My stupid human

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Aria's POV
I checked myself in the mirror.

My butt length blonde hair looked perfect. I smiled as I picked up my phone. Once the conversation was over, I said bye to my friend and her parents. As I walked by the ocean I heard yelling from a cliff in front of me. I looked up. Some boys were pushing one guy around. "Hey!" I yelled to them. The guy getting pushed was about to fall off. I took my over shirt off for less drag. "Hey! Quit that!" I yelled to them. I was at the bottom of the cliff. Then the guy fell. The guys tried to reach for him but failed as the guy plummeted into the ocean. I ran up the cliff as fast as I could, which was fast. "No wait!" One of the guys said. But I jumped down into a dive making barely a splash. I opened my eyes under water and saw him. His name was Drew I believe.

I reached my hand out for him. He never hangs out with anyone but his brothers Dane, and Cal. Something was pulling him out to the ocean. Current? No, not far enough out.... Tide? No not time, Whirl pool? Not around here. I fought against it. I thought I saw a blue girl pulling him. I used all my strength to pull him away from whatever had him. He was unconscious.
Danes POV
I took my shirt off ready to go save that girls ass from the water and the magical beings that lived there as well. They were way to strong for an ordinary human. My brother stood with me. But he stopped me before I jumped in and pointed to the human and the water. I stared in disbelief as I saw the innocent Aria fight the sirens and water nymphs for Drew. She actually won. She placed his arm over her shoulder and started to swim to shore. The water lapped happily around her helping. The water seems to like her... she was in a sports bra length black top with sleeves and she dived perfectly into a freezing cold ocean. She placed him on the shore and placed her head on his chest, her looking almost completely drained. She looked like a third grader compared to Drew. After closing her eyes for 2 minutes, she runs and grabs her shirt. She searches her pockets and finds a knife. She quickly dried it off and opened the silver knife. "She knows! We have to stop her!" Cal said. This time I held him back. He looked at me unbelievably. I pointed to her. I used my sensitive hearing. "Drew, him and his brothers allergic to silver and gold..." she said as she places the knife and some rings in her bag. She reaches in her pockets and pulled out a sharp shard of stone or something. She tears her over shirt in shreds. Then she tied the biggest shred over Drew's head as a bandage to stop the bleeding. By the end of this she looked completely drained and was shivering nonstop. We ran down the cliff. She sighed. She gently laid her head on Drew's stomach as she possibly passed out from low body temperature. We ran down the beach to her and Drew. We woke Drew up nicely. He looked at us suspicious. "What happened to the pouring ocean water over my head? The let's make his wolf excited with the smell of bacon and eat the rest, wake ups?" He asked. We looked down at his stomach.
Drew's POV
I followed their gazes expecting to see another siren or water nymph. But what I saw was even more surprising. Aria. She was shivering, freezing cold, and soaked. I felt a banging on my head and reached up to feel cloth tied around my head. I take it off and look at it. It was stained with my blood but smelled like the ocean, or Aria. "What happened?" I asked them noticing them dry as the sun. "When you fell, Aria ran up the hill super speed, and did a perfect dive into the water to help you." Cal said. "Tsk! That was stupid of her! I don't need her help! What a stupid human!" I laughed. I waited for my brothers to join in. "What?" I asked them. "She fought and won against them." Dane said. "Who?" I asked them. "The water nymphs and sirens." They said in sync. I looked at them not believing. "Stupid human!" I snarled. "She saved you Drew." Cal said. I grunted turning to look at her. I control my wolf form well and grow out a claw. "Drew!" Dane yelled. I ignored him and carefully cut off the end of her black shirt. I sighed. I took off my sweatshirt and placed it around her. It reached her knees. "Get home, I'll catch up in a bit." I tell them. They hurriedly walk home. I take the sweatshirt off of her for a second. It was about 9:30. I hover above her using my arms on each side of her head to support me. I lean down and stop once I'm less then a centimeter away from her face. I could feel her soft breathing. I could smell the chlorine from countless swim practices and the smell of the ocean over powering it. I dug my nose deep into her neck as I felt my wolf doing flips inside me. I take a deep breath. Then I let it out all at once. I felt myself smiling into her neck. I feel a strong pull to her. I want to stay with her. I let out a happy sigh. She was 15 while I was 16. But she had the same classes as me. I take another deep breath, mesmerizing her scent, then I place my coat back on her. I smiled down at her sleeping. "Your my stupid human"

A/N: Hey guys! So this was a bit of a teaser if you want to call it that, a preview I guess, just loose end ideas. This book isn't finished yet, but let me know if I should publish the rest. Love all of y'all and see y'all later! -Jgirl

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