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Aria's POV
Drew and I just watched movies the rest of the day. I stayed in my blanket. Drew slept over and comforted me. I woke up. I was swaddled in my favorite blanket. I look at the clock. It read 6:34. I cuddled back into something. I looked at what it was. I gently traced my fingers along the lines mindlessly. Then I heard a chuckle. "Well, morning to you to Miss.Swim Captain." A voice said. I looked up hesitantly. Drew laid there smiling at me mere centimeters from my face. "How you feeling?" He asked. Then memories of yesterday came back. I just silently laid my head back down on his chest, listening to his heart. He petted my hair. "Come on we have school soon." He murmured in my ear. I nodded my head. "You better get home and change." I told him. He nodded. Then he jumped out the window. I ran over to it looking down. He stood there perfectly fine. I smile relived. "Don't scare me like that!" I yelled to him. He gave me a sly grin. "At least I know your worried about me!" He yelled back. Then he ran into the forest. I smiled shaking my head. Then I went into the bathroom to take a shower.
Drew's POV
I finished in the shower and quickly got dressed. I put my shoes on and grabbed my bag. "Where are you going so fast? You've barely been home these past few days! We're leaving in 4 days, you can at least spend time with us!" My mom said. I wined loudly. "Faster you tell me, faster you leave." My mom said. "Mates house!" My wolf blurted. I quickly covered my mouth as fast as I could. My dad spitted out his coffee, my brothers and sisters mouths dropped and my mom looked at me surprised. "You will be bringing her over before we leave!" My mom said. "Who is she?" My sister asked. "Is she pretty?" My other sister asked. "Is she a good mate?" Cal asked. I blushed at his question. "Her name is Aria Democ she is the swim captain, a year younger then me, very pretty, she doesn't know anything about mates. Can I leave now?" I asked them. "She doesn't know about mates! What? is she a human!" My dad joked around. Everyone in my family laughed but me. "Yeah...." I said. Everyone stopped laughing. "Are you joking? If so, this isn't funny." My mom said. I shook my head. "Were not even dating...." I told them sadly. "Still bring her over. I want to see if there is anything special about her." My dad said. I nodded my head. Then I ran out. I unlocked Aria's door. Her Farther gave me a key. I was about to enter but then got a better idea. I walked around the side of the house to see her window open. I smiled. Then, I crouched down. I waited a little bit. Then, I jumped. I went above her house. I landed on her roof with a soft thud. I walked over to her window and jumped down landing on her window ledge with a soft thud. I climbed in through the window. I took a deep breath. The room was steamy from the cracked open bathroom door. Mate! I forced my wolf to calm down and walk downstairs. I made myself some cereal. Then I heard the water shut off. I smiled as she walked downstairs with her hair wet. "Morning sunshine." I told her smiling. She looked at me confused. "How did you get in?" She asked. I smiled at her. "Shouldn't leave your windows open dear." I told her continuing my breakfast. "Holy crap Drew! That's a one story jump!" She said. She walked over to me and started to examine me with a small blush. I smiled at her. "I'm fine dear." I told her. She looked up at me with a deeper blush. "There is a thing called ladders you know." I told her. Her face turned a little red from embarrassment. She walked to the kitchen and started to blend fruits together. She poured the light purple shake into a cup and grabbed a granola bar. Then she walked behind me. I finished my cereal. "Oh, and Drew?" She said. "Yeah?" I asked her walking beside her outside. "I meant to tell you this, why you were eating." She said. I looked at her questionably. "That wasn't cereal." She said. "What was it?" I asked her. She smiled. "D-Dog food." She said. Then she bolted out of there. "Oh! You are so getting it Aria!" I yelled after her. We were about the same speed when I was in human form. I smiled as I caught up to her. I picked her up with ease as she shrieked. I threw her up in the air and caught her bridal style. She shrieked. I laughed more. I did it once more but this time she landed on my shoulders. I easily caught her drink and her granola bar. I handed her food up to her. I started to drink the mix of fruits. After I was done I handed the cup up to her. "That was good." I told her smiling. She smiled as she finished off her granola bar and started to drink the rest of the shake. We arrived at school. "C-can you put me down now?" She asked me. I looked up at her blushing face and smirked. "No way, sorry my dear fish." I told her smiling. She looked away blushing. She started to knot her fingers into my hair. I smiled as she lightly tugged on my hair. "I have a high pain tolerance so that won't work dear." I told her smiling and enjoying the touch of her hands. I saw the swim team group. I walked past my brothers and sisters. They stared at me surprised as well as the other students. "Umm hey.... girls..." Aria greeted them. They turned around looking down to see Aria. There eyes continued to travel up my body to see Aria on my shoulders. "H-Hey... captain...." one of the girls said still looking at us in disbelief. I smiled. Chad glared at me. "Um excuse me, did I miss something? Why in hell is she just sitting on your shoulders loner boy?" Chad demanded. I acted to think for a moment. "Hmmm..... let me think...." I told him tapping my chin. "Oh! Wait! I remember! It's because her bastard ex-boyfriend cheated on her with her slutty best friend!" I said as if I solved the puzzle. "I got it right didn't I dear?" I asked Aria. She just looked at Chad and Cass. "I'll see you girls at the meet." She said saying bye to the girls. "Oh and this is punishment for not telling him he was eating dog food." She added. The girls nodded smiling. "See you later little fish!" The girls called as they left. I smiled up at Aria. Right outside the classroom, I set her down. "Now I understand why tall people are always so happy! They get the best view!" Aria said giggling. I laughed. "I'll pick you up after class." I told her ruffling her hair then walking to my class as the familiar wonderful feeling of electricity went through my body. I tried to focus but all I was able to think about was after class when I could see my beautiful mate again.

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