Chapter 1

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Ladybug launched herself into the air, dodging the red and green clad akumatized victim as he barreled forward below her, growling in annoyance at having missed her again. Ladybug and Chat Noir had been on patrol that night and luckily were only a couple buildings over when screams erupted, signalling the creation of an akuma victim. They had managed to make it over and intervene before he was able to get to any of the civilians.

This one was a pudgy teen with curly black hair and an acne ridden face. Upon seeing the heroes he immediately began boasting about his powers and how nobody would have to live in a body they didn't like as long as he was around, but quickly shut up after probably being yelled at by Hawk Moth to not let them know about his abilities. However, he revealed enough for Ladybug and Chat Noir to make sense of what he could do.

He called himself the Switcheroo and he could switch the bodies of any two people just by touching them. That made this battle particularly difficult as Chat Noir and Ladybug didn't know if he only had to touch them with his hands or if just touching him in general could let him switch their bodies, so they decided to play it safe and only attack from a distance.

After Ladybug had successfully leapt over the Switcheroo she flung out her yo-yo and had it wrap around his arm.

"Looks like you're all tied up!" Chat called from his spot on the opposite side of the villain.

Ladybug just rolled her eyes and did a quick scan of his body, searching for the item that the akuma was hiding in, but couldn't pinpoint anything. When she looked back up to the Switcheroo's face she saw him smiling from ear to ear before he grabbed the string of the yo-yo with both hands and yanked on it. Ladybug found herself being pulled in towards him, unable to get her yo-yo free from his grasp.

Just as she was getting closer to him Chat leapt forward and caught her, carrying her bridal style as he brought them both safely to the ground.

"This isn't good," she commented, tugging on the string of her yo-yo to which the Switcheroo only tugged back.

"Don't worry my Lady," Chat said in full confidence, "I just have to knock him to the ground so you can take your yo-yo back."

"And I don't suppose you're planning on doing that when your arms are full?" She shot him an unamused look as she pointed out the fact that he was still carrying her.

Chat replied with his trademark grin as he gently placed her on the ground. He went to kiss her hand but she shoved him towards the Switcheroo, reminding him to focus on the battle. Chat hurtled himself into the air and aimed the end of his staff at the Switcheroo. The staff extended and rammed into the villain, knocking him to the ground and pinning him there.

Ladybug made her way towards him and quickly grabbed her yo-yo before he could lift his arm to touch her. She carefully unwrapped her yo-yo from his arm and took a step back, exchanging a smile with Chat. But then she felt it, the slightest little nudge on the toe of her left foot. She looked down to see the Switcheroo with his hand stretched out as far as it could go, with the very tip of his middle finger just barely grazing her foot.

"I got you," he smiled as his hand was engulfed with a red light. "You know what that means?"

The Switcheroo raised his arm slowly in preparation to touch his chest, trying to add dramatic effect much to Hawk Moth's annoyance.

"Quickly you fool, stop wasting time!" Hawk Moth practically screamed in his ear. "Switch yourself with her and take her miraculous!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir both reacted at the same time, Ladybug once again wrapping her yo-yo around his glowing red arm, and Chat releasing his hold on him and hurtling himself forward.

"As if I would let you switch bodies with my Lady!" He yelled, not realising that Ladybug already had the Switcheroo's arm restrained, grabbing onto his arm and yanking it away from his body.

In an instant, in the time it took to blink, Chat, who had previously been in mid-air with the Switcheroo's hand grasped in his, was now standing on the ground and staring down into the shocked face of the villain.

Ladybug on the other hand, who had been standing on the ground with the Switcheroo's arm restrained with her yo-yo, now found herself in the middle of the air. The shock caused her to lose her grip on whatever it was she was holding as she flew forward and landed harshly on the ground, doing a couple of somersaults before coming to a stop.

She brought a hand up to her aching head, which would have been in a lot worse shape had it not been for the miraculous magic giving her heightened strength and durability.

"What just ha-" She stopped. That wasn't her voice. That was most definitely a boy's voice that came out of her mouth. A twinge of panic began to grow in her chest. Had she switched bodies with the Switcheroo? Did they actually fail? Was Hawk Moth going to win this time?

She turned around and scanned the clearing until her gaze fell on the Switcheroo who was still lying on the ground, staring at her with a look of both rage and shock. The panic in her chest died down, she didn't switch bodies with the Switcheroo. Just as she breathed a sigh of relief her gaze was drawn to the red figure standing beside the Switcheroo, and the panic once again rose in her chest. A spotted red outfit, holding a yo-yo, dark hair pulled back into pigtails. She stared back into the shocked blue eyes of her own face.

'But,' she thought to herself, 'if I'm there, and the Switcheroo is there, then that means...'

She looked down at her hands, covered in black gloves with little claws coming from the tips of her nails. She looked back to herself, the expression on her current face probably mirroring that of her original face.

Then she saw her body's mouth begin to move.

"This is a cat-astrophe."

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