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Cals POV
"You promised you wouldn't die before she said yes, you can't break it." I growled at him. He drunkly nodded his head. We ducked as Rina was thrown over our heads and into a wall. Rachel quickly bandaged Drew quicker. He lost consciousness. I tried to slap him, trying to wake him up as tears welled in my eyes. He can't die. He just can't! I growled as I tried to wake him up. Cass and the rest of them surrounded us. "Wake up!" I screamed in his face. But he didn't even twitch. I stared at his lifeless face. I looked up when I heard another slam on the wall. Aria was beating Rina to a bloody pulp against a wall. And from the dent behind Rina, I'd say she didn't walk to that wall... Bane and I run and hold Aria back. She was crying and struggling. Rina fell down onto the ground. Aria slumped down defeatedly. Once she calmed down, we moved her again. We brought her over to Drew. She looked at him and started crying again. She looked so strong not even twenty minutes ago, but she looked so weak now. She turned to Cass and cried into her embrace. Cass looked at all of us surprised as she slowly enclosed Aria in a hug. "I know Aria... I know... shh..." She said trying to soothe her. But it only ended up in Aria crying even worse. McKenna and Rachel patted her on her back as she cried. But Dane and I just stared at our brother. I felt Dane pat my back. I looked up at him to see him crying. Not on the outside, but on the inside he was balling like a baby. You could tell it in his eyes. We stayed there for a solid hour, maybe even two. The only sound was Aria crying and Cass trying to comfort her. After another half an hour, Aria pulled away. She looked so sad. She wasn't crying anymore, but she looked blank. Almost like she was, I don't know how to describe it. But she just looked blank. Dead stare blank. Her eyes weren't even the same blue. They were a depressing dull blue. She sat down and placed Drew's head on her lap as she lovingly caressed his cheek. She hummed a sad song as she looked at him and tears started appearing once more. He wasn't just her friend, best friend, boyfriend, he was her soul mate. Her one true love.
Aria's POV
I held his hand up to my cheek as I cried. I didn't care who saw me. I felt drained. Emotionally drained. I wanted this to be a dream. But every time I open my eyes, I'm still in the same place. I gently pet his hair as I softly sing. Memories of us through out the summer and school. From the time we met, all the way to now. Played in my head and brought more tears. I held onto his hand tighter. "Why did you break your promise...?" I asked softly. My voice sounded hoarse and it was breaking. Then I felt some gently grab my hand. They brushed away the tears in my eyes and gently petted my head. I opened my eyes to see Drew looking at me with his eyes opened a bit. He coughed. "Who said anything about me breaking my promise?" He asked dryly. I stared at him in disbelief. He sat up and smiled at me. I felt more tears show up as I watched him with disbelief. He was alive... Drew was alive! I lunge and hug him crying. He winced. I hold him gently as I try to wipe my eyes of any tears. He smiled at me lovingly and petted my hair. "I'm alive princess... I'm alive." He said as he took me into a hug. I cried. I grabbed his shirt and cried into his shirt. He rubbed my back in slow circles as he tried to calm me down. "Shh... it's ok sweetie... it's ok... I'm here... I won't go." He said soothingly in my ear. But that did little to no help. It was another hour until I had finally calmed down. He held me at arms length. I sat on his lap and looked at him. I rubbed my eyes trying to stop crying. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I don't know if this is bad timing, but, how about now? Is it the right time princess?" He asked. I looked at him confused for a split second. Then I understood. I bury my face back into his shoulder. He chuckled dryly that ended in a cough. "So I'll take that as a yes?" He asked. But I didn't trust my myself to answer. So instead I stayed inhaling his scent and nodded. Then I was facing him. Then he kissed me. I eagerly kissed him back. When we pulled apart I was still crying. He laughed dryly. Then he wiped away my tears. "I'm right in front of you princess, I'm not going anywhere, I promise." He said smiling at me. I just nodded but still couldn't stop crying. I hugged him and stayed in his embrace. I looked up at Cass. She looked down at me and wiped her eyes. She smiled. I smiled back knowing that she helped heal Drew. I look back down and cuddle back into Drew's shoulder. I happily sighed as I stayed there. I won't let him go again. And he won't let me go either. "I love you..." He cooed in my ear. I smiled as he hugged me tightly. "I love you to." I whisper as I tried to stay as close to him as possible. I felt him smile and hold me tightly. I know all his brothers and sisters went over to him and congratulated him and hugged him, but I didn't pay attention to that. All that mattered was that Drew was alive. And he was with me. And I won't let anything else take him away from me.

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