Where am I?

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(Meanwhile, while Drew was waiting for Arias return)
Aria's POV
I rubbed my head. Where am I? Who am I? The last thing I remember was green eyes and a light. Now I'm here. I get up off the sandy ground. I'm under water. I look up. In front of me was a huge palace made of gold. I stared at it aw struck. I wonder where I am... It's beautiful. Guards stood out front the gate. Mermen it looked like. They had armor and lances at the ready. I looked down at myself hoping to find some clue of who I am. I saw a iron necklace with a fork thing on it, a bronze ring with blue gems, and a white dress that tied around my neck and made an upside down V by my legs so it flowed more in the back. I started to walk-er... swim..? Over too the guards. "Haunt! Who goes there?!" They yelled at me in sync. I held my arms up. "I-I don't know, but can you help me...? Where am I...?" I asked them. They looked at me suspicious. Then they looked at my necklace. They bowed. "Madam Aria! We apologize! We didn't recognize you!" The left one said. Aria... well... I guess that's my name... at least I have that. "I-it's Fine, But can you guys please tell me where I am?" I asked them. They gave each other a weird look. "You are at Poseidon's castle Madam Aria." The right said. Poseidon... where have I heard that before? "Ah! I see!" I said. "Thank you so much!" I said curtsying. "Please allow us to escort you Madam Aria!" The left one said. I gave them a nod and they led me into the gate. Above the gate was the same fork think that was on my necklace. "Please Excuse our behavior Madam, it's just that we weren't aware of you coming." The right one said. "It's fine... I wasn't expecting it either." I mumbled the last bit too myself. I was led through the grand halls. They were giving me a tour. Then they stopped outside a big set of doors. "This is prince Percy and princess Annabeth's room. But they are unfortunately out at the moment." The left one said. (A/N #Percy Jackson for life!!!!) I nodded signaling that they could continue. They led me to a different set of doors almost identical to the last ones. "And this is Poseidon's room. I believe he is in." The right one said. Then he knocked on the door. A man walked out of the door. "Yes?" He asked the guards. "We have Madam Aria with us sir, she just arrived at the palace." The left one said. Who I'm guessing must be Poseidon, looked behind the guards and saw me. He smiled. "Aw Aria! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" He said happily. I nodded. "The sane too you." I said politely. "You two may leave." He said and the guards left without another word. "Please come in!" He said happily. I slowly started walking in. "Please make yourself comfortable!" He said smiling at me. I sat down in a chair and turned towards him. He poured tea into two glasses and gave one too me. I smiled in thanks to him. "So, I see you have finally arrived." He said as he sat across me. "Am I late?" I asked him. He just laughed and shook his head. "No no, your fine you were never told that I favored you, so I never really expected you too rush down into the sea too try to find me." He said laughing. I nodded. "I'm sir... what am I dining here...?" I asked him hesitantly. He drank his tea. "Hmm? What do you mean?" He asked. "Well..." I said putting my tea down on a small table. "I don't have any memories... all I remember is green eyes and then there was light. But I feel like someone is calling me... I feel like I shouldn't be here right now but I should be somewhere else... with someone else." I told him. He looked at me and nodded. "Well, you can stay here until you can get your memories back, until then, I'll train you too use your gifted powers." He said. I nodded. "That sounds lovely!" I said smiling. He laughed. "Guards! Please show Aria too her room!" He called. Then some guards came to show me too my room. Before I left I turned too Poseidon. "Thank you!" I called. Then went after the guards. Since I've been here, I learned that Poseidon is the god of the sea. I've also learned that I am a water spirit, a nymph, and that I can control water. I've also learned how to put my nymph form away. But late at night when I sleep, I dream of someone. I didn't know who he was, but he had those green eyes and he wore a black hoodie. Even though I don't know him, I missed him. He was calling for me. No... he was begging for me too come back. I missed him so much that once I'm done with everything I needed to do that day, I try to go too sleep as quickly as possible so I could see him again. It's been two weeks since I showed up here. Poseidon said that I was done with my training. I was lounging in my room. I need to find that boy that has been plaguing my dreams. I don't know how, but he knows me. I must find him. He could be the key to my memories. I look at the iron locket that proved Poseidon favor of me. Then it popped open. It was that boy! It was me and him. I was on his shoulders. We were both smiling and happy. Who was he?! And what was he too me. Then I heard his voice. Princess... please come back too me Aria and I promise... I won't let you go again. Princess... only one person called me princess... then memories flooded back too me. Drew! I can't believe I forgot about Drew! I felt tears slide down my cheeks. He's been waiting for me...! I ran out of my room, almost slipping on the rug. I ran and knocked on Poseidon's door. "Aria? What is it?" He asked worried. I smiled. "I... I remember everything! I want too go back please!" I begged. The old sea god smiled at me. "If that is what you want." He said happily. I nodded my head. Then I gave him a hug. He smiled and hugged me back. Then he started fading away. I looked around me. I was in my lake. I start to quickly swim over to the shore. I take off my Nymph form. I look at the shore too see Drew crying. Drew! I felt the tears resume on my face. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his head.

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