Chapter 10 - The Dance of Swords

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Hello again! I'm back with more chapters!

For all the support and reviews you all gave me! It really means a lot. But we'll talk about it later, anyway, on to the story!

(Opening Theme)



Real world

The Hisaki group, a highly influence group that both respected and feared. The Hisaki were involved in many things like education, technology, medicine, and so on. One of the richest groups in Japan, and there was even a rumor that the Hisaki group involved in the underworld.

After the accident of nerve gear started, hospitals all over Japan were flooded with patients and the goverment quickly acted and helped support the victims of the games.

One year had passed...

Many people had given up, including the goverment, but not the Hisaki.

They transfered most of the patients to the Hisaki hospital, helping them with the latest technology.

Even so, all they could do now was wait and hope that the patients would wake up.

10 months had passed...


Hisaki Hospital

A black haired girl wearing a school uniform looked at the huge white building in front of her, even though she had entered the building so many times, it still impressed her. She quickly shook her head, and headed inside the building.

"Ah! Suguha-chan, here to see your brother and Hisaki-sama again?" asked the female receptionist inside the building.

The girl, who was known as Suguha, smiled at her. "Yes I am."

The receptionist smiled. "Well then, you can go ahead."

With a nod, Suguha went to her brother and best friend's room, there weren't many people in the hallway, yet she still saw security guards everywhere, while nurses and doctors were walking here and there.

Suguha walked into the elevator. As the elevator doors opened, waiting for people to get out, she then entered and pressed the floor button. With a 'Ping', the elevator doors closed.

She was alone in the elevator, the sound of the elevator music filled her ears. 'How long has it been? Since that incident...' She thought to herself, but cut off when the elevator doors slid open, she quickly exit when knowing that this was her destination floor. She fast walked through the hallway, nodding to the two securities who were guarding the hallway. Unlike the previous floor, this one had almost no visitors, only a few doctors, nurses, and many guards guarding this floor. Considering the patient, she understood.

Suguha stopped at a door with two guards guarding it and they nodded to her. Knowing that she had been here so many times, most of the guards knew her already, she entered the room with a nod of appreciation to the guards.

"Ah, Suguha-sama, how do you do?" A kind looking old man asked, wearing butler attire, sitting between the patients' beds.

"Hello, Robert-san." Suguha greeted the old man.

Robert chuckled. "Respectful as always Suguha-sama."

Suguha smiled, then she took a seat beside Robert, looking at the two patients. "They look so peaceful..." She whispered.

"Indeed." Robert looked sadly at the sleeping form of his young master.

Silence filled the room. "Umm... Robert-san." Suguha began, trying to break the silence. "Is it really okay for my brother to be in the same room as Saito-kun?"

Robert smiled at the girl. "Young master Saito, and Kiri-I mean, Kazuto-sama, are best friends, so its fine Suguha-sama. You don't need to worry, both the master and the mistress are fine with it, saying young master might need some company when he wakes up."

Suguha managed a small smile, even though she never met Saito's parents. From what Robert-san and Saito-kun said about them, they were good people, but rather busy. Then she smiled sadly looking at her brother and best friend's thin forms. "It's almost two years..."

Robert nodded. "Yes, both the master and mistress hired so many hackers, and yet none of them could crack the games, they even went so far to buy an entire game industry just to gain some informations."

"They must be very sad..."

"Indeed, Ikumi-sama took it very hard when knowing young master went into a coma, it took the entire squadron of guards and Kazue-sama to hold her when she wanted to destroy the games corperation that created the games."

Suguha sweatdrop, Saito's mother must be very strong.

Robert then looked at his young master. "I have watched him for a long time... from the day he was born... the day he took his first steps and spoke his first word..." Tears started to fall from his eyes. "When he first went to school... When the Master told me to take care of him... watching him grown from a spoiled stubborn boy, into a fine stubborn kind-hearted young man..." He then looked at Suguha. "Suguha-sama, please don't lose hope, I'm sure... No, I know they will wake up."

Suguha smiled at her friend's butler. "Of course Robert-san."

She will never lose hope.





Floor 74: Forest Dungeon

"Its close..." Shoto whispered, touching the ground. He seemed to be tracking something.

"How many?" Kirito asked his friend.

