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Drew's POV
"Let us not forget who is also a nymph. You need me." She said challenging me with her stare. "I'm fine." Aria said. "Yeah, I see your just in the middle of your siren transformation on land next to your boyfriend." She said sarcastically. I blushed deeply. "Unless you guys still haven't gotten together." She said noticing our blushes. "Shut up Cass!" I threatened. She held her hands up in surrender. "My point is, Aria won't make it through the night without me. You need me." She said. Aria held her head with a grunt. I looked between both of the girls. I sighed. "I'm coming with you." I stated. Cass nodded. I picked up Aria. "We need to take her to a body of fresh water. Before she becomes a siren." Cass said. Aria's lake. I started running over to Arias lake. "Drew...? I'm sorry!" Aria said still out of it. "What for princess? Not telling me about the scales?" I growled the last part. She looked up at me and shook her head. "I wanted the day too be perfect but now look at where that led." She grumbled. I smiled. "Let's save her then flirt." Cass yelled. I rolled my eyes and growled. I got too the shore line. "Ok, all we need too do is just place her in the water. But don't touch the water." Cass warned. "What? How do you know she'll come back?" I asked. "We don't. Once a nymph meets its body of water, that's the make or break point of them being in the pod. If they choose to leave, they don't come back and continue to be a nymph or decides to shed their fresh water scales and be a siren." She said. I placed down Aria. Her scales glowed as the waves took her out too the water. "Sometimes the pull of the water is too great and the nymphs leave the pod." Cass said. I looked at Aria worried. All we can do is wait. I stared intently at Aria. Then her body slowly sunk. We watched the water waiting for any sign of her. Then there was a light below the water. It was almost like a light show. Then the light died down. We waited. "Come on Aria... you have to fight it." I mumbled. Minutes turned into hours. Cass looked down defeated. She turned too me but I wouldn't look at her. Aria wouldn't leave me. "Drew... I don't think-" I cut her off before she could finish. "NO! She wouldn't just leave! Aria is stronger then that! She'll come back! I know it!" I growled at her. She looked down quietly. I looked down at the water. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Drew..." She said again. "She has too come back! I can't lose her!" I yelled. "Drew... I... don't think she's coming back..." Cass said hesitant. I shook my head not believing her. "No! She's hasn't gave up on me! No matter how many times she should've. I can't give up on her! She's special. At first I thought that it was just the mate bond, but then as we hung out, it became more then a bond. She's always trying to be happy..! She always puts other before her! She's so trusting! She's too good for this cruel and dark world. She's too good for me!" I yelled letting tears fall off my cheeks. "She hid the fact that something was wrong all day just so I can have a good day... I-I need her! I wouldn't be able too live with myself if something happened too her." I said. "Drew... the ocean is a strong thing. The god that rules it is even stronger. Maybe she just wasn't strong enough to resist it." Cass said quietly. "No! She's strong!" I yelled. She took a step back. "She survived a whole pack of werewolves, she survived being turned into one, she even was able too save me more then once! She's strong! Stronger then the ocean!" I yelled. I turned back to the ocean. "YOU HEAR ME!?! YOUR STRONGER THEN IT ARIA!" I yelled. But I got no response. We waited there all night. I never let my gaze shift from the ocean once. I was still awaiting her arrival the next day. And the day after that. I visited the lake everyday. I even went to work. But I wouldn't leave the lake. What started off as a day or two, turned into two weeks. I was giving up hope. Thoughts haunted me. If only I had noticed her behavior. If only I had questioned her fines and smiles! I looked up at the sky and yelled. I pull at my hair. I fell too my knees at the shore. The water pooled around my hands as I let tears fall from my cheeks into the water. "Aria I never deserved you... I know I didn't... but I can't live in this world without you... please come back too me Fish, dear, sunshine, princess... please come back too me Aria and I promise... I won't let you go again. You wanted me too stay by your side... I want you to stay by mine too." I said barely a whisper. I was pleading. I didn't know what else to do. I looked up to the feeling of a hand being placed on my head, expecting to see Cass again trying to comfort me like she has been. But my green eyes were met with beautiful blue ones. I got up and tackled her in the water. She laughed. "I missed you to Drew." She mumbled hugging me tightly. I couldn't form any words. I was utter speechless. I just cried and hugged her. "That's not very fair princess." I said. My voice was breaking almost every other word. "I-I was gone for five days but you could make sure I was ok. Y-you were gone for two weeks and I didn't know what happened." I said crying. She rolled her eyes. "I hope this makes up for it." She said quietly. I look down at her quizzically. Then she pulled the shirt of my collar down and kissed me. I kissed her back instantly. I let my hands comb through her blonde hair. I missed her so much. When we pulled apart, I hugged her tightly. "Don't leave me ever again you got that?! It's not fair if I have too stay at you side but you don't have to stay at mine." I mumbled. I held her closer. "I will... I promise." She mumbled. I smiled as I held her at arms length. I wiped my eyes. "And that kiss only made up for some of it. Let's just say you owe me." I told her smiling. She laughed a little as her own tears came down. "Whatever you say you dork." She said quietly. I smiled.

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