Chapter 2

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The duo didn't have much time to react to the switch as the now angry villain ripped the yo-yo from his arm and began charging at Chat in Ladybug's body. This was definitely a weird situation, but they had dealt with plenty of weird akuma attacks before and had already learned to quickly accept what had happened and get on with the battle. Besides, once the battle was over everything would go back to normal anyway.

Chat hastily bounded away as the Switcheroo chased after him. He landed beside Ladybug and flashed the villain a smirk.

"Don't think that switching our bodies will make much of a difference, my Lady and I have been partners for a while now and already know each other's attacks and fighting style."

He glanced up at Ladybug to see her smiling just as confidently. She gave him a nod and ran forward, launching herself into the air. Holding Chat's pole downward, she aimed it at the Switcheroo, preparing to extend it into him and knock him off his feet. As she made her way above him she went to shoot the pole forward, but nothing happened. She continued to sail over top of him with nothing happening.

"What...?" She said as she landed behind him, looking down at the pole and giving it a little shake. "Why isn't it working?"

"Don't worry LB, I've got your back!" Chat called as he whipped the yo-yo at the Switcheroo, planning on tying him up with it, but all he succeeded in doing was smacking him in the head, the yo-yo bouncing off his skull and dropping lazily to the ground.

The Switcheroo turned towards Chat, his face as bright as Ladybug's suit and contorted with rage.

"I'm really getting sick of you two!" He roared and charged at red clad hero.

Not knowing what else to do, Chat began to run away from the enraged akuma victim, the unravelled yo-yo dragging behind him.

"A little help!" He called.

"I'" Ladybug yelled back as she continuously bashed her hand against it the pole the way you would with a remote that had stopped working. "How do you get this thing to work!"

"I don't know, it just does what I want it to do!" Chat looked behind him and saw the Switcheroo now attempting to grab the yo-yo that was whipping around in the air behind him. He switched his direction and ran towards Ladybug. "Any time now LB!"

Ladybug began shaking the pole furiously. "Just give me a seco-"

She was cut off as the pole suddenly shot out in front of her and towards Chat. He quickly jumped out of the way and the butt of the pole smashed itself right into the Switcheroo's gut. He coughed and fell to the ground clutching his stomach, all the while trying to shoot the heroes a deathly glare.

Chat landed himself beside Ladybug. "Looks like you gut-ted him."

"But now what?" She asked, ignoring his pun and lifting up the now elongated pole which was refusing to shrink back down to its normal size.

Chat just shrugged his shoulders, like he had said before, the pole would always just do what he wanted it to.

The duo continued to watch the Switcheroo struggle to his feet, scanning his body in an attempt to find the akumatized object.

"What about that?" Chat pointed to the front of the costume where the corner of a photo could be seen poking out.

"Good eye, kitty," Ladybug congratulated him with a pat on the back.

"Technically since I'm you now, you should call me by something else. Why not try Bugaboo," he said while flashing her his signature grin, something that looked quite odd when on Ladybug's face.

Ladybug just rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "I'll deal with Switcheroo for now while you summon lucky charm."

"How do I do that?" He stared up at her with a face full of confusion, "We can't use each other's weapons properly, what makes you think we'll be able to use our powers?"

"I'm going out on a limb here, but since our powers both use the miraculous magic I'm assuming they would work the same way. Just do whatever it is you do when summoning cataclysm and hope that it works."

Ladybug turned back to the villain and held the stretched out pole like a baseball bat, swinging it at the Switcheroo. Over and over again, she continued knocking him to the ground as he grew more infuriated with each attack she threw at him.

Chat was tempted to make a baseball pun, but held back as he looked at the yo-yo with confusion, hesitantly throwing it into the air. He imagined himself summoning cataclysm called out 'lucky charm.' Much to his surprise it actually worked and a bright light shot out from the end of the yo-yo, sending down a red and black spotted pouch which he caught.

"What is it?" Ladybug asked without looking back.

He opened the pouch and looked at the contents inside. "Marbles...?"

Ladybug didn't waste any time in scanning the surrounding area. She let her gaze move from the marbles, to the feet of the Switcheroo who was charging towards them, to the large donut shaped sign that stood atop a shop behind them.

"I have a plan. Wait until he gets close then drop the marbles on the ground, I'll take care of the rest."

"Whatever you say," Chat replied with a smile and stood in the path of the Switcheroo. "Over here you bug lug!"