"... Two, they separated..." Shoto then walked forward, followed by Kirito, both of them stopped when they heard a rustling sound. "One of them is over there, eating, can you take care of it?"

Kirito nodded his head. "Sure thing."

"Alright, I'll go hunt the other one, make sure to kill it." Shoto said leaving silently.

Kirito took out two iron needles from his belt, and threw one to a tree near his target. His target who was surprised and frightened by Kirito, quickly jumped away fast, showing itself.

The thing that Kirito and Shoto were hunting were the rare Ragout Rabbits. They were rabbit-like monsters that had green fur and a pair of red eyes.

Kirito, already knowing what would happen, aimed the second needle to the jumping rabbit. Then he threw it with high precision, hitting the rabbit, that earning a yelp of pain.



Floor 50: Algade

"No way... Seriously...?" Agil said shellshocked as he looked at Kirito's item list.

After the little hunt, Shoto and Kirito headed to Agil's shop to show him their newly acquired items, such as a Ragout Rabbit meat, which was considered an S class rare item.

"This is an S class rare item..." Agil said trembling as sweat started to fall from his face. "I've never seen one before." He then looked at the duo. "Hey you two, don't you guys have all the money you need? Wouldn't you rather eat this yourself rather than sell it?"

"That's the plan." Kirito answered, leaning against the counter.

"Then, why did you-"

"We just wanted to show them off to you." Shoto cut Egil with a grin. "Considering we got TWO of them, well... We couldn't resist bragging about it to somebody."

A tickmark appeared on Agil's head. "Why you bastard... Couldn't you use your cooking skill to prepare it?"

"Well, I could, but there's a 50-50 chance that I'll burn it..." Shoto said. "So its like a gamble."

"Instead of money, we risk a very rare ingredient though." Kirito said.


They were thinking for a few minutes before a tap on the shoulder cut them off.

"Hey Kirito-kun, Shoto-kun."

Both boys looked behind them and saw Asuna in all her glory, accompanied by a black hair man, wearing the same white uniform as Asuna but with a cloak.



"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I think so."

""We found our chef!"" The duo said, each taking one of Asuna's hands.

"W-what?" Asuna asked in confusion.

The man behind her glared, making both Shoto and Kirito let go of Asuna's hands, though Shoto glared back at the black hair man without fear.

"Ah, Asuna, its rare to see you in a dump like this." Kirito said, earning a glare from Agil. "And Sho, stop glaring already."

Shoto grumbled, but complied.

Asuna frowned. "Oh save it. Its almost time for the next boss, I just came to make sure you two were still alive and didn't do anything stupid."

"You can tell from your friend list, we are on it aren't we? And what did you mean by anything stupid?" Kirito asked.

"Yeah! When have we ever did anything stupid!?" Shoto complainted.

Asuna deadpan.

"... What?"

Asuna shook her head. "Nevermind, if you two still alive then that's good. But, what was that about a chef?"

"Oh yeah, what's your current cooking skill?" Kirito asked.

Asuna smirked at him. "Totally maxed it out last week. Cool, huh?"

"""What?!""" The three males, Kirito, Shoto, and Agil said at the same time. Then both Kirito and Shoto looked at each other then nodded.

"If that's the case, we have a favor to ask of you." Shoto said while Kirito opened his inventory and showed it to Asuna.

Asuna looked at the item, then her eyes went wide. "Eh!? T-this is a ragout rabbit!"

Shoto smirked. "Heh, let's make a deal, you cook it for us and we'll let you have a bite." Before anyone could say another word, Asuna grabbed both Kirito and Shoto's coats and pulled them closer to her.

"I want half." Asuna said.

Both boys looked at each other, as if reading each other minds, after a few minutes, they nodded. "Okay then, its a deal." Kirito said.

Asuna, hearing the news jumped in joy. "Alright!" She said in happiness.

"Well then Agil, we'll be going now." Shoto said with a grin to the shopkeeper.

"Wha-!? W-wait! We're buddies right? At least let me have a bite!" Egil said.

Shoto waved. "Bye, we'll record the taste in a recording crystal." Leaving the shop with Kirito and Asuna following.

"Oh come on!"

By now, the three of them plus the man who was following Asuna headed to the town portal, passing through the markets which was quite full with people.

"So where do you want me to cook it?" Asuna asked the two boys.

Shoto and Kirito stopped walking and looked at each other.

