Chapter 5

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Juvia (in gray) Pov

I opened my eyes but it made no difference it was still pitch black. My hands were tied behind me and my legs were tied together. I could feel the dirty concrete floor beneath me, a cloth wrapped around both my eyes and mouth. Where was I? I wiggled trying to loosen the know on my wrist.

"Gray!" A hushed shout sounded from nearby.

"Natsu?" I tried to asked but it just came out muffled. I felt a body move towards mine. Four fingers hooked under the cloth that wrapped my mouth shut and forcefully pulled it off. It did the same for the one covering my eyes. I was able to see again even though the place itself was quite dim.

"Natsu." I exclaimed at the pink hair guy lying across me. "Where are we?"

"Like hell do I know but we need to get out of here."

I had a light bulb momnet "Quick use our flames to burn the ropes." His face light up and we turned so that we faced back to back. Natsu fired up his hands and slowly burned the ropes of my wrist. I sat up and untied the ropes at my ankles before I helped Natsu with his.

Once we were both untied we squinted in the dark trying to find an exit. We moved around carefully in the dark, touching the wall as guides around the room. There was a bright spark of red and orange at the other side of the room. A moment later there was smoke from where Natsu had punched.

I faceplamed myself for not thinking about it before "Natsu, use your flames as light." He lit up his fist. I saw a sparkle at the corner of the room and walked towards it. I felt the wall for any signs of a button of lever or something. My hands caught on a smooth metal stick. I pulled it down. There was a rumble and the wall groan as it pulled open.

"Woah." Natsu breathed behind me. I nooded in agreement. "Let's go." We headed into the small dark alley.

"Hey, where is Happy?" I asked while feeling my way around with the help of the walls and the soft glow from Natsu's flames.

"Don't know but I think he is safe."

"How do you know that?"

"I can sense it." I chuckled at that statement.

"That's so chessy."

After a moment of silence expect the shuffling of our feets "You sure you okay, Gray?"

"Yeah why?" My heart rate increased and my plams became sweaty.

"You have been acting strange lately."

"No, I haven't." I stammered. There was silence again, we continued dragging our feet against the gravel, taking any turnes we find.

"You know Juvia, you should have just told gramps." I froze in my tracks. Did he just say Juvia? The soft light flickered with the gentle wind.

"I think there might be an exit nearby. I can smell the air." Natsu continued.

"How did you know?" I asked as we carried on walking.

I could feel him shrug "I know my best friend and, no offense you're not him." I felt my face heat up a little.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Not sure. Whatever it is we have to get out of here and find Happy." I nodded even though I knew he wouldn't see.

"Juvia thinks that this was a trap." It felt good to finally talk like myself again.

"Sure but don't you think this escape was a little to easy?" Now that I thought about it, it was way too easy. We are missing something from the puzzle peice and we don't have a clue what it is.

Gray (in juvia) pov

Sweat trickled down my forehead. I felt extremely dehydrated. The afternoon Sun was beating down in your backs as we remove the mud from the place. Wendy was using her wind to move them all in one place, Lucy had summoned virgo to help, I was trying to use as much water magic as I could to help push the mud to Erza who then move the mud further so that it won't fall back into the village.

I felt myself getting weaker but I continued to blast water from my palms. The stream was getter weaker and soon I dropped to the ground.

"Juvia!" They all shouted, Wendy was by my side first.

"Are you aright?" She asked, her voice both gentle and filled with panic.

"Juvia needs water." I manged to mumbled.

"Wendy try to heal Juvia as much as you first. Lucy go find some water." Erza commanded. I laid on the ground that was covered with mud as Wendy worked her magic on me, Lucy has ran off to find water and Erza was by the villagers side telling them we were taking a short break and not to worry.

Juvia (in Gray) pov

We followed the streak of light and ended up in a room. There was a Queen sized bed, table and everything to make it a comfy room. There was red hearts at every inch of the room, big or small, some were even gilletery.

"Where are we?" I commented, looking st my surrounding. So, this escape wasn't as easy as it seemed.

"I have no idea." Natsu replied, not far behind me.

"Look there's a door." I pointed at the red door with a heart shape door knob. We gasped as we opened the door. What greeted us was walls of bushes.

"Juvia thinks this is a maze." I mentioned.

"Yeah. Quick let's find our way out." We walked froward took a few turns and meet with a dead end. There was a shuffle and a shadow figure zoomed passed us.

"Did you see that?" I asked and Natsu nodded, he was high on alert.

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