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Avoiding Clyde seemed surprisingly effortless, but I had a nagging sense that it was because he was also dodging me. A whole week had passed without a single sighting, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were both intentionally keeping our distance. Meanwhile, Brenda was playing hooky from school, and I knew it was because she had a date with Clyde.

A faint sense of unease settled in, but I brushed it off, trying to shake the feeling. As I walked home solo, the silence was broken by the buzzing of my phone in my tote bag. I pulled it out and I answered the call.

"Hello, Mum," I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" she replied, her voice warm and loving, with a hint of a smile that I could sense even over the phone.

"I'm good. Just on my way home from school," I responded.

"Okay...I called to tell you that Mark and I are getting married next two months," she continued, her excitement palpable. I was taken aback by the sudden news.

I let out a sigh, trying to process this new information. While I knew they cared deeply for each other, I couldn't shake the feeling that they were rushing into things - they'd only been dating for seven months, after all. My main concern was protecting my mom from potential heartache; she'd been hurt before, and I didn't want to see her go through that again.

"Okay..." I replied, still trying to wrap my head around the news.

"It's just a small wedding, so we'll be having it at home. Feel free to invite your friends, though," she added, her tone cheerful.

"Okay, Mum," I responded, my voice a little hesitant.

I paused for a moment before asking the question that had been on my mind: "Um, is Dad coming?"

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before she replied, "I don't know. I sent him an invitation, though."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Okay, Mum. Bye..." I trailed off, ending the call with a soft click.

My parents' divorce when I was just ten years old still felt like a fresh wound. Dad had moved on, remarrying two years later and starting a new family with two children.

I, on the other hand, was still trying to navigate the complexities of my own emotions.

As I approached my hostel, I noticed a sleek black car parked outside - a new and unfamiliar sight. That's when I saw them: Brenda and Clyde, hand in hand, their affection on full display. I drew in a sharp breath, my heart racing. Clyde's eyes locked onto mine, and I could feel his gaze like a weight. I tried to ignore it, but my mind kept wandering back to the embarrassing truth - I had fantasized about him before, and the memory of those thoughts made my cheeks hot.

I felt a flush rise to my skin under Clyde's intense gaze, and that only made me angrier.

Why did he have this effect on me?!

Brenda's cheerful greeting broke the tension: "Oh! Hi Soma!"

I forced a smile, trying to appear nonchalant. "Hi,"I replied shortly, trying to hide my discomfort.

Without another word, I swiftly walked past them and into the compound, seeking the refuge of my room.

I opened WhatsApp and saw a message from Kev - or Angel Michael, as I liked to call him. Kelvin was his real name, and I had met him once before; he was actually a kind and genuine person.

His message read: 'Can you come over today? Let's join our ideas together.'

I agreed, responding with a thumbs up and a 'See you soon!'

I hastily freshened up, slipping into a sleek black dress that hugged my figure and fell just above my knee. I gathered my research documents and tucked them into my trusty tote bag, then slid on a pair of black low-heeled slippers. A quick spritz of my favorite perfume and I was ready to go.

But, to my surprise, I still found Clyde and Brenda lingering outside, their presence a reminder of the uncomfortable encounter earlier. I tried to brush it off and focused on my meeting with Kev.

"Ooh," Brenda said with a sly grin, "going to meet Kelvin?"

I sensed Clyde's gaze intensify, his body language subtly shifting. "Kelvin?" he repeated, his tone curious.

Brenda nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, he's Soma's partner for that presentation. And let me tell you, he's absolutely gorgeous!" Her words hung in the air, making me feel uncomfortable, as she unintentionally fueled the tension between Clyde and me.

I sneaked a glance at Clyde, and his piercing gaze met mine, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Brenda, still clueless, continued to stir the pot: "You're looking hot, girl! He's going to swoon!"

Her words made me squirm, and I let out an awkward laugh, trying to diffuse the tension. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, and I just wanted to escape the uncomfortable situation.

Just in time, my Uber arrived, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright, see you later!" I said with a smile, eager to make a quick exit.

"Okay..." Brenda replied, her voice trailing off as I turned to leave.

I could feel Clyde's eyes on me, his gaze burning into my back like a lingering touch. I didn't look back, instead, I slipped into the car and closed the door behind me.

I rang the doorbell to Kev's apartment, and he answered almost instantly.

"Hello," I said with a smile, and he nodded in response, opening the door wider to let me in.

Kev was a man of few words, not because he was shy or introverted, but because he was thoughtful and deliberate in his interactions. We had really connected during my previous visit to his place, and I appreciated his quiet confidence and insightful nature.

Kev's apartment was immaculately tidy and exuded a sense of sophistication. The sleek, modern decor and tasteful furnishings gave the impression of a high-end living space. The layout was cozy, with a comfortable parlour, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom, all carefully designed to create a sense of warmth and comfort. As he lived alone, every detail seemed carefully curated to reflect his personal style. I settled into the plush couch, feeling at ease in this tranquil atmosphere.

"What can I get you to drink?" Kev asked, his hair still damp from a recent shower, making him look even more appealing.

"Anything's fine," I replied, trying to play it cool.

He opened the fridge, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of the two juice boxes he held up.

"Are you a kid?" I teased, amused by the sight of the juice boxes.

Kev let out a gentle chuckle, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Who says only kids can enjoy them?" he countered, his smile playful.

He set one of the juice boxes in front of me and opened the other one with a straw, his movements effortless and relaxed.

"When I was little, my parents used to pack juice boxes in my lunch bag," I shared, nostalgic for the simple joys of childhood.

Kev smiled wistfully. "Lucky you. Give me a minute." He got up and vanished into his bedroom.

He returned shortly, carrying a couple of books. "I thought we could brainstorm ideas for our project," he explained.

A sudden thought struck me, and I turned to him with a curious gaze. "Kev, do you have a girlfriend?"

His expression revealed a hint of surprise, and he hesitated for a moment before responding. "No, we broke up quite recently. We were heading to different schools, and I'm not a fan of long distance relationships." He offered a forced smile and I knew there was more to it. 'They're just too stressful, you know?"

"Oh," I said, my mind racing with a newfound realization. I needed to redirect my unwanted attraction to Clyde, and Kev seemed like the perfect distraction.

I nodded to myself, thinking he fit the bill - single, stress-averse, and potentially interested in a carefree connection. My thoughts whispered a tantalizing prospect: a no-strings-attached relationship, just what I needed to shift my focus away from Clyde.



"Would you like to be my buddy?"


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