God slayer

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Aria's POV
We looked up to see the twins. They motioned for us to stay quiet. We watched from the bushes as the man stopped in the park. He looked around for us. After a bit he ran out the park continuing his look. I sighed with relief. "Who was he?" Drew asked. "He's a god slayer that's been tracking us since we moved. We didn't think he would find us again." Rin said annoyed. "A-and it looks like h-he sensed A-Arias godly presence so h-he tried to track her d-down." Rina added softly. "So you guys knew that there was this god slayer after you guys and you both decided to not yell ANYONE about this and now he's after Aria." Drew growled. "W-we are so s-sorry! We didn't t-think he would be able to t-track us again!" Rina said worried. Aria smiled. "It's fine but we need to get him out of here." Aria told her. Rina nodded. "We've been trying to shake him for the past two years. It would be nice if he could leave." Rin commented. Then we stood up and walked out from behind the bush. "Aria mentioned you guys being favored as well." Drew stated looking at Rin. Rin smiled. "Yes, I am the favored child of the sun god Apollo." He said taking a bow. "And I-I am the f-favored child of the m-moon goddess A-Artemis." Rina stuttered our also doing a bow. I smiled and clapped. "Favored child of the sea god Poseidon." I told them bowing. They smiled at me. Then Drew pulled me closer to him so we were walking shoulder to shoulder. "Don't trust them." He whispered. I nodded. They were favored to I don't see how they could harm me in any way. "Do you guys know where that god slayer is now?" Drew asked impatiently. "He probably retreated to his lair for the night." Rin answered. "Where is...?" Drew asked getting annoyed. "W-we have n-no clue." Rina stuttered out. Drew sighed annoyed. "So how should we get rid of him?" He asked. "Well, if we bait him out and then the bait disappears, we can follow him." I said smiling. "That's a good idea Aria!" Rin said smiling at me. I smiled kindly back. "Who's goin got be the bait?" Drew growled out as we headed our way home. "W-well he seemed determined to f-follow Aria, e-even if there was s-somebody to witness it." Rina chimes in.
Drew's POV
I sent her a withering glare. She slowly backed away back begging her brother. "I refuse to let her be bait." I growled. Rin glared at me. "Last I checked you didn't control her ya mutt." Rin growled. I glared at him not backing down. Then Aria pushed herself between us. "Let's just calm down guys." She said trying to calm us down. We both turned around away from the other angry. "I'll be the bait." Aria said quietly. "What!" I yelled. Rin and Rina smiled at her. I glared at them both. Then I was dragged inside for food. As we ate, we sat in silence for the very first time. "I just don't want to see you hurt again." I mumbled looking down into my food. I glanced up to see Aria. She sighed and looked up. Then she smiled at me. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I held her against me and sighed. "I won't get hurt again. I have you there to protect me." She mumbled into my shirt. I smiled and lightly combed through her hair with my fingers. I sighed thinking. That's right. I'll be there. I won't let anyone hurt her. I won't let anyone harm her. Especially the god slayers. They are brutal with their murders. They don't give a damn about their surroundings or who sees. They will never make it a fast painless death. They make them suffer. It's a horrible sight to watch. And I won't let the same fate meet my princess. Not her. That fate will NEVER meet her and I'll make sure of it. We let go and clean up the dishes. Then we go upstairs to get some rest. Aria fell asleep right away, me not so much. I stayed awake worried until I finally pass out. When I woke up again, Aria was already dressed. It was about noon. I sighed. "Morning Drew!" Aria said cheerfully. She was sitting in the bed reading something. I smiled as I walked downstairs to see the twins eating. I groaned as I walked back upstairs and got dressed. Then I went downstairs and ate. Rin briefed us on the plan. I was going to hide close by her and keep a visual on him. Rin and Rina will be waiting in the forest to get Aria away from the guy. After that we'll follow him to his hideout. We all nodded understanding the plan. I still didn't trust them but getting rid of a god slayer is beneficial to Aria as well. We all started out way to the square. It was busy. It was Saturday after all. I hid in a group of people. Aria moved into position sitting at the fountains edge. She pretended to be waiting for someone. After about half an hour I saw him. I texted Aria telling her that he was approaching. I watched as she looked around and back down at her phone pretending to be frustrated and annoyed. Then she got up and walked away. And sure enough, so did the god slayer. As planned Aria led him into the forest as she was pulled out of his reach by Rina. We waited for him to give up on his search and we all followed him. We almost lost him like 12 times. But we found him again. He was leading us to the more richer parts of town. Then he walked into his lair. And we followed him.

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