Silent killer

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Drew's POV
"Look at you! I couldn't protect you!" I yelled. She held her arms up trying to look as less threatening as possible. "Drew, please... don't do anything that you'll regret." She said calmly. "HOW! How can you act like everything is ok?!" I yelled. She looked at me worried. "Because if I didn't, we would both be freaking out and that would get us no where." She said smiling slightly. "Nothing is ok! I failed you!" I yelled. "So stop acting like it is!" I yelled looking down at my hands. She clenched her fists and tears started to hit the ground. "Ok I won't! Drew you caused me to be a werewolf. You caused me and my boyfriend to break up! And you separated my best friend and I." She said. I looked down ready too jump. I deserved that. "But..." She said. Her hair covered her eyes in shadows. I stopped too look at her. "You saved me. You trained me on how to be a werewolf. You stuck with me, even started staying at my house because of my nightmares. You showed me how much of an asshole my ex was and how my best friend stabbed me in the back. And you waited for me by my bedside for me too wake up for around a month, just too make sure that I was alright." She said. She balled her fists. "So no! I don't regret saving you! I don't regret jumping off a cliff for you! I don't regret any of it! I never have! And most of all! I don't regret having you in my life. Because now that your in it, I can't imagine my life without you." She yelled. I smiled at her. Then I turned around and looked at the water. She walked up to me and wiped away the tears. "I don't deserve you." I whispered into her ear. She hugged me tightly. Then I pushed her away. She looked at me confused. Then her eyes widened in realization. "No!" She screamed. But I fell into the water. I looked up to the surface as I sank deeper. I saw the moon shining brightly. I saw the nymphs and sirens start swimming towards me. They looked at me smiling. Then a splash caught there attention. Aria swam down too me. The nymphs and sirens attacked her. No! She got scratched badly across her body. She grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away from them. I saw something falling from her eyes. "Let him go!" She screamed at them. I was beginning too see black spots. I closed my eyes and tried to pull myself away from her. "No! I'm not letting him go with you! Get away from him!" She screamed at the magical beings. The water got rough. Animals started to go in a frenzy around the beings. Aria quickly swam us too the beach. As my lungs filled with oxygen I could see again. Only I wasn't on the beach. I was in Arias bed. I looked around me. Was that all a dream...? Aria stood there crying. I got up holding my head. "W-what happened?" I asked her. She ran too me. I was pushed back onto the bed. "Aria what are you-" I asked but got cut off. Aria was on top of me. She kissed me. I got over my confusion fast and held her closer too me. We pulled apart, she was crying. I wiped away some of her tears. She banged her fists against my chest. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" She said sounding more broken after each one. Then she was turning away from me. "Don't ever do that again!" She screamed. She held herself. She sobbed. I got up only to be back on the bed with Aria hugging me. "Do you hear me!" She yelled. "Don't you ever do that again! Promise me!" She yelled sobbing. I felt my heart break. I didn't know how too respond too her feelings all at once. "Promise me!" She screamed hugging me closer. I sat us up and held her. I petted down her hair. "I promise." I said above a whisper. I sounded hoarse. I had tears threatening too fall. Aria sat there crying into my shoulder. She repeated that she hated me and told me too never do it again. "I wish I hated you! But I can't! Please never do that again!" She hiccuped scared. She was scared that I would die. I looked at the calendar. It's been 5 days. Aria looked like a reck. Like a child during a thunderstorm. I held her tighter as tears finally fell. "It's alright. I'm here now. Shh... don't cry sunshine." I whispered. I cradled her to my chest. She was a crying mess. I held her until she was fast asleep. I laid her down on her bed. But her grip tightened as she woke up with wild eyes. "No! Don't leave me again! Please don't leave!" She said starting to cry. I sat down next to her. "Hey... hey, don't cry! I'm just getting changed then I'll come straight back!" I said wiping away the stray tears. She nodded her head. I smiled and kissed her head. Then I quickly left to get changed. I came back with my pajama pants on. Aria was awake waiting for me. She looked up once I entered the room. I sat down next to her. She hugged me the moment I got in bed. She was cuddled into my chest. I held her. "Never leave me again." She said tearing up. I brushed my fingers through her hair. "I won't." I whispered. I stared at her as I watched her slowly fall asleep. I brush hair away from her face and watch her steady inhales and exhales. I smiled as she showed signs of pleasant dreams. I couldn't die. I would miss her too much. I smiled as I hugged her. Fear. It can save a person... but it can also destroy them from the inside out. It's the most dangerous weapon yet the most powerful one. You can't get rid of it once it's there. You can only ignore it. Fear... it's the silent killer. And Chad will pay for setting its sight on me.

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