She looked at the mirror behind me. She squeaked as she saw herself. "W-what am I?" She asked worried. "Ummm you were bit by a werewolf." I told her awkwardly. "W-what about swimming?" She asked scared. "Your going to need to take a break from that until you learn to fully control your powers." I told her. She shook her head in disbelief. "W-why are you covered in blood?" She asked me. I stared at her awkwardly. "Did you hurt someone....?" She asked after a moment. I didn't answer. She looked around wanting to escape. Before she could, I grabbed her wrist. She struggled not looking at me. Why is she trying to leave me again? I felt my vision clouding with red. She turned around and looked at me with something I have never seen before. Something I never wanted to see in her eyes. She looked at me with fear. Pure fear. She was scared of me. I let go of her wrist mindlessly. I watch as she runs. I shake my head. Then I try to follow her. I lost her. I take a deep breath smelling the air. Then I concentrate. I follow her scent. It lead me to the lake. I look around. Then I see a small opening. I have to swim. I dive into the cold water. I start shivering. I see something white dive under the water into the opening. Aria. I try to go faster after her. I finally reached the opening. I dive under it and go through. I appeared in a cave.

I followed the tunnel down and was in another cave. This one had an open ceiling and trees and actual plants. In the middle was a stone with Aria crying into her knees. All the blood and tiredness from before now gone, she looked as beautiful as ever. I slowly approached her. She saw me and backed away. Tears in her eyes and her lip quivering. I slowly approached her. I climbed up on the rock. "W-what happened?" She asked. So I told her what happened minus the part of me killing people. She sighed. "I worked so hard... I trained... I did everything... And now I can't even swim." She said looking down at her hands. I wrapped her up in a hug. "You just need to learn to control them. To hide your ears and tail. Then you can swim. It can go back to how it was before." I told her. She hugged me and cried into my chest.

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