Attacked pt.1

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Drew's POV
I brought her around the pool watching the still water. I loosened my grip on her. The moment I did, she lunged forward into the water into a dive. I watched the water as her head popped back up on the other side of the pool. She smiled at me that sent my wolf doing flips. I jumped in. I smiled as I swam after her. I was about 3 feet away. She giggled as she splashed me. I laughed and splashed her back. "So your back, and before I took my morning swim." A guy said. We both turned back towards him.

He smiled at us... at Aria. He was taking off his sweatshirt and about to jump in. "Hey David!" Aria said happily to him. I looked at him curious. The girls from the swim team came out and started smiling at him. "He's so cute!" "I don't care if he is our enemy, he's hot." "I won't date him... but a girl can dream can't she?". "Alright ladies, what did I tell you girls about drooling over the competition?" Aria said sending them away. I swam over to her and held her to my side glaring at the guy. The guy held his hands up in a surrendering move. "Calm down man." He said laughing. I shook my head snapping out of it. "David this is Drew, Drew, this is David." Aria introduced. He held his hand out to shake. I simply just nodded my head. He smiled awkwardly. "Where's May?" Aria asked giving up on on trying to swim on her own and just accepts that I'm not letting go. He smiled. "She should be getting here in a few minutes." He said smiling. Then a girl walked in.

After seeing us, she tries to walk back out. "May, get back over here and change in the locker rooms!" David called. "Who's she?" I asked him. He smiled. "My twin." He said smiling. May left then came back wearing a two piece swim suit. "Who's he?" She asked as she jumps into the pool. "His name is Drew." Aria said. I noticed a small bite mark on May's neck. She's a werewolf. "Let's play chicken!" May says excited. I laugh. "I call Aria!" David said smiling. I sent him a death glare enjoying the feel of electricity to much to let her go. "O-on second thought, I'll take the cheerleader." He said smiling. I went back to normal. I easily lifted Aria on to my shoulders as she shrieked. "I'm still not used to this..." Aria said laughing. David ducked down for May to climb on. Once she did we walked towards each other. The girls started to try to push the other one over. I laughed as this continued. Then they both fell. Before Aria hit the water, wolf instincts kicked in, and I covered her with my body. I caught her. Then I realized how stupid I must've looked from anyone else's view. Then the bell rang. "Seems like it's time." David said. "Scared?" Aria asked. "This time I'll beat you!" David laughed. "I doubt that highly!" Aria said laughing. They shook hands then tried to get out of the pool. I realized I was still holding Aria. I blush and mumble out an apology while letting go. Then swim teams started to fill into the pool area. I open the locker room door ready to go to the viewing area. "Where are you going? Aren't you Aria's BF or something? People close to the swimmers are a loud to stay on deck." May said drying off. I blushed and smiled staying in the pool area. It's 2:30 now and Aria won. Aria finally dried off. I was standing at the doors waiting for her to finish. She just put my hoodie on. Then she grabbed her stuff. Then we walked out of the locker room back out to the bus. We all piled in. "We should be arriving at around 12-3am." She told me. I nodded. I sat on the inside this time. She looked tired as heck. She ate a sandwich, then we watched a couple more movies. She quickly changed but kept my hoodie on. At around 9, she fell asleep cuddling me. I smile as I fell asleep as well. When I woke up, it was 2am. I yawned and stretched still drowsy. I quickly woke Aria up. I sighed as I realized the teacher forgot about Aria. We were one of the last people on the bus. We grabbed our stuff and went outside the school. "I'm heading home." She said. "I'll walk you!" I insisted. She laughed. "I'll be fine, you should go home and sleep." She said noticing how tired I was. "I told you before. Don't worry about me, let me walk you home." I told her. "I do worry about you because your my friend!" She yelled. "I said I was fine!" I growled. "No your obviously not! You are tired go home and sleep!" She yelled. "I'm not a dog you can boss around! And you shouldn't care about me since I've never really cared about you and just took pity!" I snarled. She took a step back surprised. I touched my lips not believing I just said that. "Aria..." I said trying to reach for her. "Don't touch me! Fine! I won't care about you! Go do what ever the hell you want!" She yelled walking away. "Aria!" I called. She just continued to walk away not looking back still fuming. I growled and punched a pillar. Then turned and started to walk to cool off and think.
Aria's POV
I mumbled at myself angrily. I reached my house. I decided to go to the lake. I reached there and sighed. I looked over at the peaceful water. Then someone grabbed me.
Drew's POV
We just fought, on a dark morning over her caring about me. I sighed.

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