Sad Aria

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Aria's POV
I couldn't believe it. "It wasn't what it looked like fish!" Cass said. I just stared at Chad. He looked at me. He tried to reach for me. "Aria..." he mumbled. "Don't touch me!" I snapped. "Y-You cheated on me!" I yelled at them. "What are you doing here with him anyway! Your both half naked! Are you claiming that you weren't cheating on me!" Chad yelled. I had tears in my eyes. "I wasn't! I always come here on my morning jog! And we were jogging!" I yelled at him. I was about to burst into tears. "Aria...." Cass said about to be in tears as well. "I'm done with you. Both of you!" I yelled at them. I turned to walk away. "Aria!" Chad yelled grabbing my arm. "Don't touch me!" I yelled at him taking my arm away from him. "Aria! Listen to reason!" Chad yelled at me as he grabbed my arm tighter this time so I couldn't escape. Then I felt a stronger hand gently grab mine. I turned around to see Drew holding my arm with one hand as his other is clamped painfully on Chads arm. "She said to not touch her!" He growled as he forced Chad to let go. I grabbed my arm holding my wrist where there was a red handprint. Chad snarled at Drew. "Stay out of this loner!" Chad snarled. Drew growled. "You don't know her like I do." Chad told him. "You can't talk to Drew that way!" I yelled at Chad, causing everyone to stop and look at me surprised.
Drew's POV
As Aria got angry, the water got more violent. I grabbed Aria as we turned to leave. "Fish... I-I made a mistake..... I am so so so sorry!" Cass said. Aria was silent for a while. She stood up straight and kept her head up. "Save it for the swim team co captain." She said. Then she walked away. Once we were out of ear shot and eyesight, Aria turned into me. She just barely reached to my heart. I slowly and gently cover her with my arms in a hug. She cried. My wolf wined. She had her arms to her chest. I rubbed soothing circles on her back and nuzzled my nose into her hair. I kneeled down a little careful to not change our positions. I put one hand on the back of her head and the other under her knees. I picked her up carefully making sure her head was still buried in my chest. I grew Wolf ears, a tail, and grew claw like nails. My teeth grew sharper and hung out of my mouth a little. "Drew?" She asked trying to lift her head. The problem is my wolf had partial control of my body. "Shhh... it's alright... I'm here." I told her, lightly guiding her head back into my chest so she wouldn't see. I wanted to hold her so badly for so long. Then I started running through the forest at wolf speed. We arrived at her house which was on the edge of the forest. I changed back quickly. I unlocked the door and placed her on the floor. She crumbled into a small ball continuing to cry. I went up stairs. I smelled all over her bed. Finally found it! Her favorite blanket. It was a huge king sized blanket with a wolf staring at an ocean. It was so soft. I grabbed my sweatshirt I let her have as well. I walked back downstairs. I laid the blanket on the ground. Then I forced her to stand up and placed the sweatshirt on her. I picked her up and placed her on blanket. Then I rolled her up. I picked the blanket roll up and brought her to her loft room and laid her down on her bed with me soon following. I sat there just hugging her for about an hour. Then I went downstairs and made pop corn and poured glasses of soda. I got bags of chips and ice cream. I went back upstairs to see zootopia playing. The smaller bed caused us to be squished with her still in the blanket. I picked her up with ease and placed the snacks in front of us. Then I set her back down so she was laying on me and her head was on my chest. Then I wrapped my arms around her. As we ate snacks and watched the movie I felt as Aria started to relax more and more.
Aria's POV
I sat there and listened to his steady heartbeat. The soft thump. I slowly started to grow drowsy. I closed my eyes and welcomed sleep with open arms.
Drew's POV
Aria... she finally fell asleep. I smiled as I took a deep breath of my mates scent. It was the best smell in the world. I smiled as I took her hair out of her ponytail and gently brushed through it with my fingers. Her hair was shinning blonde and soft. I picked up a lock and smelled it sighing happily. Mate. I gently kissed her hair as I went back to hugging her around her waist. I smiled ready to take a afternoon nap with her. Then her phone started to vibrate on her dresser. I looked between Aria and the phone deciding. Aria then moved. I stayed perfectly still. She then buried her nose into my neck. I could feel her cold breath against my neck making my wolf go crazy. I hold around her waist tighter. The phone was still going off. If I picked it up I would have to move out of the room and let Aria rest on her bed. I reached for the phone ready to move Aria. Then Aria made herself in a small ball on my chest. Fine.... you win. I grabbed the phone and picked it up. "Babe! Finally!" Chad said. "Excuse me, but last time I checked, you guys broke up." I growled quietly over the phone. "I still love her! I need her and she needs me!" He said mad at me. "Then why aren't you here when she needed someone the most instead of me?" I asked him. Then I hanged up the phone and tossed it to a chair across the room. Then I fell asleep with mate while I was smiling.

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