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Drew's POV
Fate... Destiny... it goes by many names. But, it's a strange thing. But it is something that we have no control over. I look over at Aria sleeping. She is the embodiment of purity. Fate... I hate that word. It makes me feel like I'm being controlled. Like whatever I do, it is because someone else is making me. Like I have no control over my life. I more then hate it. I loathe it! But, looking back on it... is that what led Aria too me...? Fate..? Destiny...? Was it because someone had made her that we met? Was it already set in stone that we would meet? Or was it just luck. Just some stupid luck...? I groaned in frustration. In doing so, I woke up Aria. Aria looked over at me and smiled. "Morning Drew!" She said cheerfully. I smiled back at her. "Hey princess, I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I told her feeling guilty. She just smiled and waved it off. "It's fine!" She said cheerfully. She is the very picture of purity. Then a thought occurred to me. "Hey princess, I have a question." I told her thinking. "Shoot!" She said sitting up. I sighed and sat up with her. She looked adorable in her pajamas. I smiled at her. Then I looked back down at my own hands. I clenched the blankets and sighed. "Do.... Do you believe in destiny...?" I asked her. Tommorow was the last day of summer. I spent it with Aria... best summer ever. I look over to see Aria thinking. Then she smiled brightly at me. "Yeah... I would like to believe that there is such thing as destiny and fate." She said smiling. "Why'd you ask?" She asked curiously starring at me. "I was just curious... how can you just accept it like that?" I asked her getting up to get ready. She looked at me confused. "I'm afraid I don't follow Drew..." She said confused. She stood up and started to get ready in the bathroom while I talked on the other side. "I mean, how can you just accept that fate and destiny is the one controlling you. Like there tricking you into thinking that your the one who thought of it and chose to do it. But in reality, fate and destiny are the ones who chose for you too do it." I told her lost in thought. "Like a cruel joke. We can't escape our fate. Almost like slavery. We are forced to do things thanks to fate." I told her as we started walking down the stairs. "Like if I chose to walk over to the door. Would I really be the one who chose to do that? Or would it be fates doing?" I asked her as I look down at my hands in thought. She placed a gentle hand on my head. I looked up at her. She smiled down at me. "I think that if you walk over to the door, then we would be one step closer to getting out it." She said smiling jokingly at me. I smiled at her and chuckled. She grabbed my hand and led me to the door. "Come on! Since school is starting the day after tommorow, we quite our Café job! This is our first real all day off since forever! Let's enjoy it and worry about fate and destiny later. Alright?" She said smiling at me. I felt myself smile back at her instantly. "Alright then. Let's go!" I told her smiling. I grabbed her hand and we walked around town. I can't remember the last time I just walked around town. I look over to Aria. She was smiling at a bunch of sweets. Next thing I know I'm being pulled into the sweets store. I smiled as I watched Aria looking at all the sweets excitedly. After she picked out some sweets for us, we took a walk on the beach. We talked and just hung out. We weren't werewolves or favored by a god, or anything! We were just two high school students. We are Aria and Drew. We ended the day off with a picnic. Aria seemed to enjoy herself. I smiled at her. We finished our food and we were sitting under an oak tree. Well I was sitting. Aria was laying down with her head on my lap. "Hey Drew...? Can you tell me about other supernatural beings...?" She asked looking up at me. I smiled at her taking interest in this. I continued playing with her hair as I talked. "There's so many that by the time I'm done naming them it would already be summer again." I told her laughing. She giggled. But I told her about vampires and fairies. About spirits, kitsunes. And any other beings I could think of off the top of my head. "Wait what was the last one?" She asked confused while sitting up so she was staring at me. "Dryads?" I asked her. "No the one before. God slayers... what are those?" She asked curiously. I looked down in hatred. "Stay away from them at all costs. Promise me that." I told her. She nodded head. I sighed. "God slayers are evil beings. Most supernaturals are just misunderstood and are said to be bad like demons. But God slayers are as rare as a favored which is what you are. The slayers are a favoreds counterpart. They kill anyone that was favored by any god. Even ones favored by minor gods. They don't have a reason for it. They just hate and want to kill the gods. But since the gods are immortal, they do the next best thing. They kill there favored children. They hurt the gods emotionally which is why there is very few favoreds, so few that many even forgot about them." I told her not meeting her eyes. She looked down processing everything. "But I'll protect you. Even if fate is the one who brought us together... I'm happy it did." I told her as a second thought. She laid back down, resting her head on my lap once more. Then she stared into my eyes.
"I don't believe fate is the one who brought us together." She said looking up at me. I sat there stunned. "Yes, I believe in fate and destiny. But I believe in the fate and destiny with multiple outcomes depending on what you choose. I don't believe that everything is set before us, I believe fate just gives us the foundation for the choices we choose and destiny gives us our reward or punishment for the choice we chose. But they don't control it." She said lost in thought. Then she smiled at me. She smiled with pure happiness. That made me smile back at her. I smiled at her only knowing one thing for show. That we made our own fate, that we control our destinies. And I couldn't be happier about it.

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