ꕤ hogsmeade distractions ꕤ

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"After three hours of sitting in his cottage and discussing the healing properties of flobberworm puke, he tells me he traded all of his pigs over the summer for Fang's favorite steaks!" Remus concludes the thrilling story of his failed visit with Hagrid, waiting for some sort of reaction from his friends.

When no response comes, he looks over and stops walking altogether. Peter and Sirius, too caught up in some sort of silent stare-off, don't even notice and Remus has to latch onto both of their arms and drag them back before they stop walking.

"You two weren't even listening," he huffs. "And you lost James!"

"You didn't notice he was missing either!" Sirius points out.

"He probably got distracted by the sight of Lily," Peter guesses with an amused shrug of his shoulders.

"We should probably find him before she hexes him," Remus agrees.

"Where's the fun in that?" Sirius asks.

"I didn't say we were going to stop her from hexing him."

"Sirius and I can check Zonko's," Peter offers.

"I don't need a babysitter," Sirius scoffs. "I am the oldest, after all."

"Only by four months!"

"Peter, check Zonko's. Sirius, retrace our steps. I'll look in Lily's favorite shops," Remus delegates before Sirius can retort. He doesn't know what's gotten into the two of them, but they've practically been at each other's throats all day. "We'll meet in the Three Broomsticks in thirty minutes?"

Peter and Sirius nod, and the three of them go their separate ways. Truth be told, none of them are actually going to be searching for the missing marauder.

Remus wants to browse through the newest book arrivals in Florish and Blott's Hogsmeade branch and he most certainly can't do that with his friends who can only be quiet if a silencing charm hits them square in the face.

Sirius will be heading directly for Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, a prime spot for couples, that Peter has been keen on keeping him far away from. Under normal circumstances, he would pass the shop without a second glance. But when the blond boy obviously directed his attention to Zonko's on the other side of the crowded street, it became clear to Sirius that he has a secret that, for whatever, involved keeping him away from the area. And if there's one thing Sirius hates, it's being told where he can and can't go.

Peter, despite claiming he'll go scout out Zonko's, is going to be following Sirius from a distance. Though he kept his promise not to tell anyone about his sister's date, he still feels an obligation to keep Sirius from learning about it. Unlike Emaline, Peter doesn't believe he will try to ruin her time with Todd. But seeing her on a date with someone else is bound to hurt Sirius's feelings and Peter doesn't wish for his friend to spend the rest of their fun day pouting.

Sirius comes to a stop in front of the tea shop's large windows, not so subtlety for what Peter could be hiding. Fully prepared to question every customer inside, he's about to pull the purple front door open when a familiar voice reaches his ears.

He peers around the corner to search down the often forgotten side street to the left of the shop and immediately wishes he hadn't. In the shadows cast by the overhanging roof of the building, Todd is snogging Emaline senseless.

Backtracking before he can be spotted, he glances around before ducking behind a large sign advertising Madam Puddifoot's tea of the day and changes into Padfoot.

Hurrying down the side street on his four legs, the black dog goes unnoticed by the couple until he starts to growl. He walks right up to them, baring his teeth and growling until Todd jumps away from Emaline.

Terrified by dogs in general, Todd cowers behind her and nearly shoves her directly into the furry fiend. She completely missed the way the animal threatened her date and doesn't understand why he's shaking in his boots when she glances down and only sees a cute dog tilting his head up at her.

"Mangy mutt," Todd mutters.

"He's not mangy!"

Emaline drops to her knees on the cobble-stoned street and runs her hands through his shaggy fur, smiling as he nuzzles closer to ask for more scratches.

"Don't do that," Todd warns, still standing a good distance away from the animal. "He probably has fleas."

"Don't listen to him," she coos in a silly voice, baby talking Padfoot. "You're adorable. Yes, you are!"

Padfoot adores the attention. He throws himself in her lap, perfectly content to remain there for the rest of the day as she scratches between his ears.

