Time. Is. UP!

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Now, I know that it had been a really long time since I last updated this story and I understand how some of you must have been dying for this story to finish, but with a lot of things that had been going on around here I just didn't seem to have the time to update anymore. Sorry about that.

With only one more week before I have to go back to school again, I want to make up at least a few more updates for my stories before I have my hands full with school work. In addition, the last days of spending quality time with my family.

Hopefully, during the school year, I will still be about to update more for you guys. Now then, please enjoy the one-shot because sooner or later you'll find yourself finished with this book in no time.




"That would mean-"

"Oh my RA-"


(Yes, Mr. Obvious....)


As the truth began to seep into their mind, Yugi (Joey) cried out, "WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO DO!?". Both his hands got tangled within the locks of Yugi's blond bang hair as he stares on in horror and shock. The rest seem to finally snap out of their blank shock and reconsidered what Yugi (Joey) had said.

"First off, let's just see if we can use these powers are not."

"Oh that's a relief, I just did a few minutes ago. As you can see, I already burned almost half of the kitchen into smithing."

"Oi! Does that mean I have Yugi's water power? Cool!"

"No! Not cool! Joey doesn't you dare-AH!"

"Hey! Learn how to aim, you stupid mutt!"

"Zip it Tea-I mean, BAKAra!"

"I'm not a girl, damn it!"

"Oh god. Does that mean I have to walk around with Yami's face for the rest of my life!? I want my Duke face back!!!!"

"Shut it, playboy! No one doesn't care about your pretty face!"

"I object that!"

"Wow~ I can fly! Yippy!"


"AHHHH!!!! What the point in living if I can't burn stuff anymore!"

"I'm an S-class magician and I refuse to be part of the weakest thing in the entire group! If only...."

Joey (Yugi) glared at Tea (Bakura) hatefully and deathly said, "You have not steal that bracelet from the tomb."

"It wasn't my fault, damn it! Why do you keep blaming on me when I haven't done anything wrong."

"Actually, until this point you have always cause trouble for all of us, Bakura."

"Ryou, I thought you're supposed to be on my side."

"I am. Just pointing out that what you just said wasn't really the truth."


It took a while to get everything organize and the notes that she was able to gather up so far, but now-

"Guys! I found it!"

"Really? Can you lift the spell, Rebecca?"

"Come on! Do it!"

Tea (Bakura) snapped at Rebecca before Joey (Yugi) hissed, "Watch that tongue of your's or I'll burn it." That's when Tea (Bakura) decided to shut up, or he'll risk part of his body to that demon. Rebecca began to explain that it says-

"May this eternal exchange provide you eternal happiness for both of your life and in the other world. Pretty cute, right?"

"Umm? Okay, what does that have to do with our predicament?"

"In other words, everyone that got switch by the spell will now forever live happily ever after! Oh Ra, thank goodness I figure it out just in time."

The gang only heard half of what she just said, before the atmosphere feels like a rock crushing underneath them in darkness. The chippy voice of "Forever" almost brought brain damage to their skull before Yami (Duke) shouted, "Oh no way! Does that mean we're stuck like this forever!?"

"It can't be!"

"My life....is now officially over."

"Drown me."

(Yugi's words. Not mine.)

"We want you to lift the spell. Not read it. Remember?" Tea (Bakura) reminded her, as Rebbecca seem to realize what she had just done.

"Oh, that's right! I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry Rebecca. You got this. I have faith that you can do it." Bakura (Tea) said with full encouragement, which seems to pipe up Rebbecca's mood a bit. If it weren't for the fact that the words came out from the mouth of an evil Bakura.

"Isn't there some other way to lift the spell, Rebecca? Like a code or any hidden message?"

"I'll try."

The cheering squad has just been added to the group as Ryou wondered, 'Wouldn't that just distract her from all that racket that they are making?'

"Err~ I can't seem to find a pattern here. Where am I missing?" Rebecca bangs the tip of her pen on her notebook before covering both her ears in concentration.

"Three minutes left."


At this point, Bakura (Tea) is suffering a panic attack as he/she chew her handkerchief in anticipation.

"Have you already figured it out yet!?"

(Me: The situation had just got worst. The gang has only one minute left before their time is up.

Tea (Bakura): I don't recall asking you for the time, so shut your trap up!

Me: O-Okay. I was just trying to help. *sweat-drop*)

"Okay. I think I'm almost done. Just one more sentence."


"You guys only have 40 seconds. More or less."


"What do you mean, "More or less"!? Stop breaking us!"

That's when granpa appeared.

"Still lifting the spell, huh."

"Look. If you don't have any decent information that can help us then please leave us alone."

"Actually, I came back because I just remember something about that spell."


"What is it?"

"Yes. While the spell can be lifted, I'm afraid that it must be done by one pair at a time. Meaning that it's impossible to change all of you as once."


"30 seconds left and still counting."

"Alright, so which pair is going first?"

"It should be both me and other me (Yami and Duke)."

"Sound good."

"No way! I say that it should be me and that short hair girl."

"Hey! I have a name you know. And yes, I agree with Bakura that it should be us that gets to turn back."

"Hold on. Yugi and I should go because our powers are stronger than you guys and the fact that there are others that may try to stop us and destroy Domino City."

"Not true!"

"Yes true!"

The gang continues to argue back and forth as both Kisara and Granpa watch on the sideline.

"Well, this is.....interesting."

"Shouldn't you worry about your grandson?"

"Don't worry. The boy will be able to solve this mess in due time."

"Right. At least their magic isn't getting out of control like before. Remember?"

"*sigh* Please don't remind me. I don't ever want to see another destroyed building and getting complaints from the company or the council."

"15 seconds guys."

"Hold on! I got it!"

"And 12.....11...."

"Seriously? Alright!"

"Okay, let's hurry."

Rebecca nodded before taking a deep breath. Placing out both her hands she quickly recited the reverse spell as everyone began to glow. Words from the bracelets flew up into the air and began to rearrange into new sets of words.

"And 9.....8....7"

"Can someone please punch the Auther to shut up!"

(Me: If you do that, then I'll make your life a living hell.)


"Oh no! We're not going to make it!"

"We will!"


Just then, a bright light surrounded all of them. Blinded them until there was no more.

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