The Pharaoh's Curse!?

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Now, before we begin let's make an introduction of what kind of abilities that each of these characters has.Also, these characters will be cosplaying by my favorite anime FAIRY TAIL! Yippy!

1) Joey Wheeler (Plants) = Erza Scarlet

2) Tea Garden (Love) = Lucy Heartifilia

3) Yami Sennen (Fire) = Natsu Dragnel (Note: Very aggressive)

4) Yugi Mutou (Water) = Happy (The Cat)

5) Bakura ....... (Ice) = Gray Fullbuster

6) Rebecca Hawkins (The Smart) = Levy McGarden

7) Solomon Mutou (Yugi's grandpa) = Makarov Dreyar

8) Kisara Blue (Transformation Magic) = Marajane Strauss

9) Duke Devlin (Playboy) = Loke Lion

Hope you enjoy this! Again, I do not own anything (Episode 19 of Fairy Tail) except for my plot and character's personality that is going to show up here in a wacky situation.


"Granpa! We're home!"

Yugi excitedly opens the game shop as he tries to find his grandpa. Instead, he saw Kisara, Duke, and Rebecca from behind the counter.

"Huh? Where's grandpa?"

Yami came out behind Yugi as he decided to stand next to his lover.

"Hey, Pharaoh! Quit blocking the entrance and get moving already!"

"Shut it Theif! I have enough of your lousy excuses AND the fact that YOU'RE the one who dragged us into that mess in the first place!"

"Me!? For your information, if it weren't for me that pulled that switch back inside the tomb then you wouldn't have found your stupid memories, you big moron!"

"Listen you damn snake! When you pulled that switch, not only did you teleported us back to Ancient Egypt, but you also involved the whole gang to follow us! "

"Tsk! Not my fault that they were close to the seal!"

"Grrrrr~ I should have pulverized you back when Zorc was about to eat your soul."

"But you didn't, Pharaoh."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Make me!"

Both of them glare down at each other hatefully as they position themselves for another epic fight.




Everyone, except for Yugi and Ryou, sighs as they watch the interaction that is taking place. Again.

"In the name of Ra, why can't you two just get along with each other?"

Yugi pouted as he put both of his hands on his waist cutely. Ryou stood next to Yugi in agreement.

It was muffled, since Yami and Bakura are apparently on the ground with a large bump appearing on their head, but they they can still hear, "Never!"

Kisara giggled before she smiled and happily said, "Welcome back everyone! It's good to see you all safe and sound."

"It's good to be back, Kisara."

Joey went up to her to give her a hug. Likewise, she wrapped both her arms around his back and quietly said, "I hope you didn't cause any trouble, Oniisama."

"Don't worry. I didn't."


While the siblings interact, Tea came in and laughed at the two males who are currently being scolded by their lovers.

"Sheesh! You two can't get any trouble than this."

"Be quiet."

Yami and Bakura hissed quietly, as they didn't have much of a choice but to kneeled down and continue to listen to their lovers/lectures.

Not to be rude of course, but both of them love their Hikari very much and would do anything to protect them. Even endure any punishments that may come in their way.

Just then, Tea spotted a hint of light peeking out of Bakura's bag. Curiously, she kneeled down, took the bag, and open it.

Tea gasped in horror as she stares down at an item that will, certainly, lead them to another case of troubles.

She dropped the bag before she quickly crawled away from it.


"Tea? What's wrong?"

Yugi paused his rebuke before walking up to Tea in concern.


"Y-Yugi......t-there's something....i-inside the bag...."

"Huh? Which bag?"

"T-That one!"

With a shaken hand, she used her index finger to point the bag that belongs to Bakura.

"Huh? My bag? What's inside?"

Yugi stood up and went to retrieve the bag. When he opened it and look inside; he also gasped in horror.

"Yugi? What-?"


Just then, a bright glow came out of Bakura's bag as everyone is forced to close their eyes from being blind. The light continue to glow brighter and brighter until it took in as a form of a great man that stood in Egyptian clothing. Not just any Egyptian clothes, but the clothes that belong to a royal, high status, Pharaoh!

You have taken what is rightfully mine in the beginning of time. For your crime in stealing my precious possession, you will all be under my curse! A curse that will soon be permanent before the sun that touches its hindmost peak between the reborn and the twilight of the God, Ra.

"Wait! Please! How can we ask for your forgiveness?! Please tell us, my Pharaoh."

The Pharaoh stare down at Yugi's eyes and saw the urgency to asked for forgiveness as his friend's mistake.

I can see, little one. That your soul is nothing but pure and innocent. For that, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Yugi bowed in gratitude.

"Thank you, my Pharaoh."

The Pharaoh nodded, before his voice boom for everyone to hear.

To break this curse, you all must rewrite its counters that were specially created by me. If you solve its riddle then your trouble will be over. However, as I have said before. You only have much time to solve it.

"We will. And we promise to return this once everything is over."

The Pharaoh nodded before he vanished into thin air.

Everything was silent.......until-


Everyone snapped their head towards Joey as they watch him looking at himself in great horror and shock.

"Joey?! What happen? What the-!?"

'Duke' paused there for a moment as he covers his mouth.

"Why does my voice sound like Duke's?"

"Same here."

Everyone snapped their head towards 'Yami' has he scratch his head in confusion.

"Ummmmm???? What just happen?"

Just then, 'Tea' screamed out, "Oh my Ra! W-Why? Why does my chest feel so heavy!? Like! Really, really, REALLY HEAVY!"

'Tea' used the corner of the nearest counter as she tries to support herself.

"M-My back...hurt..."

They watch 'Tea' in confusion before they heard 'Bakura' saying, "I'm so cold!"


'Bakura' shivered as ice mist starts to appear around him.

"Huh? How can an ice user feel cold?", 'Yugi' questioned.

"What the hell? My whole body is way too cold!"


This time, everyone snapped their head towards 'Yugi' as he started to freakishly look all over himself.

"Why I'm I puny like Yug!?"

"Well excuse me for being small. Joey."

'Joey' crossed his arms across his chest, while leaning against the wall.

"Joey? What did you just say just now?"

'Joey' look up to see 'Duke' was the one that had asked the question. 'Joey' inhaled, before exhaling to calm himself down before pushing off the wall that he was leaning against a few second ago. He made his way towards the center of the room, right next to 'Yugi', before getting everyone's attention.

"It seems the curse has already started. If you all don't understand what is the curse; then I'll tell you."

Everyone waited patiently before 'Joey' declared,

"Our mind and body.........have been swapped!"

~Dead silent~


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