The boyfriend

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Drew's POV
While I nuzzled Arias neck, my wolf was happily yipping mate. I heard her suck in a breath and letting it out smiling. I smiled. And once my nose was in the crick of her neck I closed my eyes smiling. Then her phone rung. I jumped. I looked around and saw her phone. Crap. I pick it up and press accept. "ARIA! WHERE ARE YOU! We are worried about you! We are about ready to leave the country!" Her mothers voice yelled on the other side. I held the phone away from my ears. "Ummm...." I said out loud by accident. "Who is this!" She yelled. "Ummm my name is Drew, Arias classmate, uhhh Aria..... is a little hold up at the moment." I told them. "I will hunt you down if you did anything to my little girl! Her boyfriend will destroy you! Why are you with her! And why are you picking up her phone!" Her fathers voice said. Boyfriend...? 'But mate is ours!' My wolf yelled. I almost growled. I calmed down. "Sir, Your daughter is fine, You see, while my brothers and I were messing around with each other, I slipped and landed into the ocean and bumped my head. While I was unconscious, your daughter jumped in and saved me, while doing so" I said as I picked Aria up with one hand and carried her bridal style while moving the phone to my shoulder. "While doing so, the cold water drained away a lot of her energy. My brothers and I immediately started to try and get her body temperature back up by putting coats on her as blankets and return her back to her house." I told him. "Oh! Um... thank you for taking care of Aria, she has such great friends hunny! I like this boy, do you think Aria would date him instead of Chad?" Her mom said thinking I couldn't hear the last part. I blushed. I continued to run as fast as I could. "Well our address is-" her mom said before I interrupted her. "That's no problem ma'am, Aria has already told me her address and I'm outside your door." I told her arriving at the door. I hung up her phone. And placed it in her pocket. I heard running through the house and the door swung open. I almost towered over her Farther who was a policeman and her mom a designer. "Your daughter sir." I said handing him Aria. My wolf wined as I let go of her. "Thank you Drew! We worried sick for our little fish!" Her mom said. I smiled. "Papa...?" Aria said waking up. Her dad put her down. She shivered and she stood unsteadily. My wolf turned his full attention to her. She stood up. "Hunny come inside, it's dinner then we're leaving." Her Farther said. Aria turned to me. "Would you like to join us?" Aria asked me. I looked around awkwardly. "Ummmm..." I said rubbing the back of my neck. I was a shirtless boy standing at their door that just returned their daughter who was soaked along with me. "That is such a good idea darling!" Her mother said. "Ummm no thank you, I'm not hungry and-" I said getting cut off by my stomach growling loudly. I smelled freshly cooked steak. My mouth started watering slightly remembering that I didn't have breakfast or lunch thanks to my older brothers. And by the time I got home dinner would be either gone or cold. Then I felt a shock of electricity go through my hand. I looked down and saw Aria. "I'll take that as a yes." She tells me then she leads me into the house. It was a medium sized house with a loft. We all stopped at the dinning table and sat down. I sat down next to Aria. "Aria prepared the meal before she left to Cass's house, we just heated it up." Her mother said. After about half an hour of eating, her Farther was more relaxed with me. Then we heard the doorbell. I walked to the door and opened it while Aria and her family were doing the dishes. I saw a guy standing there smiling.

He stared at me and his smile dropped. "Who are you?" He demanded. "I'm Drew." I told him. "Drew who is it?" Aria asked. She peeked from behind me. "Oh hey Chad!" She said smiling. Chad smiled. "Hey babe." He greeted. My wolf growled at him. I took a deep breath. He smelled like lavender. "Pretty girly scent you have, lavender." I told him. He looked at me surprised and scared. "Ummm my mom... she... accidentally sprayed me with her perfume!" He said. He was lying....! I picked a long strand of brown hair off his jacket. "Ummm, that is my cousins." He said. That was another lie....! "Come on in!" Aria said. "Ohhh Chad, how....delightful." Arias mom said. I moved out of the way as Chad walked in. Chad smiled at Aria's parents. "Hey Mrs.Democ! Hey Mr.D!" He said smiling at Aria's parents. "I told you not to call us that." Aria's dad said. Chad laughed. I stepped in between them. "Excuse me sir, but didn't you and the ma'am here, say you guys were leaving? I would hate for you guys to miss your trip." I told them. "You can call us Seles and Bane Drew, no need to be so formal." Aria's mother said. "What!" Chad yelled. Everybody looked at him surprised. "What?" Bane asked him. "Let's not forget who the shirtless guy here is!" He yelled. I looked around blushing. "Let's also not forget who was being polite." Bane said. Chad grumbled. He turned towards Aria who was just shivering watching us. "Sorry babe, but I gotta go." He said. He kissed her cheek then left. "We've gotta go as well." Bane said as he and Seles grabbed their luggage. "Drew, I would like to talk to you." Bane said. I followed him outside. "I know your a werewolf Drew, let's get that out of the way." He said. I was speechless. "And while I'm gone, I can't protect Aria, I want you to." He said. "What does she need protecting from?" I asked confused. "The super natural are drawn to her, let's just say, that she was a chosen favorite of a certain god of the sea. She has very special blood running through her. And not even she knows it." He told me. "Don't you feel the slight pull to her?" He asked. I nodded my head embarrassed. "Slight? It feels more then just slight." I mumbled. He laughed. "Seems she's your mate, just protect her. She is a very strong being." He said laughing. I nodded. Then he and his wife left the house. Aria walked up to me. My wolf smiled. "What were you guys talking about?" She asked. I smiled at her. "Your dad just asked me to help you out with things." I told her. Technically it is true. She smiled. "Alright then!" She said happily. I got a text telling me to come home. "I've gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow, I'll come pick you up." I told her. "There's no need, I go to morning swim practice pretty early." She said. I smiled at her. "Trust me." I told her smiling. We exchanged phone numbers and I left the house. I waited outside until I saw only one light on. Then I saw her walk onto the back porch so I hid in the hedges. *cue music* she was stilling wearing my sweatshirt. She snuggled into it more. I smiled as I looked at my beautiful mate. She walked inside and stretched in her room. From the place I was hiding, through her window I could see pictures of the water, her swimming, news articles, ribbons, trophies. And more. I smiled as the light disappeared and Aria went to sleep. Then I left to my own house. I ignored all of my brothers and parents questions and went to bed excited to see mate tomorrow.

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