Who are they

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Aria's POV
I watched Rina in my class. She was quiet and shy. Her and her brother had a weird feel around them. I couldn't place it. But there presence was well known. It seemed powerful. I watched her instead of the lesson. She was quiet and shy. Basically she looked like the opposite of Rin. I sighed as I looked up at the board. Drew's not in this class. "If I knew you were going to just watch my sister, I wouldn't have let you meet her." Rin said joking. I turned to him once I came out of thought. Rim stood there smiling at me. I smiled at him. "Fish!" A girl called. I turned to her to see my team mates smiling at me. "Hello ladies." Rin said smiling. He sat down in the seat next to me and watched us. "So where's Drew? You to are usually attached at the hip." Dave said laughing. I smiled at him. "Well, he felt threatened because I am here so he ran with his tail between his legs." Rin said smiling. I stiffened at the mentioned of a tail. Then I felt a hand on my head. "Like I would leave my princess with you." Drew said sweetly. Rin looked at him and huffed. I laughed to myself. Rina shyly walked over to us. Then she was surrounded by my team. I stood up and tried to help her. "Guys come on! Let the poor girl breathe!" I told them trying to get in between everyone. I finally was able to grab Rina and brought her out towards us. "T-thanks." She said quietly. I gave her a smile. I walked back to my seat only to find Drew sitting in it talking to Rin. I sighed annoyed and walked away annoyed and ready to find another chair. Then Drew grabbed my arm. I turned to him questioningly. He just smiled and pulled me towards him so I fell on to his lap. I felt my cheeks go bright red. I turn to Drew for a explanation but he seemed just as surprised as me and avoided eye contact. He's been more daring with his flirting since I called him mate.... And I stroll don't even know what that means!
Drew's POV
I blushed bright red. What the hell did I just do! My wolf is becoming more daring and it puts blame on me for his actions. I couldn't make eye contact with her. I was way to embarrassed. I looked around the room. I noticed that Rin and Rina were talking in a corner. I strain my ears to hear there conversation. They glanced my way and quickly looked back. "Drew...?" Aria asked. I turned my attention back to her. She was holding the sandwich she packed for my lunch. I blushed realizing that she was trying to feed me. "I-I uh.. you forgot to grab it at the house! So I grabbed it and was trying to uh give it you to you but you were lost in thought so uh yeah!" She said stumbling over her own words. I smiled at her. Then I patted her head. Then the swim team bombarded her with questions as why I was at her house and why she made lunch for me. I looked back at the set of twins. They were watching us silently. But the moment they noticed me watching, they turned around, said something, then left. I stared after them curiously. Then I got up ready to follow them. Or I would if I hadn't flung Aria off me and onto the floor... "Ow... What is it Drew?" Aria asked.x I stared down at her worried. "Princess! I'm so sorry I completely forgot!" I apologized. She stood up and smiled. I gave her a small smile. I turned to the team. "Excuse us, but my princess and I really need to get going." I told them. Then I picked up Aria and we ran out of the classroom. Where did those twins go?! I don't trust them. I raced ya through the halls trying to find them. "Drew...? Where are we going...?" Aria asked quietly. I looked down at her and blush realizing I've been carrying her this whole time. I was about to tell her when a pair of twins walked around a corner. "Drew! Aria!" Rin called. He grabbed his sisters hand and ran towards us. "I-is Aria ok...?" Rina asked hesitantly. "She fell. I'm taking her to the nurse." I answered. They both nodded. "Take good care of her. There aren't a lot of favored left." Rin said glaring at me. Aria and I looked at him surprised and shocked. Then Rina giggled. "Don't worry! We won't let you secret slip!" Rina said giggling. "Just make sure you can rely on that dog of yours." Rin said calmly. I stood there frozen. Then they walked past us. We stood there for a moment. "Oh! And the nurse is the other way!" Rina called as she left. But I didn't budge. "Aria, I want you to be wary of them." I told her putting her down. She looked at me confused. "Why? They seem nice." She said giggling. I shook my head at her. Then I glanced back in the way they went. "I don't trust them." I told her. "Huh? What's not to trust?" She asked confused. I told her about the class room. "They are up to something. I can tell." I told her looking after them. "Well, they are also favored." Aria said looking at me. "Wait what do you mean?" I asked her surprised. "Can't you smell it? Ambrosia. The drink of gods. It's all over them." She said shrugging. "Three favored all in one place. This has got to bad." I told her shaking my head. "What do you mean? Why is it bad?" She asked confused. I sighed smiling. I patted her head. "I'll tell you at home. C'mon let's go to class." I told her smiling. She smiled and nodded. I turned around back to face the direction that the twins took off in. Just who the hell are they really?

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