"Uh... Well..."

"We have a kitchen in our place, but our cookware isn't exactly up to date." Shoto explained, scratching his cheek.

"And you were planing to cook a S-class meat with a novice cookwares?"

Both boys nodded at her, making her sighed. "... Just this once." Both of them blinked. "Just because the ingredient is so good, we can use my place."

Both boys looked at her like she had grown a second head. While Asuna just looked at her 'bodyguard'.

"That's all for today." She said. "Goodbye."

"Ma'am, you can't let these suspicious people in your house." The man said.

Asuna sighed. "They may be suspicious, or in Shoto's case, a bit goofy, but they are quite skilled." She then smiled. "They're probably ten levels above you, Kuradeel."

"You're suggesting that they're superior than me?" The man, known as Kuradeel, asked as his forehead bulged with a vain.

Shoto's eye twitched, oh he didn't like this bastard!

A look of realization showed in Kuradeel's face. "Ah! They're beaters, aren't they?"

"Yes, that's right." Kirito answered with slightly narrowed eyes.

Kuradeel quickly walked towards Asuna. "Ma'am, all they care about is themselves! Nothing good will come of being around them!" He said loudly.

Hearing enough from the man, Shoto's hand went up to his sword. "Yo Skeletor, you're making a scene where there doesn't need to be one," he said. "Your commanding officer has told you to stand down, and you didn't listen. So I'm going to use something that has worked with a number of my opponents in the past." The sword was drawn, and the crowd gasped.

"Hey, That's Lightning Flash Asuna!"

"You're right! She's really cute!"

"Look, that's the Yellow Fang!" a man's voice in the crowd whispered.

"Yeah, and there's the Black Swordsman too!" Someone else whispered.

"From the Moonlit Black Cats?" another said in surprise.

"Is he gonna fight that guy from the KOB?"

Shoto ignored them all and focused on staring down Kuradeel, who looked positively furious at this point. "So, this is what's going to happen. I'm going to give you to the count of three to turn around and walk away, before you see darkness." he said in a very flat voice. "One."

"You must be joking!" Kuradeel shouted. "I am a member of the Knights of the Blood-Oath! I will bow down to no one!"

"Two." Shoto's count was unhurried, relaxed. His sword had not yet moved.

"I really wouldn't test this guy, Kuradeel," Asuna said. "He may be a goof, but he's one of the strongest swordsmen I fought alongside." That seemed to finally click with the crazed knight. He took an involuntary step backwards, but hesitated one last time.

"Three. I warned you." Shoto's sword came up, then flipped around so that the Yellow Fang was holding it in reverse. Before anyone could wonder what he was doing, he rushed forward almost too fast for the eye to follow and smashed the hilt of Solar Heart into the man's jaw, sending him crashing backwards in the dirt, stunned or unconscious. Even though they were in a safe zone, and Kuradeel didn't actually take any damage, the knockback was sufficient to accomplish what Shoto had in mind. A number of the crowd made sounds of surprise, but Shoto ignored them, spinning his sword in a fast circle before sheathing it smoothly with a speed of long practice.

Turning to face his friends, he gave them a toothy grin and said, "Well then, Asuna. Since your current guild mate is out of commission, would you care for an escort back to your home?"

"I would," she said with a smile in return.

"Should we get going, Ki?"Shoto asked.

"Sure," the other boy said, sweating lightly. Turning to Asuna, he asked, "Uh... Is Shoto gonna get into trouble for that?"

"I'll vouch for him," Asuna said as she walked off. "But all the same, we better before he wakes up, okay guys?"

With that, the two boys followed her.



Floor 61: Selmburg

Kirito looked around the quite town in amazement. "It's huge, and almost empty. It's really liberating."

"I know right? The view is also great!" Shoto said pointing at the redness of the setting sun showed in the large lake surrounding the town.

"Then you two should move here." Asuna suggested.

"Well, maybe." Kirito said. "But are you sure Asuna? About leaving that guy back there?"

"Pfft, he looked like Voldemort got caught in a grease fire." Shoto commented.

"I told them I didn't require an escort." Asuna said. "But they said it's a policy for leaders." Asuna then continued. "The commander used to invite everyone himself, we were just a small guild. But we began getting more and more people, after people started saying we were the strongest guild, everything got weird."

Both Shoto and Kirito looked at Asuna, both deep in thought.