Ladybug leapt on top of the donut shop and stood behind the sign. Holding out her fist she called out 'cataclysm' and a black light engulfed her hand. Just as the Switcheroo was getting dangerously close to Chat, he opened the bag of marbles, spilling the contents onto the ground and jumped away. The Switcheroo didn't have time to react and tripped on the marbles, sending him rolling to a stop in front of the shop.

Ladybug slashed her claws against the metal bars holding the donut sign in place, causing them to rust and snap apart, sending the sign down on top of the Switcheroo. It caught him in the centre circle of the donut, trapping him in place with his arms stuck at his sides.

Ladybug jumped down and landed beside Chat as they admired their handiwork.

"We make a purr-fectly paw-some team even when we're in each other's bodies, don't you agree my Lady?"

Ladybug pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance and shook her head, the sound of his horrible puns coming from her mouth really irked her. "What's up with you and the puns today?"

"What's the matter my Lady, am I bugging you?" Chat laughed silently to himself and continued. "It's such a rare occasion that I get to hear my Lady say some puns, so I plan to take full advantage of this situation."

Ladybug gave him a slap on the back, pushing him in the direction of the Switcheroo.

"Yes, yes, ok. Now can you purify the akuma and end this already."

Chat gave her a wink, another thing that looked weird coming from her body, before approaching the villain and pulling the photo out of his pocket. It was a picture of a pretty girl that had clearly been taken on a cellphone from a distance while she wasn't looking. He tore the photo in half and the black butterfly emerged from it.

Summoning the same power he had used for lucky charm, he slid his finger along the end of the yo-yo so it opened up into a bright light and swung it around a couple times, sloppily trying to copy what Ladybug always did, then flung it towards the blackened akuma.

When he was finished the yo-yo opened up and released the purified butterfly.

"It was fun while it lasted, but I guess now we'll have to go back to normal." He shrugged, feeling slightly disappointed about it.

When his Lady didn't respond he looked over to her only to find her facing away from him, eyes fixed on something else. She silently raised her hand and pointed at whatever it was she was looking at. Questioningly, he followed her gaze which was settled on the little butterfly that he had just freed.

Upon first glance he couldn't understand why his lady was so focused on it, but upon closer examination his eyes grew wide. Only half of the butterfly shone with the white purified light while the other half remained black, blending in with the dark light of the night.

The butterfly began to fly away but Ladybug quickly cupped it in her black gloved hands before turning to Chat.

"It was your first time purifying an akuma, you probably did something wrong. If you purify it again it should probably be back to normal."

She was trying to sound confident but Chat could hear a hint of uncertainty in her voice. Had Ladybug been in her normal body he probably wouldn't have picked up on it, but he knew his own voice well, and he knew what it sounded like when trying to cover up your true feelings. He silently nodded and tried again, swinging the yo-yo around and catching the butterfly, but when it was released it was still only half purified.

They both stared at it without saying a word.

Chat noticed the fear growing on the face of his original body and decided to remain positive in front of his Lady, although he could also feel the anxiety starting to form in his stomach.

"No need to fret, we'll worry about purifying the akuma after we're back in our own bodies. Although, I can't deny that spending a battle in my Lady's body sure was miraculous."

"Just fix this already," Ladybug said, ignoring his lame pun. She was getting worried and just wanted this to all be over.

Chat smiled at her before tossing the now empty bag of marbles into the air. A bright light engulfed it and millions of ladybugs began to swarm around the area, fixing everything that had been affected due to the akuma attack. The donut sign was restored back to its spot above the shop, trash cans were straightened and put back in their places.

The heroes' eyes followed the ladybugs as they did their job. They watched as the ladybugs fixed the damage, watched as they surrounded the Switcheroo, leaving behind a very confused looking teen, and watched as they faded away into the air as if they had never been there in the first place.

The two just continued to stand there and stare at the spot where the ladybugs had disappeared as if any moment now they would materialize again having realized they forgot something very important. Chat even spared a glance over his shoulder, half expecting to find another swarm that was just taking a little longer to get to them, but there was nothing.

"What happened?" The teen asked while clutching his aching head, but the heroes didn't hear him. They just stood there in silence waiting for the little ladybugs to come back to them.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, they finally dragged their gazes away from the empty street and looked at each other, faces filled with worry. Chat couldn't even come up with a pun.

They were both wondering the same thing. What had made this battle so different? This wasn't the first that an akumatized victim had done something that affected them personally, such as the time that Reflekta made Chat and many others change their appearance to look just like her. Once that battle was over everything had gone back to normal just like it always does. So why? Why weren't they turning back?

Then it struck them, and they both lowered their gazes to stare at the one thing about this battle that had been different from all the others.

The half purified akuma.

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