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Aria's POV
As we heard a loud slam, we turn to look towards the entrance of the cave. Only to find out that there was no exit, or entrance. It was blocked off by a wall of silver. Drew...! "Damnit! We fell right into his trap!" Rin growled. "Why don't you all come out and fight me." The guy spoke. We looked in between each other. We nodded and we all slowly stood up. He looked at us and laughed. We couldn't even see his face. "That was way to easy. Especially for a favored from the big three." He said shaking his head. I glared at him. My wolf was itching to punch him. "Seriously, I knew you guys were following me all along, so I figured, why not kill all three birds with one stone? And it was to easy! I mean, you all let me lead you into your trap!" He said laughing. We stood still, we barely even moved to breathe. "I needed you both to lead me to another favored, I even let you guys think that you both could stand a chance if you had one more." He said pointing at the twins. "I thought that that mutt would never leave you alone." He said pointing at me. I growled. "I thought that I would need to have this brilliant plan to get him to leave for even a second! I had this whole elaborate plan to get him out as well! But then he just left you to my surprise! I'm actually a little hurt that I couldn't set my plan in motion." He said happily. I gritted my teeth. "Shut up." I said quietly. "What's that?" He asked smugly. I looked up at him. "I said to shut the hell up!" I yelled as I ran up and punched him. But I missed. He's to fast. He clicked tongue in annoyance behind me. Then I felt him lean down to my ear. "You can't punch me." He said mockingly. I growled. "I said to shut up!" I yelled as I sent a series of attacks at him. He dodged all my hits and all my kicks. How was He this fast! Then an arrow was shot at him. But he dodged it. He was inhuman! I turned around to see Rina with a bow out and Rin ready to attack. As he reappeared behind me, he clucked his tongue annoyed. "Such a bother." He commented. Then he threw something towards them. Mist started to seep out of the object. It covered the ground in a thick fog. Then Rina and Rin fell. I turned around to see them fainted on the ground. "Rina! Rin!" I yelled as I ran over to them trying to wake them up. They wouldn't. "What did you do to them!" I growled. He looked at me interested. "Interesting, since the fog is mostly water vapor, the witch bane doesn't affect you." He said observing me. "Must be because your Poseidon's favored." He commented with his hand to his chin. "What was in it!" I yelled getting up. I tried to kick him but he dodged. "There was a gas state of witch bane in there, unless cured soon, your friends will die. But since your his favored, the water must purify the fog before it reaches you." He said sounding bored. I glared at him with hatred. They aren't going to die! Not on my watch! I charged him as he smiled. He was not getting away that easily. I turned around, knowing where he would appear and attacked with water. He's telling me the antidote. The lights were all out except for the one above us. I growled as he circled me
Drew's POV
My siblings arrived fast. They were gonna wait by the front door until I unlocked it. I circled around trying to find a way in. I found a ladder. I looked at it unsure. Then I heard her. I heard Aria yelling something. I felt my vision cloud with red. "I'm coming princess!" I yelled as I climbed up the ladder and went onto the roof. I looked around until I saw the panel leading down. The panel that would lead me to my princess. I opened it and flung the panel across the roof. Then I jumped down to the rafters suspended in the air by chains. I ran around looking for Aria. I found her attacking the guy. Or at least she was trying to. He kept dodging. But there was something off about it. Her marks seemed to hit him but then he appeared somewhere else... I growled in distaste. Something wasn't right, why wasn't he attacking? He had plenty of openings... unless this was a diversion...! I looked away from him and saw Rin help Rina up. Then I saw Rina draw her bow and aim it at Aria. Then, everything clicked. He wasn't real... that means the real deal is...! I quickly turn back to Aria. She wouldn't have enough time to react! Then I jumped. "Aria!" I yelled.
Aria's POV
I let out a huge surrounding water attack. I heard buzzing. Then the guy froze. I heard the door open up. His form flickered back and forth. Almost like a Tv screen. I watch as my hand goes through him. A hologram...? Then I heard someone scream my name. I turn around as soon as I heard my name. I turned just in time to see Rina release her arrow with a smile plastered on her face. Then, it happened almost to fast to see. I saw the arrow pierce through Drew's chest. I stared at him in shock as the guy behind me laughed, stuck in a mocking repeat. I ran over to Drew's limp form on the ground. He looked me up and down. I felt tears slide down my cheeks. Then I heard him laugh. "I'll be alright princess... just go and beat their asses." He said smiling. I shook my head. He placed his hands on mine and looked up at me with a smile as he brushed away a tear. "You can take care of me after them. I won't die yet promise. Besides, you still need to say yes." He said quietly. I nodded. Then I gently place his head that was laying on my lap, down. Then I turned to the twins. "Ugh he's such a bother! He gets in the way of everything!" Rina groans annoyed. I growled and got ready to fight.
Rachel's POV
I stared at Aria. She looked up growling as she got in a fighting stance. Rin turned to her and laughed. "Your still not going to give up, are you? Such a shame, you used up almost all of your god powers." He said shrugging. Then he started approaching her. I saw Rina move to shoot another arrow. But a blast of water knocked her over.
Aria's POV
I look up to see Cass with her own bow and arrows. "I heard the howl. And I'm here to help." She said as she kept her arrow trained on Rina. Rin turned to me and smiled. I glared daggers at him. Then I charged.
McKennas POV
She charged straight at him. He blocked and dodged her attacks and gave her some of his own. She managed to block or dodge most of them. But an uppercut from Aria and a lower cut from Rin sent them both back. They glared at each other and for a second everything was calm. Then, they charged at each other again. They moved like in a dance. Then, he grabbed her by the throat.
Aria's POV
I struggled trying to make him let go. He held a blade up to my eye level and smiled. "Any last words?" He asked. Then a blast of water hit him. He dropped his blades. I looked over to Cass to see Rina approaching her angry. She struck Cass and then pushed her down. Cass was all out of water. I didn't see Cass stand back up. Then something they said hit me. 'Make sure you keep your dog under control.' I grimaced as he tightened his grip on my throat. He looked at me and smiled. He was a psycho! "Yeah, just four." I told him glaring. He raised his brow in question. I sent him a death glare. "See you in hell!" I growled as I transformed. I felt my nails turn to sharp claws, my teeth growing sharper, and as my tail and ears sprouted. He looked at me frozen. I gripped his hand and made him draw blood. Then I pried his hand off of me. He shook his head and got back in control. I glared at him as I felt my vision cloud with red.
Cals POV
I stare at Aria. We were all frozen. She had the same look in her eyes that Drew did on the day she was attacked. Then they charged. Aria clawed his face. He called out in pain as Aria kneed his stomach and punched his head down into the cement floor. Then in a flash, she was over at Rina. Her eyes weren't red but now blue. Rina tried to hit her with her bow but Aria caught it. As Rina glared, Aria growled. Then, the bow broke. Rina fell down on to the ground and backed away. But it was to late. Aria lunged and pinned her easily. We gained control and all went to help out Drew or Cass. I pulled the arrow out of Drew's chest. He groaned in pain. I buckled a little as I applied pressure to his wound.

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