"Well, its not a big deal, so don't worry about it." Asuna said breaking the thought. "We should hurry or it'll get dark."


"We're right on your tail Witch commander!"

"Stop calling me that!"



Asuna's House

"Wow, nice place." Shoto said, as he and Kirito entered the building.

"So how much did it all cost?" Kirito asked Asuna.

Asuna hummed. "Well, the room and furniture probably cost around 4.000.000 cor... Anyway, you two have a seat I'll go change."

"O-okay..." Both Kirito and Shoto sat on a small white sofa. "4.000.000 cor..."

"That's a lot of cash..." Shoto said.

"I know, 4 mega cor..." Kirito whispered. "How many did we saved again?"


The sound of Asuna's footsteps cut their conversation, both boys turned and saw Asuna wearing night clothes . Kirito and Shoto blushed.

"So how long did you two plan to stay dressed like that?" Asuna asked.

Shoto and Kirito blinked, then looked at each other.

"O-oh, right..."

"Uhm, right, yeah..."

Both Shoto and Kirito went to change their clothes. Shoto was wearing a red shirt, while Kirito was wearing a black long sleeve shirt.

Asuna opened her inventory and took out the two meats, putting them on the cooking table. "So is this the legendary S-class ingredient?" Asuna looked to the two boys. "So, how did you want it to cook?"

Both boys looked at each other and huddled up, whispering. After a minute or so, they nodded and looked at Asuna.

"Chef's choice." Kirito said.

Shoto nodded in agreement.

"The what about... stew? And we can make a roast meat with the other one." Asuna suggested.

"Agreed." Shoto agreed quickly.

Asuna took out a pot, then opened her shortcut window and took out the ingredients to make the stew, and spices for the roast meat.

"I'll help you." Shoto offered.

"Oh? You know how to cook?"

"I'm not a master, but yeah, I can manage." Shoto answered.

Both Shoto and Asuna began to work, Asuna cutting the meat and ingredients for the stew while Shoto began working on a side dish. Kirito watched on as the two were working.

"That take care of the stew, usually you need to do a lot more, cooking is over-simple in SAO." Asuna said. "Now the roast meat time."

Kirito looked at Shoto, who was preparing a side dish. It wasn't the first time Kirito saw Shoto cooking, but seeing Asuna cooking put him at awe for some reason.

"You know, I wonder what makes this S-Class..." Shoto said.

Soon, the stew was finish cooking. Asuna grab's the stew out of the oven with some oven gloves. She puts the pot at the counter and open's it, as it emitted a overpowering golden glow.

"Wow!" Kirito said

"My God!" Shoto said. "It's beautiful!"



"Its time to eat!" Shoto cheered as the three occupants were sitting down in the dining room.

The table was filled with lots of variety of foods. The smell of stew and roast meat filled the occupants' noses, and the side dish of Shoto golden breads, salads, fruits and Shoto style fruit mixed.

The occupants wasted no time to eat the foods prepared.

"So Shoto-kun, Kirito-kun, how exactly did you two manage to find two Raggout rabbits?" Asuna asked while muching on the food.

"Well, Shoto mastered his tracking skill, so he found the trace of the rabbits when we took a stroll on the forest, and you know the rest." Kirito answered, since Shoto was too busy eating his food.

"Oh... Impressive." Asuna said impressed while looking at Shoto.

"Wahp?" Shoto asked with his mouth full.

"Egh! Don't talk with your mouth full!"

Shoto gulped down his food. "S-sorry, its just taste so good..."

Hearing his compliment, her anger went down a bit. "Just shut up and eat."

Kirito just shook his head at the two. Then he smiled, he missed a moment like this, family, all gathered together to eat.



"Man... Thank you for the food..." Shoto said holding his full stomach.

Asuna also held her stomach, "I've been here for two years and this is the first S-class ingerdient I've tasted." Asuna continued, "I'm so glad we survived this long..."

"Yeah..." Kirito agreed.

"Its strange..." Asuna began. "It feels like I was born and raised here my entire life, its just a feeling."

Kirito drank the tea on the table. "Lately." Kirito began putting the tea cup down. "There are days that I can't remember the other world. And it's not just me, recently, fewer and fewer people have been giving their all to clear the game."

"Fewer than five hundred players are fighting on the frontline, everyone has grown accustomed to this world."

