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Drew's POV
It's been over a month and the twins wouldn't leave us alone. Rina constantly popped up anywhere I go and from what Aria has told me, Rin was everywhere. I don't trust them. There was just something off. Even though they helped us multiple times. They would cover for us if we were late and they even helped us out with Chad. But no matter how many nice things they did, I didn't trust them. My wolf knows there is something wrong with them. And he has never led me wrong before. They seemed to know a lot about us. Especially about Aria. But despite how much they knew, they didn't seem to know about Aria being a werewolf as well. I guess they just ignored the scent of her wolf and thought that it was only because I hung out with her all the time. "Drew, since you seem to know this stuff, then please tell us, what role does a female wolf have in the pack?" The teacher asked. I looked at him and stood up not breaking eye contact. "Well that depends if there is a pup." I told him challengingly. He nodded a swift yes. I smiled. "Well, the females stay with the pup an take care of them while the others go out and hunt food for her." I told him smiling a bit. He rolled his eyes and let me sit down. I turned to Aria who was in the back of the classroom and winked. She blushed and looked away. I quickly turned away and questioned what I just. The teacher gave us all a work sheet to work on wit partners. I went over to Aria. She just smiled and moved her bag to make room for me. We started on the worksheet quietly discussing the questions. Then I started to hear to girls gossip. "Don't you think the captain and Drew look cute together?" A girl said. I turned around slightly to see that it was Anna and Rose talking. I turned back around smiling. "Yeah but, don't forget about Rin. I heard him over talking about how he is going to be sure to put Drew in his place." Rose whispered. "I don't think Rin could come between them. The captain and Drew seem really close." Anna whispered. My wolf growled quietly at the thought of Rin taking Aria. "They do but lately, I've been seeing Rin always with Aria and Rina always hanging around Drew. I think they are trying to break those to up." Rose whispered. I couldn't listen anymore. Like hell I would let Rin take her. I heard a snap. I looked down to see my pencil broken. I growled in annoyance. Then I felt a hand. I looked down to see Aria liking up at me with her hand in mine. "Drew? Are you alright?" She asked worried. I smiled and placed my hand on hers. "I'm fine." I told her quietly. "Come on, I'll take you to the nurses. Your bleeding." She said quietly. Then she took my hand and started leading me out of the classroom. I smiled at her gentle hand that was on mine. I looked up at her slightly with a blush. We turned the corner and I walked closer so I was beside her. Then I started to hold her hand. I turned to her and smiled as we walked to the nurses office. There was no way I would let Rin have her. I turned my head a little to see that we were being followed. They were wearing a black hoodie that covered there face. I couldn't smell them. It was like they didn't even exist, like a ghost. I squeezed Aria's hand a little tighter. She turned towards me and smiled. I motioned behind us with my eyes. She pretended to stretch and turned her head side ways and saw him. She seemed to get what was happening. Then she pulled me to a set of lockers. "I should dress the wound now incase the nurse is at lunch." She said smiling. We got closer as she pulled out bandages and started wrapping my hand. "How long has he been following us?" She whispered. "I have no clue I just saw him and he was following us." I whispered. She nodded. "It's not to tight is it?" She asked as she finished. I smiled. "It's perfect." I told her smiling. Then we started walking again. Sure enough, he followed. "So what do you think of our new friends?" Aria asked. I hummed in response. "You mean the friends that are constantly trying to keep us apart?" I asked her laughing. She laughed quietly. "What makes you think they've been doing that?" She asked quietly while laying her head on my shoulder. I smiled. "Because they both seem to appear on us so we never see each other." I told her smiling. She laughed. "Well we are together now. Just you and me like it used to be" She said smiling happily. I smiled and nodded. "I think I prefer it this way more. Fours a crowd." I told her smiling. She laughed. We glance back slightly. The guy was still there. We walk back to class pretending that nothing was happening. We stayed there both not really paying attention to the last class. When the bell rang, it made us both jump. We quickly grabbed our stuff and left the class and school. As we turn a corner I saw the guy from before. I quickly told Aria. We started picking up the pace as did he. Until we were running back to the house. I had no clue who this guy even was. He has yet to show any sign of actually living. He had no scent and was quiet. He was definitely not a human. But he wasn't a ghost either. I didn't know what he was. We quickly ran into a park and was pulled into a bush.

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