Time.....Is What We Really Need

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Sorry for the long wait! 😖 Apparently, I have been busy lately without knowing it so I didn't have any time to get to my stories. I'm trying to update other stories at the same time so be patient with me. Thank you!



"What in the world is going on here?"

The confusion began to spread through the gang as they voice out their thoughts and try to distinguish which one is which.

"So~" Yugi (Joey) hesitantly look at his other self before asking, "You inside there Yug?"

Joey (Yugi) sigh and replied back, "Yes Joey, it's me."

"It's so damn cold here!"

"SHUT UP! It's bad enough for me to listen to your friendship speech all the time, but this? This is getting ridiculous!"

"What are you talking about!? Everyone love my speech!"


"Wow. I did NOT see that coming."

"No kidding. Especially if it came out of Bakura's mouth."




"You did not just called me stupid!" Duke (Yami) and Yami (Duke) shouted at Tea (Bakura) before they both pounced on her/him.

Though even though boys are not allowed to fight girls, this may be an exception.

"Guys! Don't hurt my body! Bakura!"

Bakura (Tea) kicked them to get off of Tea's (Bakura) body so that they won't damage it.

"I barely left a scratch on them!"

"That's the point you dolt!"

As for Yugi (Joey), he couldn't take it anymore so he cried out, "OTHER JOEY!!!! SAVE ME!!!!~"

Yugi (Joey) wrapped both of his arms around Joey's (Yugi) waist as tears like waterfall rain down from both of his cheeks in despair.

"Joey, I told you. It's Yugi."

"Oh. Right."

Ryou, who was lucky from not being hit by the curse, said, "So. Does that mean that-"

"Yes. I'm afraid so, Ryou. And if we don't reverse the curse before the sun hit the peak between the day and night, then we will stay like this......."

By now, everyone is listening to Joey (Yugi).


~Chaos Erupted~



"Now listen. Based on what I have noticed on the behaviors of our friends. I can only be sure if I got this list down correctly. First off: Bakura and Tea."


"This is my worst nightmare."

Joey (Yugi) ignored Bakura's last comment before continuing on.

"Second: Duke and Yami."

They both silently nodded.

"And the worst of all, Joey and I, have switched places with each other."

"What do you mean 'worst of all'!?"

"Don't worry Joey. No matter what, I will always love you as a friend."

Duke (Yami) then wrapped his arm around Joey (Yugi), but then Joey (Yugi) quickly flinch away from him.


"Oh! I'm sorry Yami. It was just you."

"Of course. But why did you flinch away like that?"

Joey (Yugi) nervously laughed before memories began to reply itself in Yugi's (in Joey's head) mind.


Yugi was working on the counter to help stock up more supplies before he could open the store. The bell chime, signaling that someone has entered the store, caught Yugi's attention.

"I'm sorry. But the store is not- Duke?"


Duke pull out a charming smile before walking up really close to Yugi. Much to Yugi's uncomfortable delight.

"Duke, it's nice to see you so......early."

"Yes. I couldn't help but feel the need to visit you. If you don't mind?"

Duke took hold of Yugi's hand before gently rubbing it. Yugi made a strain smile. Having a pretty bad feeling that this is not just some normal visit.

"Of course I don't mine, Duke. You're my friend."

"Yes. Well....I was wondering about that."

"Wondering what, Duke?"

Duke sweetly made a smile, before opening the counter door and walk up to Yugi. Yugi back away from Duke when he didn't stop coming closer before feeling his back touching the wall.

Duke's action even got bolder because what he did next was placing his left hand on the wall, right next to Yugi face.

"I was wondering if we can be.......more than friends."

"What do mean Duke?"

"I mean to say that you should hang out with me a little bit more. You know, without having Yami around."

Something seem to click in Yugi's head as he recognized Duke's intention sooner than he had thought. He made sure to still look confuse, but keeping his own emotion to himself.

Yugi place both of his hand on Duke's chest and shoved him away before quickly running to the door. He turn around just in time to see Duke leaning even closer to him. Probable thought that this is just some game reflex to show how hot he is.


"Oh Duke. I'm.......speechless. I don't know what to say."

"Say that you'll be my boyfriend."

Yugi twitched closer to the door as Duke use both of his hands; cornering Yugi on the spot.

"I'm sorry Duke. But I-"

Quietly taking hold of the door lock.

"I just don't deserve you."

With that, Yugi twist the lock open as Duke stumbled out in shock when he felt gravity took over. Leaving him tripping on the steps and onto Domino streets.


That day. Yugi knew that he could not tell Yami of what had happen to him. Not because he want to deceive his lover. But to make sure he doesn't kill anybody.

Even if it's Duke Devlin.


"It's nothing Other Me......"



To prove his point, Joey (Yugi) hugged Duke (Yami) as he tried to keep himself cool and not let his irritation and anger overcome him.

Yugi's Thought:

Trying very hard not to punch Duke (Yami), even though his lover is inside another person's body that tries to make Yugi break up with Yami in the first place. He really really REALLY don't like Duke's seduction. Very much glad that Yami doesn't know about that piece of information.

"By the way. How long do we have until the spell is permanent?"

Bakura (Tea) wonder before looking at the clock.

"Let's see....we came back from the airport like around in the morning.....took us at least 2 hours......another hour to get food.....now it's 2:30, which means......WE HAVE ONLY 30 MINUTES LEFT!?"


Ryou turn towards Rebecca and asked, "How long have they been arguing?"

"For 14 minutes. That means that you guys only have at least 16 minutes left."


"Is there a way to break the spell in time!?"

"There is. The former Pharaoh said to rewrite it counters. Which means to its original state."

"T-T-Then how can we find it?"


"Do not worry."

Everyone snapped their heads towards speaker. Will a determine grin she confidently said, "Your savior has arrived!"

It took everyone a while to figure out what Rebecca is talking about before Joey (Yugi) said, "Of course! Rebecca-chan's special ability is Ancient Scripts. She'll be able to decode the counters."

"That's right! Oh and this is for my precious Yugi. I can't stand it when my darling Yugi is in trouble."

She gave a distasteful look at Joey (Yugi).

"Especially, when MY YUGI is trap inside a big fatty like Joey!"

"Hey! I'm not fat!"

Yugi (Joey) defended.

"Please Rebecca-chan. We don't have time."

"Alright. I'll get on it right now."

With that, she ran to the back of the shop to get her books.

"Do you think that she will be able to find the answer to our problem Joe-I mean-Yugi?"

Duke (Yami) questioned. Crossing his arms across his chest; still doesn't like the way Rebecca called his lover her Yugi.

"I don't know. All I know is that we need time.....and time is what we really need."

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