"Bah!" Shoto yelled hitting the table, surprising them both. "No matter how accustomed we are, our family, our loved ones are waiting for us on the other side, so we gotta clear the game."

The other occupants smiled. "You're right, there are lots of stuff I haven't done there."

"Yeah, unless we do our best it isn't fair for the merchant and the others who are supporting us." Kirito said looking at Shoto with a smile.

Shoto countered his smile with a grin. "Bro fist."

"Bro fist."

After they're done with their 'bro fist', they both made a tranquile like expression, glad and relieved to release their steam and depression by talking to each other.

"Wait, stop it you two."

""Huh?"" Shoto and Kirito looked at Asuna in confusion.

"Lots of people with that expression have proposed to me." Hearing Asuna's answer, Shoto spat his drink out and Kirito's head fell down on the table.

""Wha... No! We...Ah... I..."" Both Shoto and Kirito said.

Asuna giggled at their faces and reactions. "Hahaha, you should take a look at both of your faces! Its priceless!" Asuna continued to giggle.

A tick mark appeared on Shoto's head. "You... You witch! How dare you play with man's heart like that!?"

"Who are you calling a witch!? And what do you mean by playing with a man's heart!?"

Kirito sighed at another squable from the two of them.

After that, both of them calmed down, with Kirito and Asuna drinking tea while Shoto drinking juice. "Say." Asuna began. "You two don't want to join an official guild?" Now that got their attention. "I know beta players don't fit in with groups, but..." Asuna stayed silent for a bit. "Ever since we hit floor 70, the monsters' algorithms seemed to be more and more irregular."

Both Kirito and Shoto nodded in understanding, after all, they've been there before.

"Even though you two are always partnered up, there's something that the two of you can't do alone." Asuna said.

"Don't worry, our safety margin are pretty high." Kirito assured her. "And most party members are most likely to hinder us, rather than help us."


Without knowing what happened, Kirito saw Asuna holding a knife at his face with Shoto's hand stopping hers.

"Not bad." Asuna said.

"Oh, sorry about that." Shoto said letting her hand go. "I just moved out of instinct, I guess."

"I get it." Kirito said. "You're an exception." If Shoto wasn't here, he would've been stabbed to death by Asuna, though she wouldn't actually do it...maybe.

"Good. So, you and Shoto, party up with me. It's been forever." Asuna said.

"What!" Kirito said shock.

"Really?" Shoto asked.

"Yeah. Also, black is my lucky color this week." Asuna said, spinning a knife on her hand.

"What? But what about your guild?!" Kirito said, trying to avoid the idea.

"We don't have any leveling quotas." Asuna said

"Th-Then what about you escort?" Kirito said.

"I'll ditch him." Asuna said.

"Or I could his ass for you again." Shoto said, punching his palm.


Kirito was about to drink his tea until he noticed it was empty. Asuna got the cup from Kirito and refilled the tea. Asuna then gave Kirito the tea again. After that, she opened up the menu and clicked on the invite button. A menu appered in front of Kirito and Shoto.

*Asuna invites you to join her party*

"Meh, I'm cool with it." Sonic said. "The Dynamic Trio returns!" He then accpected to join Asuna's party.

"Well would you look at that? Shoto has accpected. At least he's nicer than you." Asuna said, looking at Kirito.

"Whatever...The front lines are dangerous." Kirito said

Suddenly, Asuna pointed the knife at Kirito again only this time it was glowing.

"Dude, just push the damn button!" Shoto urged.

"Okay, okay!" Kirito said as he raised his hands in defense. "Just be cool! We're all friends here..." He then accpected the request too.

"That's more like it." Asuna said with a smile.

"Fricking drama queen," Shoto snickered.

"She put an knife in my face, man!" Kirito argued as he rounded back on his best friend. "I'd say this is an adequate amount of drama!"

"Oh please, it's not the first time she did that," Shoto shrugged.

"That doesn't make it better!" Kirito exclamimed before sighed, he then looked out the window. "Its getting late, we should go home."

Shoto blinked, then he looked outside. "You're right..."

"Ah, then let me see you out." Asuna said as the three of them headed out of her house.

"Thanks for the food, it was tasty." Shoto said with his foxy grin.

"Yeah, it was really good." Kirito joined in.

