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Aria's POV
I woke up. I groaned as I buried my face back into my pillow. "Let's go!" Drew yelled picking me up. I was over his shoulder. I grabbed my blankets in an attempt too stay on my bed. "Let's go princess, we have to go on our jog, then our jobs and then we have reservations at a child's show you promised you'd be there. Then we are hanging out at the beach. We have a busy day!" Drew said rambling. I looked at him from his shoulder and let go of my blankets sighing. Then I pointed to the bathroom. He laughed as he brought me too the bathroom and set me down. I closed the door and took a shower. I was listening too Drew ramble on about what we need to do. We had too go shopping. I sighed as I left the water. I combed my hair and put it in a braid. I quickly got dressed in my workout clothes. Drew smiled at me as I left the bathroom. He was wearing shorts. I blushed and looked away. Then I quickly went downstairs. I looked in the fridge. We have no milk. Great. I sighed as I got my cereal and ate it quickly. "Ready Drew?" I asked him. He nodded at me and we left. It was a bright sunny morning. We jogged around a park.
Drew's POV
I smiled at her blush. We were jogging around a duck pond when another jogger came and pushed Aria out of the way. "Aria!" I yelled as I tried to grab for her. But the other jogger stopped me. I growled at them as I saw Aria land in the duck pond. Everybody stopped and watched. Some were even laughing. "Hey! Your cute! Do you want my number?" The jogger said. I turned to look at her.

She wasn't a jogger at all! She had fake cat ears on. Her green eyes eyes looked at me hopeful. I growled at her as I pushed past her and ran too Aria. I helped her up. I turned too the girl. She looked at Aria with disgust. "Oops! Didn't see ya there. I'm Cora btw cutie." She said smiling. I glared. She didn't even say sorry. Aria stood up. Then she smiled. "That's alright! Accidents happen! I'm Aria this is Drew!" Aria said. I glared at Cora. "I didn't ask for your name brat." Cora growled. I was seriously about too tear this girl's head off! I looked at Aria. A werewolves anger is times ten a normal persons. But she just giggled. Cora looked at her as if she was an alien. "Whatever. Bye loser, Cya cutie!" She called as she sent an air kiss towards me. Then she ran away. "Bye!" Aria yelled waving. I look towards her. I was amazed. She turned and smiled at me. I quickly get her out of the pond. She laughed. "Now look at me! I'm all soaked!" She said giggling. I looked at her and started laughing. She looked at me confused. "You don't have a single bad bone in your body do you?" I asked her smiling. She shrugged. "I prefer too look on the good side. Like! Now I got too meet a family of ducks!" She said happily. I hug her tightly. "Always stay this happy princess." I mumbled. She looked at me and smiled. Then we started our walk home. She was shivering all the way home. We finally arrived home. I watched as Aria stayed happy as the world seemed to be against her today. So far, the microwave and sink broke down, and the stove was caught on fire because I left paper on a burner. On top of that all her pictures fell off her walls and she broke 3 plates. Then I hear a crash. Make that 3 plates and a cup. This was all before work. But she stayed smiling. We finally just left too work. Today was cat day. She dressed in cat ears and a tail that had a light blue bow with a bell choker. She has broken 5 more cups and 3 more plates. Along with a tray...? I watched her as she walked around clumsily. Then someone spilt hot coffee all over her shirt. "Oops." Cora said smiling. Everyone waited for Aria too finally scream. But she looked up. "It's alright!" She said smiling. I smiled at her. "Ugh why won't you just get mad! Your a freak!" Cora yelled annoyed. I growled about ready to tear this girl too shreds. "I'm sorry!" Aria said apologizing. I looked at her stunned. Seriously...?! Does she just not have anger...? Cora growled annoyed and walked out. The whole café just silently stared at her amazed. She tuned to everyone and gave us all a bright smile. Then she skipped onto stage. *cue music* I smiled as I started serving people. We finally made it through the day. I held her hand as we walked towards the house. Then some guys approached us. They started to flirt with Aria and make inappropriate remarks. She kept a cheerful attitude and asked them to leave. When that didn't work I stepped in. "She said to leave her alone. So leave her the hell alone before I become impatient." I growled. They looked at me, finally noticing me. "Oh look ! Loner boy wants too stick up for his lady friend. Back up everyone!" He said sarcastic. I growled at them about to fight. "Shut up!" Aria hissed. Everyone turned back too her. She glared at them. They looked at her surprised. "You can do what ever you want but don't mess with Drew!" She hissed. "What are you going to do about it?" They asked challengingly. Then she started to laugh coldly. She looked up. She was generally mad. "You don't want too know. But be like that again and you'll see your worst nightmare come to life. Now hurry and run home to mommy before things get ugly!" She growled. I smiled at her. I liked when mate stands up for me. Then she pushed through them and grabbed my arm. We walked home. "Sorry for losing my cool..." she apologized. I smiled at her. Then I hugged her. "You look so cute angry. Especially when you get angry protective of me." I whispered. She blushed. Then we just stayed inside watching TV for the rest of the day.

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