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Drew's POV
When I woke up, people were surrounding us smiling and giggling. I looked at them confused. The other guys looked down to my chest then looked away instantly. I looked down to see Aria clutching a fist full of my shirt as she slept. I blushed as I looked at something else to focus on. I looked out the window. We were in a city now. It was around 6am. I stretched. Everyone went back to their seats as the teachers served them there breakfast. A small yawn took my attention away from everyone else and to my chest. Aria sighed as she cuddled into my chest more. I blushed. I poked her cheek. She tried to hide. I chuckled as I did it again and she tried to hide. After the third poke she opened her eyes drowsily. She yawned. She sat up and reached up towards the roof stretching. She yawned once more then rubbed her right eye getting rid of all sleep. "Good morning...!" She called while yawning. She was completely unaware of cuddling me just a few moments ago... "morning cap!" The team greeted. She smiled. Then she quickly ate breakfast. Once she finished, she grabbed her bag, and headed for the bathroom. I got my bag and stood up and went to the kitchen. I didn't plan a trip, so I was unprepared. I searched my bag and found my spare toothbrush I have in my school bag, a brush, cologne, a spare shirt, along with a small tube of tooth paste. I get up late some times and have no time to get ready at home so I do at school. I quickly brushed my hair. I found an empty part of the bus with a few extra sport things. The supply room. I took my hoodie off. I brushed my hair quickly. Then I changed to my were form. I quickly brushed my tail and ears as fast as I could. Then I changed into my other shirt and put on some cologne. Then I placed my hoodie back on. I packed my things back in my bag, and made sure no fur was on the ground. Then I left the room back to my seat. The trays and glasses were already collected. After a couple of minutes, a yawning Aria walked out. She was a new outfit as well.

I smiled. "Cute outfit but it's missing something. I told her. She looked at me confused. Then I put my hoodie back on her. She blushed. I smiled. "Much better." I told her smiling. She climbed back into the seat and placed headphones in. I started to draw on her back with my fingers. As an hour passed, she now was laying down with one leg and arm on the ground and her head on my lap as she mindlessly scrolled through her phone as I was doodling. As another hour passed, she was now laying the opposite direction of me on her tablet drawing. I was mindlessly throwing a ball up and catching it. As another hour passed, she was laying on her side with her head on my shoulder reading a book as I played with her hair. Then another hour passed and she was curled up fully on me as we finished a movie on my laptop with headphones in. I had one of my arms around her waist and my other arm laying on the ground with one of my legs. Aria drifted off to sleep around the middle of it. I smiled at my sleeping mate. I kissed the top of her head softly and looked out the window. We were pulling into a huge schools driveway. Everyone was looking out the windows. I softly woke Aria up. She groaned as she woke up more. I chuckled a little and put away my laptop. It was around 10. Then the bus stopped. "Alright guys, grab the stuff you need, then off the bus." Aria said. "Wake anyone who is asleep up." She said standing up and stretching. I smiled. Then I grabbed my stuff and grabbed Aria's as well. Everyone started to file out of the bus. Once I got out I helped Aria out. "The bus will pick us up from 2-3 pm." She said. "Or whenever I contact the driver." Aria added. Everyone was stretching. "Let's head over to the pool and put all of our stuff down, we have the family locker room remember." Aria said. I smiled as I picked her up and placed her on my shoulders as she sighed. "This is my life now." She said sighing. The team laughed. Then I started following everyone else to the locker room. "When does the meet start?" I asked Aria. I felt her shrug. "About an hour or so." She said. Once we went into the locker room, I placed her bag in a locker with her name above it. Then I placed my stuff in the one next to hers. Since hers was an edge locker I had the only one next to it. Above my locker was a sign that said Aria's BF or "friend". "Excuse me, but that's my locker." Chad said. I looked at it closer. "Nope, doesn't say Chad." I told him shrugging. "I always put my stuff there every time we come here, that's my locker." He said getting mad. I checked the sign again. "It says Aria's BF or friend. Last time I checked, you weren't either of those." I told him shrugging. I turned to Aria. Then one of the guys threw a pair of swim trunks at me. "Trust me, if you plan to follow Aria like you do, your gonna need to change." He said. I sighed, put mate down, and went to change. After I changed, I went back and put Aria back on my shoulders. "Come on! We have an hour to spend! I want to go to the pool!" Aria said. I laughed as I brought her out of the locker room to a huge pool. I let go of her legs. She gets off of me, and starts to strip down to her swimsuit. She puts all of her clothes in a nice and neat pile to the side. I smiled. Before she got the chance to get in, I caught her smiling. I placed her back safely on my shoulders. "H-Hey!" She said pouting. I laughed. "There's no life guards on duty, someone your size might drown." I told her laughing. She pouted. I laughed.

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