"Hey now, stop making me blush." Asuna said with a smile. "Anyway, I see you two later."

Both Kirito and Shoto bid their goodbye and headed toward the town portal.

As they walked though town, they both looked up at the night sky.

"They way the world is now... Is this really what Kayaba Akihiko wanted to make?" Kirito asked.

"Can't say for sure." Shoto replied. "But if we ever come across him, we'll ask."



Floor 74: Kamdet

"*Yawn* I'm sleepy..." Shoto said rubbing his eye.

Kirito nodded his head. "You're not the only one."

Right now, the two males were waiting for Asuna to come, and were sitting down on a nearby pillar. "There's no sign of her..." Shoto said looking around.

Kirito just yawned and nodded, also still feeling sleepy.

"Why can't we just pick her up at her place? It'd be much easier."

"Stop whining already, she said she had a meeting to attend first."

Suddenly, a light in the teleporter gained their attention, before anyone could register, a white blur slammed into Kirito as the two of them fell.

""Guaah!?"" The two people said, falling down.

"Ouch..." Kirito moaned in pain, but then he felt something soft in his hand. "What's this...?" Kirito gripped again, earning a moan from the person above him. "Is this..."

The person above him then realized her chest was being groped. "Kyaaaaaa!" She screamed slapping Kirito as he was thrown into a pillar.

Kirito rubbed his head in pain. "Ouch..." He then looked at the person who hit him and threw him a few feet away. Imagine his surprise when the said person was Asuna, who was red faced and holding her chest. He then realized he just groped THE Asuna's breasts, with his hand. He looked at his right hand with a red face, Yup, he was a dead man alright.

"Kirito? What are you doing over there?" Shoto asked rubbing his eye sleepily, he then noticed a red faced Asuna. "Asuna? You're finally here!" Shoto said cheering walking toward her. But then he realized she's still on the ground and holding her chest. "Um... You okay?"

But instead of answering the blond's question, she quickly stood up, grabbed Shoto's arm and ran over to Kirito. Before Shoto could ask anything, the portal opened up and Kuradeel appeared. "Asuna-sama, you should'nt act like this." He said walking toward her. "Let's go back to guild headquarters."

"Oh, Skeletor it's you." Shoto said. "Ready for a rematch?" Kuradeel's eye twitched angrily in response.

"No!" Asuna said immediately to the man. "And what are you doing following me all the time? I already told you I don't need protection today!" Kirito and Shoto looked at her in surprise, is he some kind of possesive stalker?

"I thought this might happened." He looked at both Shoto and Kirito with great dislike. "So for the past month, a part of my mission is to observe you in Selmburg."

"T-that wasn't in the commander's order was it?" Asuna asked freaking out.

"My mission is to guard you." He said. "Your home included."

"No it doesn't you idiot!" Asuna screamed now really freaking out.

Kuradeel sighed at Asuna stubborness. "You should stop acting like such a brat." He walked toward Asuna. "Now, let's return to headquarters." He tried to reach for Asuna's hand, but Shoto stopped him.

"Sorry, pal," he said. "But we'll be borrowing your Vice Commander for today. You'll just have to make do without. Don't worry about her safety, though. We've got that covered, and we're not going on a boss raid."

"Get out of my way!" Kuradeel shouted, bringing his fist back for a punch. Shoto was faster, though, lashing out with a side kick that sent Kuradeel backpedalling several paces.

"Shut up already, Prick. We can do a better job of looking out for her than you." Shoto said holding his anger at bay.

Kuradeel snarled "What did you call me?"

Shoto smirked at him. "Not a fan of that one? I have others. How about... you look like Benjamin Button fucked an old catcher's mitt! Like four inches of face stretched over twelve inches of skull! Like a moldy jack-o-lantern that some frat guy barfed in and then crushed against his forehead because he was super drunk and thought it was a beer can and immediately regretted every single life choice he ever made!"

Hearing enough of the boy, Kuradeel snapped. "ENOUGH! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?"

Shoto kept smirking "Well, how would you like me to mock you, then? I take requests!"

"You little punk," Kuradeel snarled. "You cheated last time, but I'm not letting you get off the hook easy this time." He pulled open his menu and began entering commands.