Unfortunately, the world seems to be working against his desires because the moment is ruined only seconds later.

"There you are!" Peter exclaims, out of breath as he runs up to the couple and the dog. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Me?" Emaline asks, furrowing her eyebrows together as her new friend jumps up as quickly as he had laid down. "I told you where I was going to be."

"No, the dog," Peter explains. "It's Madam Rosmerta's. She's been worried sick about him, so I told her I'd look around."

"I didn't know she let pets in the Three Broomsticks," she muses. "What's his name?"

Peter freezes, not having thought of that lie yet. He very well can't tell her it's Padfoot; she'll be sure to connect the dots. Instead, he says the first word that comes to mind.


Padfoot does not like this name in the slightest and growls in response.

"See? He even answers to it."

Emaline can't help but to laugh at the ridiculous name as she gets back to her feet, causing the dog to whine and hide his head behind one of his paws.

"We'll come with you to the Three Broomsticks," she offers, glancing back to Todd to see if he agrees.

"Ye- yeah." Todd clears his throat, grabbing Emaline's outstretched hand but not moving any closer to her until the dog takes a step away. "I could go for a butterbeer."


Peter strains to keep the smile on his face, inwardly panicking as the three of them head towards the Three Broomsticks with Padfoot wagging his tail happily by Emaline's side.

Entering the popular inn, Todd promises to find them a table and Peter tries to slip away with Padfoot to go sit with Remus and James while Emaline is looking the other way.

He has no such luck though as she latches onto his arm and points to the bar. "There's Madam Rosmerta. Let's go tell her the good news!"

They push their way through the crowd and Emaline flags the tall woman down as they reach the front of the room.

"Minors can't sit at the bar," she says, not even sparing them a glance as she dismisses them.

"But Peter found your dog!"


She stops in her track and stares incredulously at the siblings. Emaline elbows Peter, encouraging him to speak.

"I did," he agrees, gesturing meekly to the dog sitting obediently by his side.

"You must be mistaken."

"No, I'm pretty sure this is Butter."

He gazes imploringly at the landlady, but she doesn't seem to notice.

"That can't be my dog," she states matter-of-factly. "I'm allergic."

"Oh," is all Peter manages to say before scurrying away from the bar.

Emaline frowns, confused as to what just happened as she turns to go update Todd on the situation.

Peter slides into the empty seat next to James as Padfoot hurries under the table. A few seconds later, Sirius pops up in the booth between Remus and James. Peter reaches around James and smacks the clearly pleased boy in the back of the head.


"I thought it was funny," he laughs, moving to smack him back.

When James doesn't reprimand them for squabbling, Peter's next insult drops from the tip of his tongue as he peers at their previously missing friend curiously. He doesn't notice, too busy staring into his butterbeer with a dopey smile.

"What happened to you?"

"Lily didn't say no when I asked her out!"

"I think hitting you with a Jelly Legs Jynx is meant to be taken as a no," Remus interjects.

"It's still progress!"

Emaline walks up to their booth and Peter groans inwardly, preparing himself to have to lie to her face again.

"Where's Butter?"

"He ran out the door."

Remus stifles a laugh, pretending to cough when the older girl shoots him an odd look.

"Then what are we waiting on?" She questions. "Let's go get him so we can find his owner."

"I'll help you look," Sirius offers, already moving to leave his seat.

"We'll look for Butter," Peter corrects Sirius, shooting him a glare as Remus pulls him back down. "Don't worry about it. Just go enjoy the rest of your date."

"Are you sure? Because I know Todd wouldn't mind-"

"We're positive." Peter says simply, cutting her off.

"If you insist."

Saying goodbye, Emaline disappears into the crowd to return to the table Todd procured for just the two of them. Peter breathes a sigh of relief as all three of his friends start to laugh.

"Sirius Orion Black, if you put me in a situation like that again, I will tell my sister about your dirty muggle magazines."

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