The Call

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Aria's POV
It's been about a month. Only one month left of summer sadly. I haven't left Drew's side and he hasn't left mine. It's made me happy. My wolf prances whenever we see him. We are going to a water park today! I can't wait. I walk out of the room too see Drew. I smile and wave at him. He smiled. We haven't talked about the kiss. I don't know why. I think he just understood so he never brought it up. After all, I guess this is how life works. This isn't some romance story that we need too discuss something obvious. We just get each other, no words needed. "You've been awfully quite fish." Drew said. I smiled embarrassed. I turned to see him only a few centimeters away from my face and jump. He laughed. Aria... "Yeah Drew?" I asked. He looked at me questionably. "What?" He asked smiling. "You said my name." I told him confused. "I haven't said your name princess." He said laughing awkwardly. "Huh, must've just imagined it." I said shrugging. And that was the last we spoke of it. I could've sworn I heard someone say my name though...weird. The heat must be getting me. "You ready princess?" Drew asked. I nodded with a smile. He held my hand as we walked out of the house. We walked towards the main part of town. We walked in pure silence. But it was comfortable. It was like there was no words needed. Almost like we were talking without needing too talk. If that makes sense. But that voice continued. We arrived at the park. No matter what, nothing can ruin my day alone with Drew! We haven't got much alone time since we started working at the café. We gave them our tickets and walked in. The water park had a huge fountain in the middle of the park. It was a beautiful white stone classic fountain. Drew smiled down at me. Then we walked around trying to decide on where we should sit. We finally decided on a spot on a hill. We laid our stuff down. "So... what ride should we go on?" He asked. I thought about it. The voice got louder. I covered my ears. "Princess, are you feeling alright? Do you need some water?" He asked. "Yeah! Water! That would be great!" I said. "Alright I'll be right back!" He said smiling. Then he ran down the hill. Aria...! Get out of my head! I know your not real! It's time. What the heck are you talking about? It's time! Yeah! Time for you to get out of my head! It's calling! Drew ran back up with a bottle of water. Water go too the water! "Water for the princess." Drew said Bowing. I laughed and ignored the voice. Then I drank the bottle of water. "Thank you so much sir." I said laughing. "So how about some rides?" He asked. I held my head as the voice got extremely loud. "Aria..?! Are you alright?!" He asked worried. "Yeah! Perfect! Rides, those sound great! Let's go on some rollercoasters!" I said. He looked at me unsure. I gave him what I hope was a reassuring smile. He sighed. "If Your sure." He said still not sounding convinced. Then we started to go on rollercoaster after rollercoaster. The voice got louder and more demanding. It only said one word though. Water. I groaned as I rubbed my head. "Aria? Are you sure your alright?" Drew asked still worried. "Y-yeah! Nothing can ruin this day! It's just the heat. Maybe we should get some food and then go on some water rides?" I suggested. He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Of course princess." He said laughing. He had his arm slung around my shoulder. "But tell me if your head continues too hurt! We can go home, I don't mind." He said. "No! Uh, no! That won't be necessary! I'm fine see!" I said smiling as I let him look at me. I was wearing shorts that covered my bikini bottoms. It was the same one from the café. We were wearing matching swimsuits. He sighed. We ate some food. I had a grilled cheese and some fries, along with a cherry Italian soda. Drew got a hamburger, fries, and a sprite. "I didn't know you liked cherries." Drew said observing me. I laughed. "I love cherries!" I said laughing. Drew smiled. Once we were done we got icecream. Drew got a vanilla cone while I got mint chocolate chip. Once we were done eating, we went on some rides. We went on lazy river first. We smiled as we quietly talked. I let my hand fall into the water. I felt a tingling in my hand. I got it out of the water and gasp. That alerted Drew right away. "What's wrong?" He asked all serious now. "O-oh! Um... n-nothing! I just touched the water and it was cold! A-and it uh..." I said it like it was a question. I hid my hand and smiled. He didn't seem too believe me but let it go. I sighed a sigh of relief. Then I look at my hand. The back of my hand had grown what looked like cerulean shimmering scales. They were beautiful yes, but why do I have fish scales? I don't want too worry Drew... things were just getting back too normal! I sighed as we got off the ride. The voice yelling at me for more water. Drew reached for my hand. I quickly moved it away and gave him my other one. He looked at me confused but shrugged. I smiled as I hid my hand behind me. We walked around the park looking for other rides too try. "Um, excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." I said smiling. Before he could respond, I ran away to the bathrooms holding my hand. I got there and looked at the scales. It has started

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