A challenge appeared to Shoto, indicating that Kuradeel wanted to duel him. "You know, as much as I would love to make your face look even worse, I'm going to say no." Shoto said with a trace grin. "Someone such as yourself only deserves the best. So why don't you fight my buddy here?" He patted Kirito on the shoulder, who remained stone-faced as he stared down Kuradeel.

It was too much for the crazed guard. "All right, you little brats," he said as he began re-entering commands. "I'll show you just how outclassed you really are." Kirito looked over at Asuna, who nodded.

"I'll add this to my report on Kuradeel," she said in an undertone. "Take care of him." Kirito nodded and accepted the duel. It was set so that whoever's health fell into the yellow zone would lose, and the safety net would kick back into effect after that. At least Kuradeel had enough sense not to try and engage a duel that was a fight to the death, Kirito thought.

Several onlookers began muttering amongst themselves. "Whoa," one said. "That's Kirito the Black Swordsman, right? He's one of the Moonlit Black Cats, right?"

"Yeah," said another. "I heard that yesterday Shoto the Yellow Fang almost got into a fight with one of the KOB members. Looks like things are about to be settled."

"If that's true, why is the Lightning Flash with the Cats? Shouldn't she be with her member?" another argued.

"Shut up!" The first man snapped. "I wanna watch! This should be good!"

Shoto and Asuna backed up to give Kirito room. Nonetheless, Kuradeel drew his sword and said to Asuna, "Please move to a safer distance, ma'am! I'm going to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am the only one capable of protecting you!" Asuna rolled her eyes at the absurdity of the notion. She knew that Kirito had this in hand.

The countdown for the duel went by much faster than Asuna though it would, and both swordsmen sprang into action. Kuradeel could be heard letting out a chuckle as he swung an overhand blow, granting him more power that Kirito's underhanded one. For a second, Asuna felt panic rise into her chest, but then she looked over at Shoto, who was grinning as if someone had told a private joke.

Then next instant, the swords collided, and Kirito landed on one knee with his sword lowered, his face grim. Kuradeel's eyes were wide with shock as he realized that he was holding only a hilt with a jagged bit of metal on the end. Then the hilt and the blade that was on the ground shattered, and Kuradeel sank to his knees. Kirito swung his sword back and forth as was his custom before sheathing it on his back.

Turning to face Kuradeel's back, he said, "If you wanna try again with a different weapon, we can. But I think we're all done here." Kuradeel tensed up and then began sifting through his menu, obviously trying to draw a weapon in secret. The next second, he charged at Kirito from his crouched position, a small knife in hand.

Kirito prepared to draw his blade in defense with a bored expression on his face when another sword entered the fray. The Lambent Light smacked the dagger out of Kuradeel's hand, causing him to freeze in shock. "L-Lady Asuna!" he protested.

Before he could say any more, Shoto's fist smashed into his face, knocking him into the dirt. Since Shoto wasn't part of the duel, the knight's health was not affected. However, again, the knockback was enough to get the desired effect. "That may not have done any damage, but damn, did it feel good." He said, pointed his Solar Heart at Kuradeel's face as he tried to get up, freezing him in place.

"Kuradeel," Asuna's voice rang out strong and clear. "You are hereby relieved of duty as my bodyguard. Furthermore, you are no longer welcome as a member of the Knights' Guild. I will send a message to Commander Heathcliff saying to strip you of your title and rights. Should he agree- which I believe he will, you will no longer be allowed in the castle of Grandzam. Now go, and don't ever let me see you again." Kuradeel only seemed to sag as if broken by the words.

"W-what..." Kuradeel said in disbelieve, he then glared at both Shoto and Kirito. "Y-you..." He said, earning a counter glare from both boys, Shoto's more fierce than Kirito's. He then sighed and walked towards the teleporter, dejected. "Teleport: Grandzam." He covered in light and dissapeared.

Asuna let out a breath of relieve and fall down, being catched by both boys.

Among the crowds, a smirking figure in robes then walked away.

"Sorry to get you involve with that you two." Asuna said standing up.

"Pfft, its fine. That'll show him who's boss." Shoto snorted.

"Don't worry about it, anyway are you okay?" Kirito asked in concern.

Asuna nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, I think the problem with my guild are because I was too focused on clearing the game, and I was too strict with the other members."

"Well, its understandable." Shoto said. "You are the witch commander after all, if you hadn't been like that, god knows where we'll be right now." Even though its comforting somewhat, he still earned a kick to the gut from Asuna. "Guh!?"

