Here We Go Again!

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Last part! Thank Ra!

Hope you have enjoy this one-shot. Leave comments, votes, and support for more stories that will be publish in due time.
Thank you so much for your support!


When the light has finally dim, everyone looked around for any changes. Or if the spell worked or not.

Tea looked down at her body to see that she's back.

"Hey! I'm back to normal."

"Me too. Man that was close."

Bakura sighed and didn't realize that ice is spilling out from his mouth.

"Ew! You're drooling. Do you do that on purpose or something?"

"Seriously!? What the heck!?"

Tea just ignored him, as she ran where Rebecca is to give her a great big hug.

"You're awesome, Rebecca! Thank you!"

"That's right!"

"You seriously got to tell us. How do you know how to do that?"

"Well, while I was translating it I felt like the words were a bit off because of the strokes that curved to the left, instead of the right. That's when I realized that the incantation was written backward all this time."

"Oh cool. I never that they would use them to efficiently back in Ancient Eygpt."

"Well, the point is that there're not many letters that they can think of significantly, so they have to be creative. I believe that they did this in order for intruders to not figure what it says when they try to read it."

"Wow~ Who would've thought of that. It's a really old trick actually. Thanks for helping us."

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem. I'm just glad that everything is okay right now."

While these two continue to talk, Duke and Yami decided to break the news.


"Say what!?"

"M-Me too. I'm still stuck in Yugi's body."

Joey (Yugi) nodded in confirmation.

(Me: Well, the time is already over but at least you were able to switch back a pair, so it's something to be proud of. Right?)

"Eh!? No way!"

"Does this mean that we're stuck like this for the rest of our lives!?"

Before long, everyone was panicking. However, there's more.

"Now now. I'm sure that we'll be able to figure this out somehow. Huh?"

"W-what? Why is everyone so tall? And why does my voice sound like Grandpa?"


"This is turning into a nightmare!"

"Oh no!"

"Don't tell me that both Gramps and Kisara had switch bodies too!"

"Oh my! This feels great! For one, I'm not complaining. Ohohoho!"

"N-No....please.....don't do this to me! Please Rebecca, you have to fix this!"

Rebecca rechecked her notes before hesitantly said, "I-I may have accidentally said some of the incantation incorrectly....oops."

"DON'T OOPS US! Fix this mess right now!"

Kisara (Grandpa) just gruffly stared at the kids before sighing.

"If I'm going to enjoy this youthful body before changing back I may as well just-"

Everyone paused as they heard the bell of an open and then closed door before they saw Kisara (Grandpa) running away.

"AHHH!!! He's taking my body!"

"Oh no, you won't. No one takes away my sister's body and get away with this."

Yugi (Joey) swung the door open before chasing after him.

"Get back here you old timer!"

"Yu-Joey, wait!"


Joey (Yugi) sigh before calling out to them, "Wait for me!"

"Damn it, Yugi! Why do you have short legs!"

"Shut up!"

"Yahoo! This is one nice body!"


As the sun began to disappear over the horizon, both the gang stare as the Author gave out her final words.

Now you know. Magic is not a toy or should be taken likely. In the blink of an eye, it can turn your world on its head. The very fabric of your being can change you in an instant. So don't take it likely.

Duke(Yami)/Yami (Duke): HEY WAIT A MINUTE! What about the rest of us!?

Tea: You're seriously going to just end the story that way!?


Everyone: NO! Don't leave us like this!

Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure to ask the Pharaoh to turn you back. For now, you should enjoy the time that you have right now before it's over. Good night!


-The End

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