ꕤ disturbing patients ꕤ

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For most students, the hospital wing is a dreary place that they hope to never have to set foot in whilst attending Hogwarts. But Emaline isn't most students.

She stands in front of a large medicine cabinet, happily organizing the various potions, medicines, and draughts practically spilling out of the shelves. There has to be enough to heal any type of illness or injury that could befall on someone and Emaline is taking her time to stop and read the description of each one.

This is only her second week learning under the careful tutelage of Madam Pomfrey so she is still working hard to establish enough trust to be allowed to assist in healing the many patients the infirmary sees every day. She doesn't mind the grunt work though, knowing that this is most likely exactly what her future career with St. Mungos will start out with as well.

Despite only having minimalistic tasks, there has yet to be a dull moment for Emaline in the hectic wing. Having hundreds of teenagers with magical abilities living in an enchanted castle, it's practically mandatory for magical disasters to occur.

So far, she's seen burns from potions, backfired hexes, and no less than twelve growth charms gone wrong, and it's only eleven in the morning.

There is one patient, however, whom Madam Pomfrey has kept off limits. With the curtains drawn shut around the bed, only she could bustle in and out of the small area, and the medical chart for the mysterious student remained solely in her hands or locked in her office at all times.

Whoever it is, they were admitted before Emaline showed up at the unlawfully early hour of seven, which only spikes her curiosity as she wonders what kind of trouble a student could possibly get themselves into before the day has even begun.

"You may take a break once you've finished your task," Madam Pomfrey says with a kind smile as she walks past to get to her office at the back of the hospital wing. "I'll see you after lunch, Miss Pettigrew."

Emaline nods as she shuts her office door and closes the blinds to the window that allows her to overlook the wing.

Hurriedly sorting the last of the bottles, she ensures the blinds are still closed before closing the cabinet and creeping carefully over to the curtains hiding someone from the rest of the world.

Her hand reaches out to unmask the answer to her curiosity but hesitates, knowing she shouldn't. Madam Pomfrey would be furious with her for not respecting a patient's right to privacy.

The stern woman has been nothing but kind to her so far, going out of her way to teach her about the career she so dearly desires. However, the safety and health of the Hogwarts student body is always her first priority and if Emaline was to interfere with that, she could kiss this wonderful privilege goodbye.

Emaline drops her hand and turns away.

"You can come in, Ema," a familiar voice calls out, stopping her in her tracks.

She hesitates, but her desire to know who Madam Pomfrey has been shielding overrides any common sense that's telling her to keep walking. She shamelessly pokes her head through the curtain to face an amused prefect.

Dark circles underline Remus's eyes and it appears to take a great deal of effort for him to lift his head off of the pillows propping him up, but he still manages to smile and nod for her to take the chair by his bedside.

She does so, all the while examining the exhausted boy carefully. He's in the standard hospital gown only overnight patients are forced to wear. Despite the warmth of the room, a thin blanket is pulled all the way up to where the short sleeves end, carefully keeping the entirety of his body hidden from the world.

"You should see the other guy," he lies effortlessly before she opens her mouth. He's always found it easier to establish a story before the other person has a chance to ask any questions.

"I hate it to break it to you, but whoever the other guy is, he didn't have to be admitted to the hospital wing," Emaline teases.

"Ouch." Remus clutches his heart, his arm remaining hidden under the blanket despite the movement. "Do you think Poppy can heal damaged egos?"

Both of them laugh and the tension disappears as Emaline relaxes in her chair.

"Poppy?" She repeats, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't know anyone could be on a first name basis with her."

"You can get away with certain things when you land yourself in here as much as I do."

"You'll get your badge revoked," she tuts.

"It's a miracle I got the badge at all with the company I keep," he jokes.

"Oh, please," Emaline scoffs, rolling her eyes playfully. "If James Potter can become quidditch captain in his fifth year with as much trouble as he gets into, you could very well be given the title of professor next year if you don't get Head Boy."

The beige curtains snap open, causing their laughter to disappear as quickly as it begun. Emaline scrambles to her feet, facing the healer.

"I believe I dismissed you until after lunch, Miss Pettigrew," she says calmly, fixating the girl with a stern expression. "We'll have a talk about disturbing patients when you return."

"It's not her fa-"

"I don't want to hear a word out of you, Mr. Lupin, until after you've taken the sleeping draught I handed you over an hour ago."

Emaline waves goodbye to Remus, who is too busy eyeing his medicine with disgust to notice, before rushing towards the exit. She pushes the door open with a little too much force and it slams into the wall, causing three students sleeping on the corridor floor to jolt awake.

James, Sirius, and Peter clamber to their feet with about as much elegance as drunk dragons, excuses spewing from their lips before they even process who's standing in front of them.

"We just want to visit for a moment!"

"We'll even be quiet this time!"

"We brought him snacks!"

"That's all very sweet but you're not getting in there any time soon," Emaline advises the exhausted boys, all of which who look like they didn't sleep the night before. "I'm heading to lunch, if you'd like to join me."

"Absolutely!" Peter answers with no hesitation, his stomach growling in agreement.

She makes the mistake of glancing over the disheveled states of the group again and sighs, gritting her teeth to utter out a sentence she may soon regret.

"The offer was extended towards all of you."

Sirius's eyes light up and he looks over at James to ensure he heard the statement correctly. Unfortunately, he is of no help, as he is already laying back down on the floor and nearly asleep.

"I would love to go on a lunch date-"

"That's not what this."

"-with you," Sirius continues as though he wasn't interrupted. "But I can't today. Our Moony needs us."

Emaline blinks, blindsided by his thoughtful response.

"He's right," Peter agrees, suddenly feeling guilty for considering leaving before any of them have had a chance to check on their friend.

"You three will be of no help to him if you die of starvation while you wait," she points out. "At least come with me to grab sandwiches for all of you."

Peter nods, dutifully following his older sister down the winding hallway. He knows she has questions pertaining to why him and all of his friends are in such rough states but, like Remus, he knows to deflect before she can voice these concerns.

"Todd seems like a nice guy," he comments conversationally, crossing his fingers behind his back in the hopes that she'll take the bait.

"Yeah?" She asks, and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Yeah," he agrees.

"I'm glad you think so." Her brother's approval isn't something she's ever blatantly sought out, but it still brightens her day to know she's got it. "Because we're going to Hogsmeade this weekend."


"Yep," Emaline confirms, not exactly sure what he means by that. "Do me a favor and don't mention it to anyone. We both know exactly who would want to crash it"

"I won't," he promises.

"This is why you're my favorite brother."

"I'm your only brother," Peter chuckles.

"Then I guess that has to make you my least favorite too."


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