Kirito sweatdrop at his friend. "Well, its true, we won't know where we'll be right now if you hadn't, well, we're a two-man guild so we don't have the right to judge."

Shoto agreed, though still moaning in pain.

"Still, even if you decided to take a day off and to party with a slackers like us, I don't think its give anyone the right to complaint." Kirito said.

"Hell yeah! Screw 'em!" Shoto said recovering from Asuna's kick.

Asuna blinked, then smiled. "Well, I guess I owe you two a thanks, and take your offer and take it easy today." Asuna sheathed her rapier and walked away. "You two can take forward."

"What?!" Kirito said following Asuna.

"Leave it to us!" Shoto said in confident following also.



Floor 74: Dungeon

The dark dungeon was filled with lots of undead monsters, which the frontier guild hasn't found the boss room yet. The sound of swords clashing was heard in the dungeon.

Asuna back-flipped to evade the slash of a 'Skull Knight', a monsters commonly found in the dungeon. Asuna countered, thrusted, slashed, and evaded the attacking monsters, while Kirito watched in awe at her fight. Asuna feinted to the right, and then jumped to the left capturing the monster off guard, she thrusted the monster three times, then she crouched and slashed the skull knight legs two times, then she jumped and thrusted the monster again two times.

"Having someone good makes this a lot easier." Kirito then looked at his blond friend and found him having a blast.

Unlike Asuna, Shoto was facing against two Skull Knight, countering one of the skull knight slash with his Solar Heart and then slashing the skull knight's neck, cutting it off. The other skull knight charged with great speed, but Shoto quickly rolled out of the way to evade a charging slash from the skull, he quickly slashed with his sword, the knight skull blocked it with his shield, Shoto quickly jumped and used the shield as a stepping stone to jump behind the skull knight, he then did a 360 spinning slash, knocking the skull to the ground. Shoto then turned around and stabbed the skull knight in the chest, destroying it. "Man, I love this sword!" Shoto said.

Kirito shook his head at his friend's antics.

"Kirito-kun! Switch!" Asuna said.

"Ah! Right!" Kirito quickly charged, sword drawn.

"Hyaaah!" Asuna thrusted her sword to the skull knight, as expected the skull knight blocked it. Kirito used the chance to deliver a devestating triple slash. He then jump and his sword glowed orange.

"Hyah!" Kirito cried out finishing the skull.



"So how come you're so good at killing these skeletons?" Asuna asked her blond friend.

"Well." Shoto raising his sword. "Solar Heart deal critical damage to every undead, so its quite convenient. It also has a high chance of breaking my enemies weapons, so its useful against players." He explained.

Asuna hummed in understanding, his weapon WAS useful, no wonder Shoto screamed he loved his weapon.

"Guys, look." Kirito said, earning the duo's attention.

In front of them, was a giant black gate with a menancing aura. "Isn't that..."

"I bet it is." Kirito said.

"The boss room." Shoto finished.

"What do we do?" Asuna asked, frightened. "Just take a look?"

A sweat appeared on Kirito's face. "The boss never leaves the room they guard. So if we just open the door, we'll be okay."

Shoto gulped. "Alright, let's do it then."

"Just prepare the transport crystal ready." Kirito ordered. "Just in case."

""Yeah."" The three of them took out their transport crystals.

"Ready?" Kirito asked.

Both Shoto and Asuna nodded, as the three of them opened the giant doors, their weapons ready. For a few steps, nothing happened. But about ten feet in, a blue fire was lit atop a torch. Then another. And another. They kept lighting until the round room was lit entirely, and the boss was illuminated.

Shoto, Kirito and Asuna all looked in shock at the sheer size of the monster before them. It stood easily three or four times their height. The blue fur that covered its body was all rippling underneath with finely chiseled muscles. In it right hand rested a sword big enough to cleave a horse in two with one swipe. On its powerful neck rested a goat's head while it had a tail in the likeness of a snake. In other words, it was a Minotaur.

Sweats starting to appear on the trio's faces, and fear was shown on their expressions. As the name 'Gleam Eyes' appeared above the monster.

"Holy..." Asuna began.

"Shit..." Kirito said.

"Exclamation mark!" Shoto finished.

To be Continued...

(Ending theme)


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