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Drew's POV
I heard it all. As Cass and the teacher walked back to their seats, I glared at them. I pull Aria, who was looking out the window since we changed seats, closer to me. It was about dinner time. My stomach growled... LOUDLY. Everybody stopped listening to music or anything else they were doing. I blushed trying to hide my face with my hands. Then I heard a beautiful laugh. I looked beside me to see Aria laughing her head off. Then soon after so did everyone else to. "So, who's hungry other then Drew?" Aria asked everybody. I blushed and looked at the suddenly very interesting floor design. All she got was yes, and I could eat from the team. She smiled. "I'll go make us some sandwiches." She said smiling. As she passed me, her hair, which was in a braid that reached her waist, brushed past my cheek sending the oceans smell to flood my senses, and her hand brushed my mine sending electricity up my arm and a fire at the place she touched. I stood up after her and followed her to the kitchen. I watched as she grabbed the bread, lettuce, meats, cheese, and plates. I smiled as it seemed like she was dancing around the kitchen getting the supplies. I walked up behind her and placed my arms around her stomach, needing to touch her. She jumped slightly at my touch. "Drew! You scared me!" She said breathlessly. I smiled as I laid my chin on her head and watched her make the sandwiches. I grabbed cups and milk and started to pour the milk into glasses. I smiled as I saw her finish making the sandwiches. She placed them on trays and I added the cups of milk to each one. I took half of them as the took the other half and balanced them. Then we walked out. Everyone had trays in front of them acting as tables. Once I reached Chad and Cass, I glared at them both. Then harshly put their food on the trays. I glared at the male teacher as I turned around. He looked at me curiously. Then I went to the front of the bus and gave the driver some food. Then I walked back over to my seat to see Aria eating. I quickly ate. Jackson was collecting the trays once everyone was finished eating. Then people were just talking to each other and joking around. A girl and Jackson walked over to us smiling. We talked to them for a while and making jokes. Then there was a quiet beeping. Aria stood up and went to the front of the bus as the bus stopped. "Alright, all of y'all know the rules!" She said to everyone. Everyone sighed. "Lights out and go to bed everyone!" She called. Some people tried to convince her to wait. "No buts! I don't want to deal with you divas when you are in a good mood! Much less when you guys are sleep deprived!" She told everyone. "You know you love us!" Jackson called. "I also love sleep and winning. And both of them together, outdo my love for you guys by sooo much!" She said laughing. "Now get to bed people!" She said. Then she smiled at everyone. "And boys, if I hear any noise, might be last meet, but I can still sign anyone up for cleaning the whole pool for the summer. Seniors, even if you are graduated, I can still make you." She said cutely. I laughed. "That includes you to extras." She said. I stopped laughing as giggles filled the bus. Aria walked back over to me and sat on the inside. She still had my hoodie on that I noticed. She laid down leaning on the window. "Goodnight guys!" She called as she turned off our light and submerged the bus in darkness. "Night cap Fish!" The bus called back as people drowsily started to fall asleep. I yawned and stretched. I could see just fine. The male teacher looked at me before turning back and going to sleep. I sighed. As I tried to fall asleep. When I couldn't, I looked to see Aria fast asleep. She still had her head against the window sleeping quietly. She looked to peaceful to be real. I gently brought her to lean on me as my wolf cheered. She forced me to put my arm completely around her as she held onto my shirt and cuddled into my chest. I smiled. 'Something in her knows that she is our mate, just not her head.' My wolf thought. I smiled agreeing with him for once, then looking back down at my beautiful mate sleeping peacefully. I smiled as I dug my nose into her hair and held her. Then I slowly began to fall asleep thinking about mate. It was dark outside. Aria and I were fighting about something. Then she turned around mad and began to walk home. I turned the opposite direction deciding to take a walk and cool off before going home. My wolf wined as I left mate. I stopped and looked back a little to see mate fuming and angrily walking away. I looked down sadly and continued to walk. I was at the cliff that I fell off of. Then, all of a sudden, the water got rough, like a storm. The water angrily hit the rocks. Rain started to pound down on me. I pull the hood of my sweatshirt on thinking about Aria. Then something inside me snapped. Aria! My instincts took over. I turned fully into a wolf and started to run. I ran through the forest not knowing where I was going. My sisters and brothers saw me and quickly joined me. I arrived at the lake. In the moonlight, I saw Aria. I changed into my were form. I ran to her. Her stomach was showing in her torn shirt. She was bleeding everywhere. Her stomach had sharp claw marks, up her arms were more claw marks like cuts, down her legs were even more, across her neck, the locket glowed in the moonlight. Then, I saw it. On her wrist, was a bite mark. She was losing blood fast. Her face had scratches and claw marks. Her beautiful blonde hair was colored dark red with blood. I felt as tears formed. I placed my ear to her chest listening. "Please don't leave me..." I begged. There was a soft, thump. I let out a sigh as I smiled. Then I heard it. Howls of a different werewolf pack, and the sound of water splashes from a water nymph. The water here was wild. Not from a nymph... from Poisedon himself it seemed like. "McKenna, Rachel, bring Aria back to the house, get mom and dad to treat her." I told them. They nodded and gently picked up Aria and brought her to the house. "Cal, and Dane, cover me." I ordered as they nodded. Then we ran to where the fight was. "You said she would be fine!" Cass yelled shooting water at the wolves. Then red clouded my vision. I felt tears but nothing else but anger. "Drew..?" I heard Aria. "Drew...!" Aria whispered urgently. Then I woke up. It was around 3am. I shook my head to get my bearings. It was dark. Aria was staring at me worried on my chest. "You ok?" She whispered. I hug her closer to me. She hugged me back. I sighed as I smelled her scent. I twirled a lock of her beautiful blonde hair between my fingers. As she retracted her arms from me, mine stayed holding her lower back as she laid hers level with her chest. She laid her head back on my chest as she sighed. "You had me worried, your heart was beating fast and you had tears in your eyes. I kept trying to wake you up but no matter what I tried, you kept on sleeping." She said. I smiled a little happy that she was worried about me. I kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry, Aria. You should never need to worry about me. Just get some sleep." I told her. But she was already sleeping. I smiled as I closed my eyes. All I heard was the soft thump of her heart. I smiled. Then I fell into a dreamless deep sleep.

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