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Arias POV
It was 5am. I get my phone and headphones. Today was school free thanks to something that happened at the school. I was currently in a black and white sports bra, black yoga pants, and black and white sneakers. I put my hair up in a high ponytail so it reached my waist. I put music on and walk outside. As I start to sing along, I start my daily run. *cue music*
Drew's POV
I place my headphones in listening to music as I began my run. I was wearing black shorts, and sneakers with a sleeveless hoodie. I began jogging. I was in the forest still. Then I smelled something. I took a deep breath. It smelled like the ocean. I follow it to a different part of the forest I never enter. I follow the scent down a trail manmade. As I follow down the trail, I see the fish herself. Aria jogged down the trail. I ran to catch up with her. I tap her shoulder. We both stop. She takes her earbuds out and looks at me. "Drew?" She asked. "Hey Aria, I thought you would still be asleep." I told her. She laughed quietly. "Of course I wouldn't be! I'm taking my daily run." She says. I looked at her surprised. "Don't you know it's dangerous to be in the forest all alone?" I asked her. She laughed softly. "I'm trained in combat, both hand to hand and with a weapon. I think I can handle any human that try's to try anything." She giggled. It's not the humans that I'm worried about... I laughed softly along with her. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" She asked me. "Just a morning jog." I answered. "Do you have a place your planning to go?" She asked. I shake my head. "Do you?" I asked her. "Usually to the lake to watch the sunrise and swim." She answered. "Do you mind if I join you?" I asked her. She smiled. "Sure, you can come!" She said happily. Then we started to jog down the trail. But this time just talking to each other. "So, does your boyfriend know you jog up to a lake each day to swim and watch the sunrise with out him?" I asked teasingly. Myself and my wolf growled at the thought of someone else putting their hands on mate. She giggled softly. "Of course he doesn't! It's to close to my secret place I go to be alone!" She said giggling. Now I was curious. We slowed down to a walk. I ran in front of her and walked backwards in front of her. "Oh? Usually girlfriends tell their boyfriends where there going." I tell her. She laughed softly. "Well, he is usually able to find me pretty well without me telling him." She said giggling. I smelled lavender... the same one I smelled on Chad. Along with the lavender, was the smell of freshly rotted wood. Weird... "Doesn't he ever ask where your going?" I asked her. She shrugged. "No." She answered simply. "But doesn't that seem like he doesn't care?" I asked her. She shrugged again. "He cares, but he isn't that over protective." She said to me. "If I was your boyfriend I would make sure you didn't leave my sights..." I said. "Now that would bother me, sometimes I would need sometime to myself. I need someone who would trust me." She said. "It's not because I wouldn't trust you, it would be because I would be to scared that you would see a boy better then me and dump me." I told her smirking while staring behind me. I look back at her. She had a very red blush painted from cheek to cheek. I smiled at my accomplishment. "Tomorrow is the last day of school, are you ready for it?" I asked her. She smiled. "And the last meet. Yeah I'm ready." She said smiling. I smiled with her. "Soooo about this secret place you have, can you tell me?" I asked her. She giggled. "No I can not tell you. It's a secret." She told me smiling.
Aria's POV
I playfully and lightly punch him in the arm. As soon as my skin made contact with his, I felt electricity shoot through my arm. I laughed. He sure is a pretty strange one. But I enjoy him being around. I smiled as I saw us arrive at the lake. I ran ahead of him a bit. "Can you at least give me a hint?" He asked. I thought about it. "Hmmmm...." I hummed. "There's water and you need to swim to get to it." I told him. He laughed. "Knowing you, of course there is." He said laughing. We run and sit on the sandy shore of the lake as we watch the sunrise. It was so beautiful. "Morning kiss?"
Drew's POV
I blush like mad. I turned to Aria. She was blushing looking at me. "Did you just....?" We asked at the same time. We both shake our heads. I thought this lake was pretty secretive. "Of course babe. Then maybe another round?" Someone asked. Causing us both to blush madly not wanting to hear that. Who the heck does these kind of things in the middle of a public place and in public! We start to look around.
Aria's POV
I search for the people who are saying these things. They sound familiar. Drew and I meet back in the place we heard them first. If they sound familiar then they must be a close friend, which is only like 4, since I usually spend my time training I don't usually hang out with people. We heard a loud grunt and start blushing even more. Drew smelled the air and closed his eyes to listen. I stared at his facial expression. Then he opened his eyes and picked me up and placed me on his back. I was so confused I didn't even notice him running. Then he stopped. The sound was coming from behind the small beach house. We go to the back and find two people. I stared in disbelief. Drew growled loudly but it sounded so far away. The two people jumped apart from each other noticing us. The two people I was close to... were giving each other hickeys on each other's neck.
I saw my best friend Cass...

Who was also the co captain of the swim team, and my boyfriend. "A-Aria!" Cass said. Chad turned around noticing me. Everything sounded so far away. As if I was in a bad dream. "Little fishy....!" Cass said. She tried to touch me but I backed away from her as if she was poisonous. "Chad...." I mumbled staring at him. He looked down guilty.

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