Eye candy

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Drew's POV
It was late when our shift ended. Not late late, but around 4. I had scared away 7 customers and glared at 20 to the point that they stopped even glancing at her. I stretched my arms. Aria was walking beside me. "So ur pretty popular." Nox said coming out of nowhere. Aria jumped. I glared at him as I held her closer. "Both of you, you guys are going to advertise tommorow. The theme is going to be maids." He said shrugging. "Told ya!" I said smiling at Aria. She huffed and rolled her eyes. Then she gave me the 5 bucks she owed me. "Why advertise?" I asked. "Eye candy." He answered shrugging. "What?" She asked. "Well sweetie," He said smiling. I growled. "You are both pretty popular. You being all happy and adorable is going to attract people and your looks will draw them in. Drew is the strong, silent, mysterious, type, people are into that stuff. If people see you guys out there they are going too come in." He answered. Then he poofed away. Aria looked confused at the term. "It basically means people like too look at us." I told her ruffling her hair. She held onto my arm smiling. I held up my arm lifting her with it. "You are very cuddly today." I told her laughing. "Ah! I'm sorry! I'll stop!" She said quickly. She let go and looked down at her feet. "Hey wait a minute!" I yelled in protest. I grabbed her and covered her in a hug. "I don't recall telling you to stop." I told her. She laughed and hugged me. She let go and looped our arms. "Let's head home." I told her laughing. We arrived home. She started making dinner. I smiled as I smelled spaghetti. I went on my phone and decided to play games. Then I got a text.
C-Chad, D-Drew
C-You really think you guys can last?
D-What are you talking about?
C-You and Aria.
D-What about us?
C-You guys are too different.
D-Leave us alone
C- You stay quiet and uninvolved
C-She's involved in everything, she's confident. She's too good for you.
C- And you know it.
D-Your delusional!
C-Aren't you supposed to protect her?
C-So far, all you've done is hurt her.
C-You never speak. You guys are too different.
C-Your the reason she's changed.
C- Your bad for her
D-Shut up
C-If you really wanted too protect her, you would've left her alone already.
"Drew! Dinners done!" She sang out. I threw my phone and the chair trying to ignore the dings. He's right. All I've caused her since I've met her is hurt. I looked up at my beautiful mate. She had her ears and tail. She was smiling. I thought back too all the smiles she's given me since she woke up. Were they all fake...? She never asked for this life. She never wanted to be a werewolf. She didn't ask to get involved with the supernatural. She was forced into the world. Forced into it by me. Chad was right. All I've cause is her suffering. I wasn't even able to protect my own mate from an attack. I have done nothing to deserve her. And I shouldn't be the one too have her. She's too good for me. I ate my dinner then I stared into the empty bowl. I'm not a good mate. Why was this ray of pure sunshine cursed to have a crappy mate like me. I sighed as I got up from my seat and walked upstairs. She deserves better then me. But I was too selfish too notice. I fell asleep hating myself for the first time since meeting Aria. When I woke up I dragged myself to get dressed. "Morning sleepy head." Aria said smiling as she put food in front of me. Was that one fake too...? I ignored the food and headed to the door. Aria quickly ran after me. She looked down disappointed. She should hate me. The walk too work was filled with silence. I wouldn't even look at her. She needs a better mate then me. We quickly got dressed and headed outside together with fliers. We were at the beach handing them out. Aria tried to start up conversation multiple times. "Are you ok?" She asked. We were half way through our shift. "You need to stop." I said quietly. "What?" She asked surprised. "I said you need to stop!" I yelled. People watched us curiously. She smiled and looked at me confused. "I... I don't understand..." She said confused. I walked towards her and stared at her. Her beautiful blue eyes stared back almost mockingly. "We are to different. I'm quiet and stay away from people. Your confident and beautiful and! I have caused you nothing but pain since we've met! You need to stay away from me!" I yelled at her. She looked at me hurt. "You deserve a better mate. I was just too selfish too realize it." I told her. Then I walked away. "Drew!" Aria called. Then I ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I ran. I kept running until my lungs burned. I was on a cliff. I was on the cliff that I met Aria on the day I was pushed off. I sat down and felt tears pour down. I grabbed my head frustrated. I looked up at the sky and screamed. "This isn't fair! I! I have too stay away from her because I hurt her." I tell myself. That calmed me down. *cue music* I stepped back away from her until I was on the edge of the cliff. I looked down at the water. "You should never have met me." I said. She looked at me shocked as her song finished. "I don't regret it." She stated. I laughed. "Your a werewolf now! I was supposed to protect you! And look what happened! Don't lie too me!" I yelled. She looked taken back.

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