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Aria's POV
I focused in class. Last class of the day for me. Next was lunch. Then something caught my attention. Drew was outside the door trying to get my attention. In the process, getting every other students as well. He started to mimic the teacher. I started to giggle a little and hide my mouth trying to muffle it. "Miss Captain, is there anything funny about this that you would like to share?" The teacher asked. I cleared my throat. "N-no Sir." I told him. This time, Drew used hand gestures. I didn't need to laugh since the whole class was doing it for me. The teacher turned to the door just as Drew disappeared. He turned back towards us. Drew was copying his exact movements. Nobody could help it and we all started laughing. The teacher turned back to the door mad. Just as he reached the door I stood up. "Sir, may I use the bathrooms please?" I asked him. He sighed a yes. There was only about 5 minutes of class left anyway. I grabbed my bag, collected the pass, and went out to the hall way. I smiled as I saw Drew casually leaning against a locker. "Didn't expect to see you out here, what brings you?" He asked me. "Some doofus interrupted my class." I said laughing. He laughed. "That doofus must be really something." He said laughing. I laughed and nodded. "Shall we?" He asked. I laughed. Then we started to just walk down the halls. Then the bell rang. I got lost in a crowd of people and lost Drew. Then I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. They pulled me up to their shoulders. "Can't have you getting trampled." Drew said. I laughed. Then he started to walk towards the lunch room. I laid my head on Drew's and let my arms fall to his neck. I looked down and saw him blushing. I giggled. Then I moved my hands back up to his hair. He looked up at me and smiled. Then we passed his brothers and sisters and started to walk towards the actual tables. What? He always hangs out with his family. I poked his cheek. "Yes Princess?" He asked. "Princess?" I said laughing. He smiled. "Your my princess." He said smiling ahead of him. I looked any where but his eyes blushing. "U-Umm... your family.... you umm.... missed them!" I told him still not looking at him. He looked up at me. "You hang out with the swim team at lunch." He said. "And you hang out with your family at lunch." I stated. He smiled. "I do." He said smiling. I laid back against his back. I grabbed his abdomen, then I lifted my legs up off of his shoulder and flipped onto the ground. I stood up and brushed my hands off on my jeans. I smiled at him. "Let's go!" I said smiling heading back towards his family.
Drew's POV
I smiled as I followed my mate. She was almost to my family. I walked up behind her and swept her up back onto my shoulders. "Hey!" She said pouting. I laughed. "Should've told me I was eating dog food then!" I told her laughing. "Wait you ate dog food! I already like her!" Rachel said smiling.

Rachel was 14 and a freshman. "So... is this your ma-" Dane said getting jabbed by McKenna.


"Your friend!" Cal said trying to save it.

"Yeah! Aria right?" Rachel asked. I smiled. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you guys." Aria said smiling. "Nice to meet you. My mom and dad would like to meet you after school, can Drew bring you around after school?" Rachel asked. "Oh... umm..." Aria said awkwardly. "I'm sorry, but I have the last swim meet of the season after this lunch since it is third lunch." Aria said. "Oh...! Umm... maybe after the meet then? Ma and Pa really want to meet you..." McKenna said. Aria smiled. "Yeah! Definitely! I want to talk about how it is ok for their son to keep a girl on his shoulders!" Aria said jokingly. "Oh! Mom and dad never taught him that!" McKenna said. Then the group including Aria started laughing. "Yeah, just so we are clear, we are in fact invited to the meet right? Miss. Captain?" I asked her. She smiled down at me. "Yeah, of course you guys are." She said smiling. I smiled. "Hey fish princess, I need to talk to my siblings quickly, why don't you go make sure you have all of your swim stuff together." I told her. She sighed a fine and I let her off of my shoulders. She smiled as she walked to her locker. I turned to my siblings. "She's cute." Rachel said nudging me. I smiled at her. "So? What's up?" Dane asked me smiling. I called mom and dad and put them on the phone to hear this as well. I told them everything her dad told me. From him knowing that we're werewolves, to him knowing she was my mate. Everything but the fact that a god had favored her. "So, that was....." my mom said unable to finish. "Finish it Drew!" My dad said. "What?" I asked them. "Her dad knows why these beings are attracted to her and why she is drawn to the water. Finish the story." My dad said. I sighed. "He said that a God had favored her. I don't know why the god did but a certain god of the ocean has." I told him. He looked at me curiously. "But she would have a mark..." he said to himself. Then Aria came back smiling with a duffel bag on her. She smiled as she greeted us. Then something caught my eye.

It looked old fashion. It was iron and not silver. Then I saw her finger as well...

It had water gems... and a bronze band. "Where'd you get those?" I asked motioning to her necklace and ring. "Oh um... I found them. They washed in from the ocean. I consider them as luck charms and don't take them off." She said smiling. The bell rang. She smiled as she said bye. I followed her out of the school to the bus with my hands in my pocket. She turned around and jumped. She grabbed my hand and led me behind the bus. "Drew! What are you doing! Your going to get in trouble! Only the swim team are aloud to be on the bus!" She said. "Then why did Chad get on?" I asked her. "Because he is a boyfriend and extra!" She said. I smiled. "Then I guess for now I'm your boyfriend!" I told her smiling. "Aria....?" The last guy teacher called. She didn't answer and just kept on trying to get me to go back. "Aria....?!" The teacher called again. She sighed glaring at me. She walked back to the bus doors. "Present!" She said climbing in. I tried to go after her just to get blocked by one of the male swim members. "Excuse me, this is for swim team only." He said. Aria stopped. Aria turned around. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Lay off Jackson, he's with me." Aria said. "Sorry Aria, you know the rules, only two non swim team members aloud." Jackson said. "Exactly. So let him through. He can be an extra as well." She said. "With Chad and Sabrina, that fills up the extra seat. Sorry Cap." He said holding up the clip board. "Guess he'll have to sit in the back of the bus with me then won't he?" Aria sad smiling. "Aria, the co-cap already assigned seats." He said. Aria smiled politely. Jackson stood there mesmerized. Mate took the clip board and looked it over.
Aria's POV
I looked it over. I started to rearrange. "Sabrina can sit next to her boyfriend Jake in the empty seat next to him, and Cass can sit next to her boyfriend Chad, breaking tradition of the captains sitting next to each other, and Drew sits next to me in the back of the bus." I said out loud so everybody can hear me. Then I signed it. "You can't do that!" Chad and Cass said the same time. I turned and smiled at them. Sabrina and Jake seemed to be happy with the arrangements. "Oh I can. You see, as swim captain. I overrule everyone else. And as long as it's in the majority's best interest.... does anybody have any complaints with this?" I said looking out to see only Cass and Chads hands raised. "Then, I can do what ever I need to." I told her smiling. I grabbed Drew's hand. He was smiling as well. And I led him to the back. He sat at the window seat as I sat at his side. "Alright! Let's get a move on!" I called as the bus started up and started to drive.

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