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Drew's POV
We spent the next day enjoying each others company. Nothing more, nothing less. We stayed inside watching shows, and playing board and video games. And I loved every second of it because I was with Aria. Our fingers were currently laced together as we looked up at the stars from Arias lake. Then I heard her giggle. I sit up and look at her with a smile. "What's so funny sunshine?" I asked jokingly. I hover over head looking down at her. "I was just wondering where the summer had gone." She said smiling. "Well, you were sleeping or couldn't remember me for most of it as I recall." I told her thinking. "Hey!" She yelled blushing. I laughed at her embarrassed stage. Her red stained cheeks puffed out as she avoided eye contact and pouted at my teasing. I smiled at her. I leaned in closer so she had no choice but to look at me. "Don't worry princess... next summer I won't let you leave my side." I told her quietly. I saw her face peak to a inhuman red. I watch her as her eyes tried to stay focused on anywhere but me. I smiled. She has a tuff reputation. But that's all talk. She's just a cute, shy, innocent princess. I smiled as I got closer. "H-hey! W-why are you so c-close!" She yelled. I smiled. I got even closer. She looked away embarrassed. I smiled. Then I grabbed a lock of her hair and gently placed it against my lips. She took a sharp intake of breath that I smiled at. I let the hair fall back down towards her shoulder. "What's wrong princess?" I asked her casually playing Koi. She looked away with a blush. "Nothing!" She snapped a little to loud. I smiled. Then she pushed me away so she could sit up. "I'm going home." She said pouting. I hurriedly chased after her. "Princess! Wait!" I called after her. We stopped outside her door. "What Drew?" She asked still pouting. I smiled at her. Then I leaned down and kissed her cheek. She stood there stunned. I smiled at the effect I had. Then I walked inside up to the room we shared.
Arias POV
I stood there on the porch to stunned to move. Then I placed my hand on the place my cheek burned from his kiss. My wolf happily howled inside of me. I felt a blush appear and set up camp on my cheeks. I couldn't process anything. What does that kiss mean! Drew! I felt my brain snap back to reality and quickly walked inside and locked the door. I ran up the stairs up to my room. "Drew! I have something I want to say!" I yelled as I got into the room. But Drew laid in the bed sleeping. I looked at him silently. Then I covered my mouth quickly. What was I just about to say!?! My blush reddened. I shake my head quickly. Then I start to get changed.
Drew's POV
I sat their waiting for her to finish. When nothing happened I opened my eye a little. Then I blush and turn my face into the pillow. She was about to get changed. Why would she do that right in front of me! Is she really this open about her body! No! She blushed the moment I got close. Does she think I'm asleep! Then I heard a tired sigh. "He's going to suffocate himself." Aria whispered to herself. Then I was rolled over on my side. I continued to pretend I was asleep. I open my eye slightly to see that she was changed. I sighed relieved. Then I felt her lay down next to me. I smiled as I turned around and hugged her close. I imagined herself blushing and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Then I felt her lightly pet my hair. I smiled. Then I felt her gently kiss my cheek. I opened my eyes suddenly. But she was sleeping. I touch my cheek and watch her steadily breathe. I smiled and cuddled her closer and just watched her for the rest of the night. I didn't get a wink of sleep. When her alarm went off it made me jump. I hadn't realized how early it was. I got up and took a shower. Once I finished, I went downstairs to see my mate cooking my favorite. Waffles with bacon and scrambled eggs. I smiled as I walked up behind her and embraced her. I nuzzled my head into her neck. Her presence was so comforting. I smiled into it. Then the doorbell rang. I growled. There's two hours until school who the hell could that be! I grumpily walk to the door and open it with a scowl.

Twins smiled back at me. "Hi I'm Rin, and this is my sister Rina!" The guy Rin said. I glared at them. "Drew? Who is it?" Aria asked. Then she peaked over my shoulder. I just glared at the twins for interrupting. "Oh, hello! I'm Aria! And this is Drew!" Aria said cheerfully. They explained something about introducing themselves to neighbors or some shit like that. I'm to tired to know. They asked about Arias parents. The next thing I know, Rin is past me and holding Arias hand to his lips. "And don't worry, Aria! I am only a couple houses away, if you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING just let me know." He said flirting. I growled. Who the hell does he think he is! I grabbed his collar and death stared him. "Don't worry about that. She has me." I said in a deathly calm time. Then they were invited to  breakfast. And Rin is annoyingly flirty. "Drew did you sleep at all?" Rina asked. This is one of the few times she talked. I shook my head. "Why not?" Rina asked quietly. "It was to bright, the source was right next to me after all." I told them winking at Aria. She just looked down with a blush. I smiled at the accomplishment. The twins passed a look of confusion between them. "We're going to be late if we wait any longer!" Aria yelled looking at her. We all quickly got up and ran towards the school.

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