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??? POV
"The end." I read to the two kids in front of me. The boy was named Austin and the girl was named Ella. Austin was 7 and Ella was 5. I got up and out the book away on the shelf where the title 'Sweet Aria', read out on the spine in silvery letters. I sat back down as the kids looked at me amazed. Ella raised her hand. "Yes Ella?" I asked her. "Aunt Cass, what happened after that? What about her parents and after high school?" She asked. I smiled. "Well, Aria and Drew had to tell her parents about her. Her dad was surprised but had a feeling that it would happen. But her mom, although surprised, supported her." Aria said walking in. "And Drew got a very long long talk from the dad about his little girl." Drew said walking up behind Aria. "Mommy! Daddy!" Ella and Austin yelled running up to them. "Hey kiddos!" Drew said happily while picking Ella up. Austin hugged Aria's leg before she pulled him up and carried him. "Then, once they graduated, Aria moved to peruse her dreams. And Drew moved with her. But, when they came back to their home town they both got happily married and had two children." Aria said quickly touching Ella's nose. Ella smiled. "Yeah, but mommy, daddy, did it actually happen?" Austin asked. Aria smiled. "Of course it didn't." Drew said winking at his son. Aria smiled slyly at her children and giggled. "Thank you again for watching them Cass." She said happily. I smiled at her. "It's no problem, I love them. Drop them off anytime." I told her smiling. Drew nodded and smiled. "Will do. Kids time to say bye to Aunt Cass." Drew said smiling. The kids turned to me and smiled. They both waved. "Bye aunty Cass!" They called as they left. Austin's trident necklace swinging from his neck, and the bronze and water gem ring on a chain swinging from Ella's neck as they disappeared down the hall. I followed them to the door. "When we get home, I want you to read me Sweet Aria agin! Please daddy! It's our favorite story!" Ella said happily. Aria put Austin down. Austin held Drew's hand as they both left out the door together. Aria stayed behind and laughed. "They really like you, huh Cass?" She asked smiling. I smiled at her. "There great kids." I told her smiling out the window as I watched Drew load them up. "They are. I love my family." Aria said blissfully. Then she turned to me. "Ya know, if you ever get lonely here..." She said trailing off. I smiled at her. "I'll come to you straight away. Besides, the kids will want more stories from when you were younger." I told her happily remembering there happy faces. Aria giggled. Then she hugged me. I hugged her back. The horn outside honked. "That's my cue. I've gotta go. Bye Cass!" Aria called as she went outside the door. I smiled and waved as they left. Then I turned around and walked in my empty house. I stopped in the story room and looked at the small clear glass bottle that appeared. Inside it, freshly sealed, was a scale and a small tuff of grey wolf hair. Austin had inherited more of his mom's looks but his dads structure. He was a Nymph with baby blue scales. Just like the one in the bottle. Ella had inherited her dads looks but her mom's structure. Ella was more gentle and patient, while Austin was more ruff around the edges but a huge sweetie once you get to know him. Austin is very protective of his little sister. Thinking of them makes me smile. They are the sweetest kids. But that's not really all that shocking based on their parents. I smile at the bottle reminding me of the kids. I pick it up and place it on the shelf. Right next to the book we were just reading. It's been 14 years since that story has taken place. She had Austin when she was 22 and Ella when she was 24. That book, the book with their parents love story. We don't know who published it, or who wrote it for that matter. It had just explained their love story exactly how they remember it happening. It just showed up on my door step telling us to share it with others. So, that's what I'm doing.

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