Wolf promise

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Aria's POV
"So how long of a drive is it?" Drew asked. I shrugged. "2 days at most to get there, but only around one day to get back since we can leave as soon as we finish and win the meet." I told him. He smiled. His leg was bouncing up and down over and over again. I opened my bag and pulled out a sketch book and started to draw. It was about two hours until Drew looked over my shoulder.

I blushed as he smiled at it. "That's good, but you forgot something." He said. I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked him. He smiled at me. Then he grabbed a bright green pencil from my bag and started to color in the wolf's eyes. I smiled. "Looks perfect!" I told him laughing. Then one of my favorite songs came on. "Dave! If you know what's good for you! Keep this song on and turn it up!" I yelled to him in the front. He smiled. "Right away fish!" He called back. Our bus wasn't a ordinary bus. It was kind of more of a tour bus with things like food, bathroom, and a large space between the seats. But all of the sports were aloud to use the bus. It saves the school money and time for not having to go through a drive thru and have everyone decide what they want. "Watch out! The caps got the floor!" One of the swim guys called as I stood up out of my seat. "Anyone else wanna sing with me?" I asked. Drew stood up and walked over to me. "I'll try it out." He said smiling. Smiling faces were all over the bus. I smiled as the music started. "Cap and new boy, let's see who's better!" One of the girls laughed. *cue music* as we sang, we started to dance. I smiled as he twirled me around. Everybody was either soon dancing with us, singing along, or cheering us on. I smiled at my swim family.
Cass's POV
I sat there silently not even talking. The swim team wouldn't even talk to me at lunch. "Watch out! The caps got the floor!" A guy yelled pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up from my lap to see Aria and Drew singing. I smiled as I saw Aria smiling. "Go Cap!" I cheered. Then I was elbowed by Chad. "What?" I asked him. He just looked at me and glared at Drew. I sighed as I looked back down at my lap. She wasn't even my friend anymore. But the pull towards her is still strong. As the song ended everybody sat back into their own seats. One of the two teachers walked over to me. "Follow me please Cass." He said. I got up and walked to him as he led me to the kitchen part of the bus. "Let's get this out of the way first, I know what you are." He said. I looked at him confused. "Little miss water nymph." He said smiling. I stared at him with disbelief. A water nymph is basically a water spirit. One of the fastest water creatures. Yet, Aria is faster then me. The teacher smiled at me. Then he sighed. He grew a grey charcoal tail, with matching ears, and fangs that poked out of his mouth. "Excuse me for my appearance, but this is more comfortable." He said. I was to stunned to speak. A werewolf, the natural enemy a water nymph. I start to back away slowly. "So, as you may have felt, Aria, has something special about her like a magnet that attracts the supernatural to her." He said. I stopped half way out the door once he said Aria. I walked towards him. "What about it?" I asked him. He smiled. "She is a very powerful being, ones that every supernatural want on their side." He said. I glared at him. "I have a deal for you about her." He said. "I'm listening." I told him with my arms crossed. "Well, if she turned to a supernatural being, then, she would be so scared, she would have no one to run to, to scared that everybody would be scared of her. She would have no one to turn to." He said. I listened curiously. "That's where you come in. She'll go to you, and you'll tell her about what you are and everything about her." He said. I stared at him thinking. He smiled at me. "Think about it. It's a win win. You get your best friend back, and the werewolves get her on our side and with you being a nymph, the nymphs and the were's get an alliance." He said. "And you won't.... hurt her right...?" I asked him. He smiled. "We'll do as we need, but all we need is a single small bite." He told me. So it will just be a small bite... I thought it over. She'll forgive me and we'll talk again. Things will go back to normal with her as a werewolf. I smiled as I couldn't think of anything wrong with the plan or anything bad that could come out of it. She'll be safe, and we'll be friends again. I looked at him. He smiled. "Promise me." I told him. "I promise." He said smiling. "A wolf promise that you'll stick to the plan." I told him. He smiled. "Not very trusting are you?" He asked smiling. I kept my glare on. He held up one hand and kept the other over his heart. "I promise as a wolf, that I will stay to my plan at turning Aria and making her Cass's friend again, as long as Cass does her part when the time comes." He said. A light blue lock made of light appeared and floated into his chest, right to his heart. I smiled. "My pack and I will do it at the meet."

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